658 research outputs found

    Measurement of the parity violating 6S-7S transition amplitude in cesium achieved within 2 \times 10^{-13} atomic-unit accuracy by stimulated-emission detection

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    We exploit the process of asymmetry amplification by stimulated emission which provides an original method for parity violation (PV) measurements in a highly forbidden atomic transition. The method involves measurements of a chiral, transient, optical gain of a cesium vapor on the 7S-6P_{3/2} transition, probed after it is excited by an intense, linearly polarized, collinear laser, tuned to resonance for one hyperfine line of the forbidden 6S-7S transition in a longitudinal electric field. We report here a 3.5 fold increase, of the one-second-measurement sensitivity, and subsequent reduction by a factor of 3.5 of the statistical accuracy compared with our previous result [J. Gu\'ena et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 143001 (2003)]. Decisive improvements to the set-up include an increased repetition rate, better extinction of the probe beam at the end of the probe pulse and, for the first time to our knowledge, the following: a polarization-tilt magnifier, quasi-suppression of beam reflections at the cell windows, and a Cs cell with electrically conductive windows. We also present real-time tests of systematic effects, consistency checks on the data, as well as a 1% accurate measurement of the electric field seen by the atoms, from atomic signals. PV measurements performed in seven different vapor cells agree within the statistical error. Our present result is compatible with the more precise Boulder result within our present relative statistical accuracy of 2.6%, corresponding to a 2 \times 10^{-13} atomic-unit uncertainty in E_1^{pv}. Theoretical motivations for further measurements are emphasized and we give a brief overview of a recent proposal that would allow the uncertainty to be reduced to the 0.1% level by creating conditions where asymmetry amplification is much greater.Comment: Article 21 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables Typos, addition of few comments and little more data (1 week) leading to a slight reduction of the error bar Accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    A new Manifestation of Atomic Parity Violation in Cesium: a Chiral Optical Gain induced by linearly polarized 6S-7S Excitation

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    We have detected, by using stimulated emission, an Atomic Parity Violation (APV) in the form of a chiral optical gain of a cesium vapor on the 7S - 6P3/2_{3/2} transition,consecutive to linearly polarized 6S-7S excitation. We demonstrate the validity of this detection method of APV, by presenting a 9% accurate measurement of expected sign and magnitude. We underline several advantages of this entirely new approach in which the cylindrical symmetry of the set-up can be fully exploited. Future measurements at the percent level will provide an important cross-check of an existing more precise result obtained by a different method.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Pump-probe measurement of atomic parity violation in caesium with a precision of 2.6%

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    We present the atomic parity violation measurements made in Cs vapour using a pump-probe scheme. After pulsed excitation of the 6S-7S forbidden transition in the presence of a longitudinal electric field, a laser beam resonant with one of the 7S-6P transitions stimulates the 7S atom emission for a duration of 20 ns. The polarisation of the amplified probe beam is analysed. A seven-fold signature allows discrimination of the parity violating linear dichroism, and real-time calibration by a similar, known, parity conserving linear dichroism. The zero-field linear dichroism signal due to the magnetic dipole transition moment is observed for the first time, and used for in-situ determination of the electric field. The result, ImE1^{pv}= (-808+/- 21) 10^{-14} ea\_{0}, is in perfect agreement with the corresponding, more precise measurement obtained by the Boulder group. A transverse field configuration with large probe amplification could bring atomic parity violation measurements to the 0.1% accuracy level.Comment: "conference PAVI 06, Milos, Greece, May 2006

    Atomic interferometer measurements of Berry's and Aharonov-Anandan's phases for isolated spins S > 1/2 non-linearly coupled to external fields

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    The aim of the present paper is to propose experiments for observing the significant features of Berry's phases for S>1, generated by spin-Hamiltonians endowed with two couplings, a magnetic dipole and an electric quadrupole one with external B and E fields, as theoretically studied in our previous work. The fields are assumed orthogonal, this mild restriction leading to geometric and algebraic simplifications. Alkali atoms appear as good candidates for interferometric measurements but there are challenges to be overcome. The only practical way to generate a suitable E-field is to use the ac Stark effect which induces an instability of the dressed atom. Besides atom loss, this might invalidate Berry's phase derivation but this latter problem can be solved by an appropriate detuning. The former puts an upper limit to the cycle duration, which is bounded below by the adiabatic condition. By relying upon our previous analysis of the non-adiabatic corrections, we have been able to reach a compromise for the 87^{87}Rb hf level F=2, m=0 state, which is our candidate for an interferometric measurement of the exotic Berry's phase generated by a rotation of the E-field around the fixed B-field. By a numerical simulation we have shown that the non-adiabatic corrections can be kept below the 0.1% level. As an alternative candidate, we discuss the chromium ground state J=S=3, where the instability problem is easily solved. We make a proposal to extend the measurement of Aharonov-Anandan's phase beyond S=1/2 to the 87^{87}Rb hf level F=m=1, by constructing, with the help of light-shifts, a Hamiltonian able to perform a parallel transport along a closed circuit upon the density matrix space, without any adiabatic constraint. In Appendix A, Berry's phase difference for S=3/2 and 1/2, m=1/2 states is used to perform an entanglement of 3 Qbits.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, modifications in the introduction, two paragraphs adde

    Cylindrical Symmetry Discrimination of Magnetoelectric Optical Systematic Effects in a Pump-probe Atomic Parity Violation Experiment

