4,903 research outputs found

    Matthew Sharpe and Geoff M. Boucher, Zizek and Politics: A Critical Introduction

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    Review of Matthew Sharpe and Geoff Boucher, Žižek and Politics: A Critical Introduction (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2010), in Political Theology 13.2 (2012), 264-266

    Review of The Politics of War: Canada’s Afghanistan Mission, 2001-14 by Jean-Christophe Boucher and Kim Richard Nossal

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    Review of The Politics of War: Canada’s Afghanistan Mission, 2001-14 by Jean-Christophe Boucher and Kim Richard Nossal

    Review of The Politics of War: Canada’s Afghanistan Mission, 2001-14 by Jean-Christophe Boucher and Kim Richard Nossal

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    Review of The Politics of War: Canada’s Afghanistan Mission, 2001-14 by Jean-Christophe Boucher and Kim Richard Nossal

    AmeriQuests, et quoy plus

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    Situating AmeriQuests at Vanderbilt University and in Nashville, Tennessee, Scott explores the meaning of ‘home,’ particularly for academics whose lives are often shaped by ideas rather than by places. She takes us on her own quest for home by telling the story of Jacques Timothé Boucher, Sieur de Mont Brun, an eighteenth-century Canadian fur trapper who made his home near where Vanderbilt University and AmeriQuests now live. Al situar AmeriQuests en su hogar en Vanderbilt University y en Nashville, Tennessee, Scott explora el sentido de ‘hogar,’ en particular para académicos cuyas vidas son a menudo formadas más por ideas que por lugares. Ella nos guía sobre su propia búsqueda de un hogar, contando la historia de Jacques Timothé Boucher, Sieur de Mont Brun, un trampero canadiense del siglo XVIII, quien hizo su hogar cerca del lugar actual de Vanderbilt University y de AmeriQuests. Ao estabelecer AmeriQuests em sua casa na Vanderbilt University e em Nashville, Tennessee, Scott explora o significado de ‘casa,’ particularmente para académicos, quem geralmente têm vidas estabelecidas mais por ideias do que lugares. Ela nos leva em sua própria busca para casa ao contar a história de Jacques Timothé Boucher, Sieur de Mont Brun, um canadense caçador de peles do século XVIII, quem fez sua casa perto a onde a Vanderbilt University e AmeriQuests moram na atualidade. En rappelant que AmeriQuests a son «chez-soi» à Vanderbilt University et á Nashville, Tennessee, Scott examine le sens du « chez-soi », particulièrement chez les intellectuels, dont la vie est plus souvent déterminée par les idées que par les lieux. Elle nous entraîne à travers sa propre quête du chez-soi en relatant l’histoire de Jacques Timothé Boucher, Sieur de Mont Brun, trappeur canadien du XVIIIe siècle, qui s’est établi près de l’endroit où sont aujourd’hui Vanderbilt University et AmeriQuests

    STREAM Journal, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp 1-18. January-March 2004

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    CONTENTS: Creating understanding and ownership of collaborative research results through ‘learning by doing,’ by Robert Arthur and Caroline Garaway. Fish culture, farming, markets and promotion: an integrated, sustainable approach to aquaculture and rural development, by Pen Rotha and Brendan Boucher. Fisheries policy reform impact assessment in Cambodia: understanding policy and poor people, by Philip Townsley and Sem Viryak. “Shrimp Hero” Phan The Phuong, by Ngo Minh Khoi. Coral farming in Vietnam, by Nguyen Viet Vinh. The global fisheries market: can rural poor people benefit? Issues raised by STREAM Media Monitoring Reports, by Paul Bulcock


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    Aquaculture production enterprises, like other farm enterprises, require advanced planning to make production and marketing management decisions that are likely to result in profits. The purpose of this report is to provide production cost estimates for selected aquaculture enterprises to assist aquaculture producers in making production decisions and obtain adequate financing. Aquaculture enterprises and their associated costs differ considerably among producers and resource situations. The projected costs presented here should not be interpreted as averages for producers in the industry. The purpose of the cost projections is to provide some guidelines whereby producers and others with an interest in aquaculture production costs can make cost estimates appropriate to their unique situation that will facilitate sound management decisions.Farm Management,


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    This report presents projected costs and returns for beef cattle, dairy, broiler and forage crop production in Louisiana for 2001. Data for this report are based on Louisiana agricultural Experiment Station research results and selected surveys. The procedure used in this report was to apply new machinery and other current input price data to production practice data. This report is organized as follows: Tables 1 - 4 present forage requirements assumed for beef cattle production and summaries of costs and returns for each of the enterprises examined in this report. Tables 5 - 7 report breakeven selling prices for each of the products produced from these enterprises. Budgets in this publication are presented in two sections. The first section (tables with `A' designation) presents budgets showing a summary of estimated costs and returns for each enterprise. The second section (tables with `B' designation) presents cost budgets showing detailed costs and labor requirements by operation for each enterprise. The detailed cost budgets are presented in the same sequence and bear the same table numbers for each enterprise presented in the first section. For these enterprise budgets, expenses are itemized as fixed and variable, and returns above direct and total specified expenses are also calculated. Each of the budgets incorporates overhead costs as a residual claimant. The total overhead costs for a firm are related to tenure and size of business. The overhead costs included in this report are estimated on a per acre basis, and thus are included in enterprise budgets on a per acre of land use basis. Land use for beef and dairy is calculated as acres of open permanent pasture plus acres used for silage or summer annual forages. Since livestock enterprises are combinations of both crop and livestockproduction activities and some pasture crops are double cropped, particular attention is called to the accounting procedures used. No overhead is charged to forage production activities. Therefore, overhead costs appear directly as a residual cost in beef cattle and dairy enterprise budgets. Wintergrazed weanling calves do not include overhead charges since it is assumed that all wintergrazed crops would be double cropped on either pasture or cropland. Broiler budgets do not include overhead charges. A land opportunity cost is charged for livestock enterprises. This is interpreted as the amount that would be charged for the land if it were being rented to another producer. It assumes that pasture is rented at $15/acre. A land opportunity cost is not charged for broilers.Farm Management,


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    Aquaculture production enterprises, like other farm enterprises, require advanced planning to make production and marketing management decisions that are likely to result in profits. The purpose of this report is to provide production cost estimates for selected aquaculture enterprises to assist aquaculture producers in making production decisions and obtaining adequate financing. Aquaculture enterprises and their associated costs differ considerably among producers and resource situations. The projected costs presented here should not be interpreted as averages for producers in the industry. The purpose of the cost projections is to provide guidelines whereby producers and others with an interest in aquaculture production costs can make cost estimates appropriate to their unique situation that will facilitate sound management decisions. Data used in development of the budgets is a combination of information obtained directly from producers, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service Specialists and Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station Scientists. Current machinery and other input price data were combined with production practice data using the Microcomputer Enterprise Budget Generator developed at Mississippi State University. Fixed costs were estimated based on typical rates of use and sizes of operations. Production budget estimates are presented on a 'per acre' basis to facilitate using the estimates for different size operations. Overhead costs associated with operation of the farm business have been allocated as a residual claimant on a per acre basis in the enterprise budgets, but have not been included in the computation of breakeven selling prices.Farm Management,


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    Data for this report are based on Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station research results and selected surveys. The procedure used in this report was to apply new machinery and other current input price data to production practice data. Production practice and performance data for beef cattle and associated forage crops are based on surveys of beef cattle producers supplemented with research records for beef herds maintained at six branch stations of the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station.Production practice data for dairy production are based on unpublished survey data, Cooperative Extension Service recommendations and records from the LSU dairy herd.Farm Management,