98 research outputs found

    Practical Low Data-Complexity Subspace-Trail Cryptanalysis of Round-Reduced PRINCE

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    Subspace trail cryptanalysis is a very recent new cryptanalysis technique, and includes differential, truncated differential, impossible differential, and integral attacks as special cases. In this paper, we consider PRINCE, a widely analyzed block cipher proposed in 2012. After the identification of a 2.5 rounds subspace trail of PRINCE, we present several (truncated differential) attacks up to 6 rounds of PRINCE. This includes a very practical attack with the lowest data complexity of only 8 plaintexts for 4 rounds, which co-won the final round of the PRINCE challenge in the 4-round chosen-plaintext category. The attacks have been verified using a C implementation. Of independent interest, we consider a variant of PRINCE in which ShiftRows and MixLayer operations are exchanged in position. In particular, our result shows that the position of ShiftRows and MixLayer operations influences the security of PRINCE. The same analysis applies to follow-up designs inspired by PRINCE

    Improved Key Recovery Attacks on Reduced-Round AES with Practical Data an d Memory Complexities

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    Determining the security of AES is a central problem in cryptanalysis, but progress in this area had been slow and only a handful of cryptanalytic techniques led to significant advancements. At Eurocrypt 2017 Grassi et al. presented a novel type of distinguisher for AES-like structures, but so far all the published attacks which were based on this distinguisher were inferior to previously known attacks in their complexity. In this paper we combine the technique of Grassi et al. with several other techniques in a novel way to obtain the best known key recovery attack on 5-round AES in the single-key model, reducing its overall complexity from about 2322^{32} to less than 2222^{22}. Extending our techniques to 7-round AES, we obtain the best known attacks on AES-192 which use practical amounts of data and memory, breaking the record for such attacks which was obtained in 2000 by the classical Square attack

    Two-Face: New Public Key Multivariate Schemes

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    We present here new multivariate schemes that can be seen as HFE generalization having a property called `Two-Face\u27. Particularly, we present five such families of algorithms named `Dob\u27, `Simple Pat\u27, `General Pat\u27, `Mac\u27, and `Super Two-Face\u27. These families have connections between them, some of them are refinements or generalizations of others. Notably, some of these schemes can be used for public key encryption, and some for public key signature. We introduce also new multivariate quadratic permutations that may have interest beyond cryptography

    The Exchange Attack: How to Distinguish Six Rounds of AES with 288.22^{88.2} chosen plaintexts

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    In this paper we present exchange-equivalence attacks which is a new cryptanalytic attack technique suitable for SPN-like block cipher designs. Our new technique results in the first secret-key chosen plaintext distinguisher for 6-round AES. The complexity of the distinguisher is about 288.22^{88.2} in terms of data, memory and computational complexity. The distinguishing attack for AES reduced to six rounds is a straight-forward extension of an exchange attack for 5-round AES that requires 2302^{30} in terms of chosen plaintexts and computation. This is also a new record for AES reduced to five rounds. The main result of this paper is that AES up to at least six rounds is biased when restricted to exchange-invariant sets of plaintexts

    On the Key Schedule of Lightweight Block Ciphers

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    Key schedules in lightweight block ciphers are often highly simplified, which causes weakness that can be exploited in many attacks. Today it remains an open problem on how to use limited operations to guarantee enough diffusion of key bits in lightweight key schedules. Also, there are few tools special for detecting weakness in the key schedule. In 2013 Huang et al. pointed out that insufficient actual key information (AKI) in computation chains is responsible for many attacks especially the meet-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. Motivated by this fact, in this paper we develop an efficient (with polynomial time complexity) and effective tool to search the computation chains which involve insufficient AKI for iterated key schedules of lightweight ciphers. The effectiveness of this tool is shown by an application on TWINE-80. Then, we formulate the cause of key bits leakage phenomenon, where the knowledge of subkey bits is leaked or overlapped by other subkey bits in the same computation chain. Based on the interaction of diffusion performed by the key schedule and by the round function, a necessary condition is thus given on how to avoid key bits leakage. Therefore, our work sheds light on the design of lightweight key schedules by guiding how to quickly rule out unreasonable key schedules and maximize the security under limited diffusion

