69 research outputs found

    The corporate managers and stockholders relationship: the moral hazard issue, case of Moroccan listed companies

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    This paper deals with the moral hazard problem associated with the behavior of corporate managers. The stockholders (shareholders) cannot control ex ante the managers, because the latter’s action is unobservable to the former, and the stockholders cannot oblige the managers to choose an action which is effective and benefit both parties. The stockholders may not modify the impact of action taken by managers if and only if they decide to condition the action payment to the final observable income. In the specific context of emerging markets listed companies in where the level of opacity and the inefficiency to monitor are very high, the revelation principle does not play correctly. Therefore, it is not interesting to the Agent to show his true type. In this Paper we will specifically deal with this type of problem within the framework of companies listed in the Casablanca Stock Exchange. Our approach consists to show the moral hazard issue existing between two parties: the stockholders (i.e., uninformed “Principal”) and the manager namely the Chief Executive Officer (i.e., informed “Agent”).Asymmetrical Information; Moral Hazard; Non-fulfilment of Contract; Governance of Listed Companies; Collusion; Cooperative Game; Stockholders; Corporate Managers; Casablanca Stock Exchange.

    The Predictive Power of Conditional Models: What Lessons to Draw with Financial Crisis in the Case of Pre-Emerging Capital Markets?

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    The uncertainty plays a central role in most of the problems which addressed by the modern financial theory. For some time, we know that the uncertainty under the speculative price varies over the time. However, it is only recently that a lot of studies in applied finance and monetary economics using the explicit modelling of time series involving the second and the higher moments of variables. Indeed, the first tool appeared in order to model such variables has been introduced by Engel (1982). This is the autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity and its many extensions. Thus, with the emergence and development of these models, Value-at-Risk, which plays a major role in assessment and risk management of financial institutions, has become a more effective tool to measure the risk of asset holdings. Following the current financial debacle, we give the simple question about the progress and some achievements made in the context of emerging and pre-emergent financial markets microstructure which can sustain and limit the future fluctuations. Today, we know that the crisis has no spared any financial market in the world. The magnitude and damage of the crisis effects vary in the space and time. In the Moroccan stock market context, it was found that the effects were not so harmful and that the future of these markets faces a compromise or at least a long lethargy. Indeed, inspired by these events, our study attempts to undertake two exercises. In first, we are testing the ability of the nonlinear ARCH and GARCH models (EGARCH, TGARCH, GJR-GARCH, QGARCH) to meet the number of expected exceedances (shortfalls) of VaR measurement. In second, we are providing a forecasting volatility under the time-varying of VaR.Market Microstructure, ARCH Models, VaR, Time-Varying Volatility, Forecasting Volatility, Casablanca Stock Exchange.

    UM-CRT model optimisation

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    International audienceMany research on VANETs present new propagation models. This paper focus on the last optimisation of the UM-CRT model proposed by the XLIM-SIC Laboratory. The model is simplified in order to obtain a faster computation time without reducing the realism of the UM-CRT model and new criteria computed from the impulse response are also shown

    Employment contract and insecurity jobs: asymmetric information modelling of atypical situation, case of poor and less developed countries

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    Our aim in this paper is dedicated to study the relations of recruiting among the employee and the employer in a frame characterized by the insecurity conditions of job and large scale of unemployment. The recruiting relationship that we will study is atypical as far as the offered salary is not a fixed minimum wage. The hiring contract between the employer and the employee in the developing labour markets is made with different conditions regarding to others, mainly in the developed countries. In these countries, the hiring signature of contract is linked to some preconditions like as the regularization statutory of hiring, the minimum of job security, wage and working rights in the case of unfair dismissal. In these conditions and under high level of costs which are engaged by the employer in order to research the skilled work even to pay the various payroll charges, the Principal has been faced with asymmetric information problem concerning the adverse selection linked to the nature of Agent type (informative characteristic of the employee): is it the check or the bad Agent type? In order to reduce this informative asymmetry, the Principal offers the various recruiting contracts with various pecuniary motivations. The mechanism of game can be a direct mechanism designer where the optimal strategy of the Agent is to announce its true type (it’s a situation where is benefit for the Agent to make sincere announcements) in order to maximize his expected utility. This standard modelling of Principal/Agent theory is not adapted with the labour markets situation in the case of poor and less developed countries. In the case of labour markets where the hiring conditions are much unsecured, we note that the Incentive Compatibility and the Individual Rationality of Agent do not exist. In fact, we are facing a problem in which there is a sort of indecision of reserved salary which allows the Agent to know if it is relatively well paid or not. Our aim in this article is to try to find an adequate modelling in the case of developing labour markets situation under the frame of Principal/Agent theory.Moroccan Labour Market; Insecure Jobs; Adverse Selection; Principal/Agent Theory; Poor and Developing Countries.