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    A pump-probe atomic parity violation (APV) experiment performed in a longitudinal electric field, provides a signal breaking mirror symmetry while preserving the cylindrical symmetry of the set-up. The excited vapor acts on the probe beam as a linear dichroic amplifier, imprinting a very specific signature on the detected signal. Our differential polarimeter is oriented to yield a null result unless the excited atoms are endowed with a chirality of some kind. Ideally, only the APV (E-odd) and the calibration (E-even) signals contribute to a chiral atomic response, a situation highly favourable to the detection of a tiny effect. In the present work we give a thorough analysis of possible unwanted defects like stray transverse fields or misalignments which would spoil the ideal set-up and lead to chiral systematics. A possible way to suppress such effects is to perform global rotations of the experiment by incremental steps of 45 degrees, leaving both stray fields and misalignments unaltered. The conspiration of at least two defects is necessary to affect the E-odd polarimeter signal. The transverse nature of the defects manifests itself by an azimuthal cosine square modulation. The harmful systematics are those which survive the averaging over four successive configurations. They require the presence of a stray transverse electric field, which can be determined and eventually minimized by auxiliary measurements of the systematic effects, amplified by applying a known external magnetic field. Transverse stray magnetic fields must be compensated by a similar procedure. We also propose statistical correlation tests as diagnoses of the aforementioned systematic effects.Comment: Articl

    A linear Stark shift in dressed atoms as a signal to measure a nuclear anapole moment with a cold atom fountain or interferometer

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    We demonstrate theoretically the existence of a linear dc Stark shift of the individual substates of an alkali atom in its ground state, dressed by a circularly polarized laser field. It arises from the electroweak nuclear anapole moment violating P but not T. It is characterized by the pseudoscalar equal to the mixed product formed with the photon angular momentum and static electric and magnetic fields. We derive the relevant left-right asymmetry with its complete signature in a field configuration selected for a precision measurement with cold atom beams. The 3,3 to 4,3 Cs hyperfine-transition frequency shift amounts to 7 ÎĽ\muHz for a laser power of about 1 kW at 877 nm, E=100 kV/cm and B larger than 0.5 G.Comment: Article, 4 pages, 2 figure

    Demonstration of an optical polarization magnifier with low birefringence

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    In any polarimetric measurement technique, enhancing the laser polarization change of a laser beam before it reaches the analyzer can help in improving the sensitivity. This can be performed using an optical component having a large linear dichroism, the enhancement factor being equal to the square root of the ratio of the two transmission factors. A pile of parallel plates at Brewster incidence looks appropriate for realizing such a polarization magnifier. In this paper, we address the problem raised by the interference in the plates and between the plates, which affects the measurement by giving rise to birefringence. We demonstrate that wedged plates provide a convenient and efficient way to avoid this interference. We have implemented and characterized devices with 4 and 6 wedged plates at Brewster incidence which have led to a decisive improvement of the signal to noise ratio in our ongoing Parity Violation measurement.Comment: 08 october 200

    Atomic Parity Violation : Principles, Recent Results, Present Motivations

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    We review the progress made in the determination of the weak charge, Q\_w, of the cesium nucleus which raises the status of Atomic Parity Violation measurements to that of a precision electroweak test. Not only is it necessary to have a precision measurement of the electroweak asymmetry in the highly forbidden 6S-7S transition, but one also needs a precise calibration procedure. The 1999 precision measurement by the Boulder group implied a 2.5 sigma deviation of Q\_w from the theoretical prediction. This triggered many particle physicist suggestions as well as examination by atomic theoretical physicists of several sources of corrections. After about three years the disagreement was removed without appealing to "New Physics". Concurrently, an original experimental approach was developed in our group for more than a decade. It is based on detection by stimulated emission with amplification of the left- right asymmetry. We present our decisive, recent progress together with our latest results. We emphasize the important impact for electroweak theory, of future measurements in cesium possibly pushed to the 0.1% level. Other possible approaches are currently explored in several atoms

    Geometric Phases generated by the non-trivial spatial topology of static vector fields coupled to a neutral spin-endowed particle. Application to 171Yb atoms trapped in a 2D optical lattice

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    We have constructed the geometric phases emerging from the non-trivial topology of a space-dependent magnetic field, interacting with the spin magnetic moment of a neutral particle. Our basic tool is the local unitary transformation which recasts the magnetic spin interaction under a diagonal form. Rewriting the kinetic term in the "rotated" frame requires the introduction of non-Abelian covariant derivatives, involving the gradients of the Euler angles which define the orientation of the local field. Within the rotated frame, we have built a perturbation scheme,assuming that the longitudinal non-Abelian field component dominates the transverse ones, to be evaluated to second-order. The geometry embedded in the longitudinal gauge vector field and its curl, the geometric magnetic field, is described by the associated Aharonov-Bohm phase. As an illustration, we study the physics of cold 171Yb atoms dressed by two sets of circularly polarized beams, forming square or triangular 2D optical lattices. The geometric field is computed explicitly from the Euler angles. The magnitude of 2nd-order corrections due to transverse fields can be reduced to the percent level by a choice of light intensity which keeps the dressed atom loss rate below 5 s^{-1}. An auxiliary optical lattice confines the atoms within 2D domains where the geometric field is pointing upward.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. Comments and one figure added about the effect of the additional scalar potential (sec. V.B). To be published in J. Phys. A:Math. Theo
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