4 research outputs found

    Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma revealed by an ilio-colic intussusception in a Moroccan patient: a case report

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    Intussusceptions are rare but well-known causes of the small bowel obstruction in adults and an underlying cause is present in the majority of cases. Lymphoma’s involvement of the ileum is one of the rare causes of intussusception. CT is a sensitive examination that diagnoses intussusceptions and provides an excellent pre-operative evaluation including possible extension and dissemination especially in intestinal lymphomas. The treatment is almost always surgical and the pathological study is needed for diagnostic confirmation. Authors present an unusual case of intestinal intussusception due to lymphoma of the terminal part of the ileum in a 49-year-old man. Computed tomography confirmed the diagnosis of intussusception and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of B-cell was diagnosed by histological examination after surgical treatment. Primary intestinal lymphomas differ from gastric lymphomas in clinical features, treatment, and prognosis. They are not well characterized and the standardized concepts for their clinical diagnosis and management are absent. The aim of this rare observation is to shed light on NHL of the small bowel, its clinical and radiological diagnosis and its treatment especially in forms revealed by intussusceptions in adults

    Iléus biliaire: une cause rare d’occlusion intestinale, à propos d’un cas

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    L’iléus biliaire est une complication rare de la lithiase vésiculaire secondaire à une fistule cholécysto-duodénale avec passage d’un macrocalcul dans l’intestin grêle. L’occlusion est provoquée par le blocage du calcul au niveau de l’iléon. Nous rapportons le cas d’une patiente de 75 ans, présentant des vomissements avec des douleurs abdominales diffuses. L’IRM abdominal a objectivé une aérobilie importante, une vésicule biliaire atrophique associée à une occlusion grêlique terminale sur obstacle intraluminal. La laparotomie a objectivé la présence d’une fistule cholécystoduodénale, une vésicule biliaire scléro-atrophique avec la présence d’un calcul obstruant la lumière au niveau du grêle distal (à 1 mètre de la valvule de Bauhin); une enterolithotomie a été réalisé avec une cholécystectomie et fermeture du trajet fistuleux en un seul temps opératoire; les suites postopératoires ont été simples

    Cholecystitis-related cystic artery pseudoaneurysm: Case report

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    The pseudoaneurysms of the cystic artery (CAP) are very uncommon. They usually develop as a result of an acute cholecystitis or after a cholecystectomy. Among the complications, we can find hemorrhaging, biliary blockage, and haemobilia. Limited understanding of the illness makes managing specific cases difficult. We describe a case of a cystic artery pseudoaneurysm complicating an acute cholecystitis that was successfully treated by transcatheter arterial embolization