71 research outputs found

    Early carboniferous brachiopod faunas from the Baoshan block, west Yunnan, southwest China

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    38 brachiopod species in 27 genera and subgenera are described from the Yudong Formation in the Shidian-Baoshan area, west Yunnan, southwest China. New taxa include two new subgenera: Unispirifer (Septimispirifer) and Brachythyrina (Longathyrina), and seven new species: Eomarginifera yunnanensis, Marginatia cylindrica, Unispirifer (Unispirifer) xiangshanensis, Unispirifer (Septimispirifer) wafangjieensis, Brachythyrina (Brachythyrina) transversa, Brachythyrina (Longathyrina) baoshanensis, and Girtyella wafangjieensis. Based on the described material and constraints from associated coral and conodont faunas, the age of the brachiopod fauna from the Yudon Formation is considered late Tournaisian (Early Carboniferous), with a possibility extending into earlyViseacutean.<br /

    Early Silurian nonmarine animal remains and the nature of the early continental ecosystem

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    An assemblage of animal remains, the oldest from undoubted nonmarine beds, with structures attributable to at least one possible terrestrial animal, has been recovered in deposits of Early Silurian, Rhuddanian age, from the Central Appalachians. Other elements of a terrestrial ecosystem are plants at a nonvascular, possible liverwort-like, level of organization, and ascomycetes, predominantly terrestrial saprophytic and parasitic fungi (the oldest known). Together they provide evidence that pre-tracheophytic land plants and fungi, in association with invertebrates, occupied continental habitats by at least the earliest Silurian. While no evidence suggests that these organisms existed in a single community, they provide the earliest fossil record for the coexistence of varied organisms in the nonmarine ecosystem. Terrestrial invertebrates may have co-occurred with the earliest mid-Ordovician embryophytes although no fossil evidence for invertebrates exists before the Late Ordovician/Early Silurian. In view of the limited embryophytic dependence of many soil invertebrates, a preembryophytic evolution for them is consistent with the postulated significance of the soil habitat in terrestrialization and the evolution of feeding strategies among nonpredatory terrestrial invertebrates from microphytophagy to detritivory to herbivory as some emerged from within soils to soil litter to the soil surface. Detritivory can be regarded as a derivative extension of microphytophagy, since detritivores only consume detritus ‘processed’ by microorganisms and may be selecting microorganisms from detrital substrates as the basis of their nutrition.W kontynentalnych osadach wczesnego syluru z Tuscarora w Apallachach, wraz z zarodnikami przypuszczalnych roślin lądowych, występują mikroskopijne organiczne skamieniałości interpretowane przez autorów jako szczecinki i tchawki lądowych stawonogów. W nawiązaniu do tych nowych stanowisk autorzy dokonują przeglądu najstarszych znanych zespołów lądowych zwierząt i szeroko dyskutują prawdopodobne warunki życia w najpierwotniejszych ekosystemach lądowych

    Age and regional significance of Brachiopods from the Temiscouata Formation of Madawaska County, New Brunswick

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    The Lower Devonian Temiscouata Formation of Madawaska County, northwestern New Brunswick forms part of a more extensive slate belt that extends from eastern Gasp&#xE9; Peninsula to Long Island Sound. The age of the basal beds of slates correlated with the Temiscouata Formation has been previously dated as New Scotland (late Gedinnian). Until now, the youngest age assigned to the slates has been Oriskany (late Siegenian) based on the brachiopod Leptoooelia flabellites. The discovery of two previously unreported genera in New Brunswick — Eodevonaria and Plioanoplia and the taxonoraic reclassification of Leptoooelia flabellites indicates that the Temiscouata Formation extends upwards into the Esopus or Schoharie (early to middle Emsian). Regional correlation fixes the upper age of the Temiscouata as pre-Onondagan (pre-Eifelian). The new age assignment allows the lower age limit of the Acadian Orogeny in this part of the Appalachians to be raised to post-Esopus or Schoharie time. R&#xC9;SUM&#xC9; D'&#xE2;ge d&#xE9;vonien inf&#xE9;rieur, la formation de Temiscouata (nord-ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick, comt&#xE9; de Madawaska) fait partie d'une vaste bande d'ardoises qui s'&#xE9;tend de l'est de la p&#xE9;ninsule gasp&#xE9;sienne jusqu'au d&#xE9;troit de Long Island. Auparavant, on datait les couches d'ardoises basales, corr&#xE9;latives avec la formation de Temiscouata, comme &#xE9;tant d'&#xE2;ge new Scotland (g&#xE9;dinnien tardif). Jusqu'&#xE0; pr&#xE9;sent, base sur la pr&#xE9;sence du brachiopode Leptoooelia flabellites le plus jeune &#xE2;ge attribue aux ardoises &#xE9;tait oriskany (si&#xE9;g&#xE9;nien tardif). La d&#xE9;couverte de deux genres pr&#xE9;cedemment inconnus au Nouveau-Brunswick, Eodevonaria et Plioanoplia, ainsi que la reclassification taxonomique de Leptoooelia flabellites, prouvent que la formation de Temiscouata remonte jusqu'aux &#xE2;ges &#xE9;sopus ou schoharie (bas &#xE0; moxen emsien). Une corr&#xE9;lation r&#xE9;gionale fixe l'&#xE2;ge sup&#xE9;rieur de la formation de Temiscouata comme pr&#xE9;-onondagien (pr&#xE9;-eifelien). L'attribution de ce nouvel &#xE2;ge permet d'&#xE9;l&#xE9;ver la limite d'&#xE2;ge inf&#xE9;rieure de l'orogen&#xE8;se acadienne dans cette partie des Appalaches jusqu'aux temps post-&#xE9;sopus ou schoharie. [Traduit par le journal

    New Scotland depositional history of the Beck Pond region, Somerset County, Maine

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    in Contributions to the Geology of Maine: Maine Geological Survey (Department of Economic Development), Bulletin 18, p. 23-61, illus., tables.https://digitalmaine.com/mgs_publications/1005/thumbnail.jp

    New Scotland depositional history of the Beck Pond region, Somerset County, Maine

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    in Contributions to the Geology of Maine: Maine Geological Survey (Department of Economic Development), Bulletin 18, p. 23-61, illus., tables.https://digitalmaine.com/mgs_publications/1005/thumbnail.jp