111 research outputs found

    Bεnga sebr Burkina Faso yĭnga

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    Guide pratique sur la culture du niébé pour le Burkina Faso

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    Bεnga sebr Burkina Faso yĭnga

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    Playwright: Tennessee Williams Director: Hal J. Todd Setting: James R. Earle Jr. Costumes: Janet Hanreddy Lighting: Gerald Grantham Academic Year: 1970-1971https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/productions_1970s/1009/thumbnail.jp

    Vulgarisation de la methode du triple ensachage pour le stockage ameliore du niebe en zone sahelienne du Nord Cameroun: enjeux et perceptions paysannes

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    Article in French. Summary in English.The study reveals the stakes of the triple baggingmethod, assesses farmer perception about thistechnology and identifies the factors determiningtheir perception. One of the most limiting factors ofcowpea production is the storage. To solve thisproblem, Purdue University Improved CowpeaStorage Project introduced in 2010 in Cameroonthe PICS bag technology without chemical. Thesurvey revealed that pilot farmers were satisfied ofthe use of this technology. An assessment ofeconometric model pointed out an evidentcorrelation between socio-economic factors and thelevel of satisfaction of pilot farmers. Some variablesinfluenced significantly the probability of beingsatisfied, namely: the farmer experience in cowpeacropping, annual area covered by cowpea crops,the use of PICS bags without chemical, healthprotection and the potential use of PICS bags tostore other crops. Farmers are willing to adopt thistechnology for the storage of cowpea. A furthersurvey must be done in the future to assess thereal adoption rate and the impact of this technologyin this zone

    Vulgarisation de la méthode du triple ensachage pour le stockage amélioré du niébé en zone sahélienne du Nord Cameroun: enjeux et perceptions paysannes

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    Diffusion of the Triple Bagging Method to Improve Cowpea Storage in the Sahelian Zone of North Cameroon: Stakes and Farmer Perceptions. The study reveals the stakes of the triple bagging method, assesses farmer perception about this technology and identifies the factors determining their perception. One of the most limiting factors of cowpea production is the storage. To solve this problem, Purdue University Improved Cowpea Storage Project introduced in 2010 in Cameroon the PICS bag technology without chemical. The survey revealed that pilot farmers were satisfied of the use of this technology. An assessment of econometric model pointed out an evident correlation between socio-economic factors and the level of satisfaction of pilot farmers. Some variables influenced significantly the probability of being satisfied, namely: the farmer experience in cowpea cropping, annual area covered by cowpea crops, the use of PICS bags without chemical, health protection and the potential use of PICS bags to store other crops. Farmers are willing to adopt this technology for the storage of cowpea. A further survey must be done in the future to assess the real adoption rate and the impact of this technology in this zone

    Characteristics of farmers’ selection criteria for cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) varieties differ between north and south regions of Burkina Faso

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    Open Access Article; Published online: 18 July 2019omparative analysis of preferences and key criteria for selecting cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) varieties was conducted using the data collected from farmers’ participatory varietal selection (FPVS) activities conducted over 3 years with a total of 2401 farmers (1230 male and 1171 female) in 13 villages in Tougouri department in northern region and Tiéfora department in southern region of Burkina Faso in West Africa. Over the 3 years, farmer criteria for variety selection remained basically stable, but some variations among the regions and years were noticed. Grain yield was the most common and the most important criterion for farmers’ choice in both regions. Farmers in Tougouri (north) put more emphasis on early maturity (90%) and drought resistance (19.7%) as selection criteria than farmers in Tiéfora (south). Farmers in Tiéfora placed statistically significant importance on seed colour and plant type, while farmers in Tougouri did not, and for these selection criteria, there were only slight differences between genders in both areas. Results of stepwise multiple regression indicated that maturity and seed colour in the north, and seed size and seed colour in the south were the most important selection factors for farmers to select cowpea varieties. Improved varieties should have sufficiently good yield to be accepted, but other favoured traits may differ by target region as a reflection of local and regional market demands as well as deep-rooted cultural preferences. Understanding local and regional differences in selection criteria for cowpea varieties is necessary to improve the acceptance of newly released improved varieties. Preferences identified in the participatory activities could inform further development of cowpea breeding strategies for north and south regions of Burkina Faso

    Cowpea, groundnut intensifying in Mali

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    Trends and outlook described for the two main grain legume crops grown in Mali. Cowpea, an indigenous drought-hardy grain legume grown for both food and livestock fodder, is gaining the added dimension of a cash crop due to strong demand from a growing population. Gearing up seed systems to meet the need for improved varieties is a challenge - but even more so for Mali's groundnut crop

    A high plant density and the split application of chemical fertilizer increased the grain and protein content of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) in Burkina Faso, west Africa

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 31 Jan 2022In West Africa, cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) is an important source of protein for many people. To meet the protein demands, the cowpea yields per unit area and its seed protein content must be increased. We evaluated the effects of the planting density and topdressing (fertilisation) timing on the cowpea yield and its protein content. High density (HD: 40 Ă— 40 cm) and super high density (SHD: 40 Ă— 20 cm) plantings were the most efficient approaches for enhancing cowpea yields. Across different regions in Burkina Faso, under such approaches, the yield significantly increased by as much as 214.5%, with an average value of 88.9%. Fertilisation was not required to achieve the significant increases in cowpea production following dense planting. Although the yield increased, the seed weight per plant decreased with the increase in planting density. Applying topdressing when the plants started flowering increased the seed protein content significantly by up to 24.4%. Simple and robust technologies, such as high-density planting and topdressing, can be rapidly disseminated for increased cowpea yields and protein content improvement for Burkina Faso and for other countries

    Current status of molecular tools development for cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] improvement

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    Open Access ArticlesCowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] is a popular tropical grain legume which is widely produced and consumed in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The grains are rich in dietary protein for human while the haulm is high quality fodder for livestock particularly ruminants. Compared with many other crops cowpea is a laggard in development, evaluation and deployment of different molecular markers for use in genetics and breeding. Application of DNA-based markers is of considerable significance to crop improvement. Some DNA based markers have been used to study genetic diversity, linkage and quantitative traits loci (QTL) mapping in cowpea. Results from these studies have demonstrated the extent of genetic diversity in cowpea and its relationship with other members of the Vigna species. In addition, genetic linkage maps have been produced and used for detection of QTLs for some desirable traits. Some of these include QTLs for seed size, seed coat and eye color, leaf shape, pod length, resistance to macrophomina, domestication-related traits such as pod length, days to flowering, etc. In view of the potential benefits of DNA markers to the development of better performing improved cowpea varieties, concerted efforts are now being devoted to develop molecular tools for the crop. The developed consensus genetic linkage map and genome sequence for cowpea will boost the application of molecular tools for its genetic improvement. A panel of 17 SNP markers have been developed for use in quality assurance and control in cowpea breeding activities. This review aims at highlighting the molecular approaches that have been used and being pursued for genetic diversity, QTL mapping of some qualitative and quantitative traits as well as marker-assisted selection leading to the development of high performing new improved lines that meet the needs of farmers and consumers
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