    INFORMATION asymmetries and microcredit: The Moroccan case

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    In this paper we apply the Principal/Agent theory in case of microcredit granted to the Moroccan micro-companies. The practice reveals us that a part of the receipted credits is diverted from its initial objective. Indeed, a situation of information asymmetries linked with adverse selection and moral hazard can be noticed. Given that the Agent behavior (the debtor) is unobservable, the Principal (the Creditor) cannot select every time the good types of Agents.Microfinance; Microcredit Institutions; Moroccan Micro-companies; Adverse Selection; Moral Hazard; Principal/Agent Theory; Information Asymmetries.

    The corporate managers and stockholders relationship: the moral hazard issue, case of Moroccan listed companies

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    This paper deals with the moral hazard problem associated with the behavior of corporate managers. The stockholders (shareholders) cannot control ex ante the managers, because the latter’s action is unobservable to the former, and the stockholders cannot oblige the managers to choose an action which is effective and benefit both parties. The stockholders may not modify the impact of action taken by managers if and only if they decide to condition the action payment to the final observable income. In the specific context of emerging markets listed companies in where the level of opacity and the inefficiency to monitor are very high, the revelation principle does not play correctly. Therefore, it is not interesting to the Agent to show his true type. In this Paper we will specifically deal with this type of problem within the framework of companies listed in the Casablanca Stock Exchange. Our approach consists to show the moral hazard issue existing between two parties: the stockholders (i.e., uninformed “Principal”) and the manager namely the Chief Executive Officer (i.e., informed “Agent”)


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    This study analyzes the impact of short- and long-term exchange rate fluctuations in Morocco. The purpose of this paper is to study the shocks transmission of exchange rates variations to prices index known as exchange rate pass-through. The empirical results of the quarterly data between 2000 and 2018 revealed that the pass-through of the exchange rate in Morocco is quite important, but incomplete and delayed in three categories of price index: consumer price index, Imports price Index and Industrial production price Index. JEL: G15, G17, C51, C52 Article visualizations

    THE efficient portfolio construction: an empirical investigation based on some listed shares in casablanca stock exchange

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    In this paper, we try to build an efficient portfolio among four possible portfolios based on the some 31 Casablanca listed shares. Our analysis concerns the risk which arises from the Markowitz mean-variance approach. Our work method will be implemented as following: first of all, we will test the normality and the stationarity of 31 shares which have composed our sample; secondly we will review a theoretical literature about the optimal portfolio choices (based on the Markowitz mean-variance analysis). Thirdly and related to the practical part, we enumerate and emphasize the steps that lead to the construction of efficient portfolio. The presented modelling is used in order to optimally allocate the selected financial assets. The different methods of measurement of return, risk and the other statistical properties constitute, in fact, the pillars of companies sample listed analysis in the case of Casablanca Stock Exchange. Our purpose ends with the assets selection which allows us to choose the efficient portfolio. The selection process of efficient portfolio can be summarized in the following stages: the collection of data to be able to constitute our sample; the estimation of returns, of beta sensibility coefficients and risky assets of investment; the selection of efficient and profitable assets according to some criteria; the weighting coefficients allocation presenting the efficient border of portfolios. In this article and under the choice of companies sample composing our portfolios, we shall take into account, the shares monthly returns, the rate of dispersal around the average of returns, the covariance between assets (degree of interdependence between assets) and the type of sector that each company sets up (in order to highlight an analysis based on a disparity in achievement yields).Portfolio Construction; Stationarity; Normality of Return; Risk; Efficient Portfolio; Markowitz Model; Casablanca Stock Exchange.
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