    Yoyo Tricks with AES

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    In this paper we present new fundamental properties of SPNs. These properties turn out to be particularly useful in the adaptive chosen ciphertext/plaintext setting and we show this by introducing for the first time key-independent yoyo-distinguishers for 3- to 5-rounds of AES. All of our distinguishers beat previous records and require respectively 3,43, 4 and 225.82^{25.8} data and essentially zero computation except for observing differences. In addition, we present the first key-independent distinguisher for 6-rounds AES based on yoyos that preserve impossible zero differences in plaintexts and ciphertexts. This distinguisher requires an impractical amount of 2122.832^{122.83} plaintext/ciphertext pairs and essentially no computation apart from observing the corresponding differences. We then present a very favorable key-recovery attack on 5-rounds of AES that requires only 211.32^{11.3} data complexity and 2312^{31} computational complexity, which as far as we know is also a new record. All our attacks are in the adaptively chosen plaintext/ciphertext scenario. Our distinguishers for AES stem from new and fundamental properties of generic SPNs, including generic SAS and SASAS, that can be used to preserve zero differences under the action of exchanging values between existing ciphertext and plaintext pairs. We provide a simple distinguisher for 2 generic SP-rounds that requires only 4 adaptively chosen ciphertexts and no computation on the adversaries side. We then describe a generic and deterministic yoyo-game for 3 generic SP-rounds which preserves zero differences in the middle but which we are not capable of exploiting in the generic setting

    Efficient FPGA Implementations of LowMC and Picnic

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    Post-quantum cryptography has received increased attention in recent years, in particular, due to the standardization effort by NIST. One of the second-round candidates in the NIST post-quantum standardization project is Picnic, a post-quantum secure signature scheme based on efficient zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge. In this work, we present the first FPGA implementation of Picnic. We show how to efficiently calculate LowMC, the block cipher used as a one-way function in Picnic, in hardware despite the large number of constants needed during computation. We then combine our LowMC implementation and efficient instantiations of Keccak to build the full Picnic algorithm. Additionally, we conform to recently proposed hardware interfaces for post-quantum schemes to enable easier comparisons with other designs. We provide evaluations of our Picnic implementation for both, the standalone design and a version wrapped with a PCIe interface, and compare them to the state-of-the-art software implementations of Picnic and similar hardware designs. Concretely, signing messages on our FPGA takes 0.25 ms for the L1 security level and 1.24 ms for the L5 security level, beating existing optimized software implementations by a factor of 4

    How to Use Metaheuristics for Design of Symmetric-Key Primitives

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    The ultimate goal of designing a symmetric-key cryptographic primitive often can be formulated as an optimization problem. So far, these problems mainly have been solved with trivial algorithms such as brute force or random search. We show that a more advanced and equally versatile class of search algorithms, called metaheuristics, can help to tackle optimization problems related to design of symmetric-key primitives. We use two nature-inspired metaheuristics, simulated annealing and genetic algorithm, to optimize in terms of security the components of two recent cryptographic designs, SKINNY and AES-round based constructions. The positive outputs of the optimization suggest that metaheuristics are non-trivial tools, well suited for automatic design of primitives

    Quantum Algorithms for the k-xor Problem

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    International audienceThe k-xor (or generalized birthday) problem is a widely studied question with many applications in cryptography. It aims at finding k elements of n bits, drawn at random, such that the xor of all of them is 0. The algorithms proposed by Wagner more than fifteen years ago remain the best known classical algorithms for solving them, when disregarding logarithmic factors. In this paper we study these problems in the quantum setting, when considering that the elements are created by querying a random function (or k random functions) H : {0, 1} n → {0, 1} n. We consider two scenarios: in one we are able to use a limited amount of quantum memory (i.e. a number O(n) of qubits, the same as the one needed by Grover's search algorithm), and in the other we consider that the algorithm can use an exponential amount of qubits. Our newly proposed algorithms are of general interest. In both settings, they provide the best known quantum time complexities. In particular, we are able to considerately improve the 3-xor algorithm: with limited qubits, we reach a complexity considerably better than what is currently possible for quantum collision search. Furthermore, when having access to exponential amounts of quantum memory, we can take this complexity below O(2 n/3), the well-known lower bound of quantum collision search, clearly improving the best known quantum time complexity also in this setting. We illustrate the importance of these results with some cryptographic applications
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