10 research outputs found
THE ISSUE. Traffic, Health, Environment; Intelligent Solutions Sustaining Urban Economies.
THE ISSUE is a project within the Regions of Knowledge scheme funded through the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme. THE ISSUE focuses on Traffic, Health and Environment to achieve Intelligent Solutions for Sustaining Urban Economies by bringing together innovative research-driven clusters to coordinate European research and technology development in six areas. These areas are Intelligent Transportation Systems; transport impacts on urban mobility; transport greening; intermodal regional transport; safety and security of citizens; and associated economic, health and environmental impacts. THE ISSUE project particularly addresses the use of space technologies from satellite remote sensing and navigation, as well as GIS and computer intelligence technologies in transport-related sectors. This paper looks into the general presentation of the project and the first results.EU FP7 Regions Of Knowledge projec
Intelligent Solutions Sustaining Urban Economies – Master Classes case study
This is an output from the FP7 Regions of Knowledge project THE-ISSUE. This project is developing an EU network in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems that deliver on multiple policy objectives, Transport Health & the Environment. More can be found at www.theissue.euTHE ISSUE is a project within the Regions of Knowledge scheme funded through the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme. THE ISSUE focuses on traffic, health and the environment to achieve intelligent solutions for sustaining urban economies by bringing together innovative research-driven clusters to coordinate European research and technology development in six areas. These comprise ITS; transport impacts on urban mobility; transport greening; intermodal regional transport; safety and security of citizens; and associated economic, health and environmental impacts. THE ISSUE project particularly addresses the use of space technologies from satellite remote sensing and navigation, as well as GIS and computer intelligence technologies in transport-related sectors. This paper specifically looks into the planned Master Classes program.
THE ISSUE project comprises research clusters from the East Midlands Region in the UK, the Midi-Pyrenees and Aquitaine Regions in France, the Molise Region in Italy and the Mazovia Region in Poland. Each region has set up a three-way partnership between regional authorities, academic partners, and industry contributors working to draw together the industry and academic strengths in the regions and connect the research with the needs of managing traffic, transport, and air quality that the regional bodies are responsible for. The three-year project is supporting scientists, engineers and development agencies from the different regions to work together, using the latest space and information technologies, to develop more effective methods of easing road congestion and improving the urban environment.
As part of THE ISSUE project "Master Class" knowledge exchange programmes will be developed using material from the earlier review of applicable technology and expertise within the THE ISSUE consortium. Two variants will be developed, one focussing on senior management and policy/strategy makers and the other with a focus on technical awareness and implementation. The "Master Classes" will be trailed and delivered through workshops for core partners and associates. The case studies, which will be part of the Master Classes, will present information on how cartography, GPS&GIS database applications, navigation and remote sensing are used in urban transport, health and air quality related data.
The project is bringing together scientists, engineers, development agencies and bodies responsible for managing traffic, transport and air quality in four European regional clusters using advanced space and information technologies, to develop the most effective methods of easing urban congestion and improving the impact of transport on the local economy, urban environment, climate change and the health of citizens. These Master Classes materials will contribute for the exchange of knowledge and expertise in sustainable traffic solutions between academic, business and public sector partners within and across the five European regions.EU FP
Grecs et indigènes de la Catalogne à la mer Noire
Le programme de travail qui aboutit à ce livre s’inscrit dans le cadre du réseau d’excellence européen Ramses2, initié par la Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l’homme. Une demi-douzaine de tables rondes ont réuni entre 2006 et 2008, d’un bout à l’autre de la Méditerranée (à Empúries, Aix-en-Provence, Palerme, Naples, Athènes), quelque soixante-dix chercheurs essentiellement français, italiens et espagnols, mais aussi anglais, grecs, bulgares, roumains, canadiens et russes. Il s’agissait d’étudier les rapports d’acculturation entre colons grecs et populations indigènes, en tenant compte des différences géographiques et chronologiques mais aussi de l’historiographie et des habitudes de recherche des diverses institutions. Les nombreuses communications qui ont jalonné les six tables rondes sont ici la plupart du temps précédées de textes introductifs. Une première partie, consacrée aux approches régionales, permet d’illustrer l’état de la recherche dans quelques régions choisies (autour d’Empuries, d’Himère, de Marseille, de Vélia, en Thrace et en mer Noire). La seconde partie, thématique, aborde un certain nombre de thèmes de recherche dans les régions précédentes, mais aussi dans d’autres régions du monde de la colonisation grecque. Le point de vue adopté dans ce livre est d’abord celui de la culture matérielle ; l’approche en est essentiellement archéologique. On se demandera par exemple quels sont les indices archéologiques qui permettent de dire si un site est habité par des Grecs, par des indigènes ou par une population “mixte”, et comment ces indices ont été appréciés selon les périodes et selon les régions. Beaucoup de communications présentent des synthèses régionales ou thématiques, mais une large place est faite également à des sites inédits, pour lesquels on n’a pas hésité à livrer une abondante documentation (plans, matériel de fouille). C’est en effet par le renouvellement de la documentation archéologique que nous pouvons espérer avancer dans la compréhension des rapports d’acculturation entre les colons grecs et les populations locales
Environmental characterization and QTL detection to dissect wheat tolerance to drought and high temperature
International audienc
Clustering of Environmental Parameters Discriminates Drought and Heat Stress Bread Wheat Trials
International audienceWheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the most widely cultivated crop worldwide and faces a wide range of stresses. To make effective crop improvement decisions, environmental characterization is of paramount importance. This study presents a new methodology for characterizing the environment that enables replacing the conventional arbitrary classification of the environment by a series of environmental covariates that capture and describe the stresses the plant encounters. Three CIMMYT bread wheat populations, combining complementary heat and drought adaptive traits, were grown over 3 yr in northwestern Mexico under limited irrigation, heat stress, and irrigated conditions. The network comprised 15 trials representing seven treatment x year combinations as experimental environments, referred to here as the "Environment". Environmental characterization was performed at the trial scale. Twelve stress thresholds related to eight environmental factors were combined to obtain 11 potential growth limiting factors. Thirty-three environmental covariates were obtained by calculating when these limiting factors occurred for each of three key-developmental-phases across all trials. Cluster analysis allowed grouping environmental covariates into six distinct clusters corresponding to six "environmental scenarios". One representative environmental covariate was extracted from each cluster and taken together explained more than 90% of the variance for yield in the Environment. Principal component analysis discriminated the seven experimental environments and identified its stress characteristics. We conclude that the method developed characterized the main stresses and their impact on average population performance, and the representative covariates efficiently replaced the Environment. As such, they will facilitate the dissection of genotype x environment interaction (GEI) for yield-related traits