2 research outputs found

    Farine de sevrage commerciale ANAGOBAKA: quels risques pathologiques dans le régime du rat en croissance?

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    Trois groupes de dix rats en croissance sont nourris durant 15 jours avec trois régimes alimentaires dont deux farines de sevrage du commerce qui sont l’Anagobaka 2,04% de protéines et le Cerelac Blé avec 14,94% de protéines. Un régime témoin constitué de farine de poisson fixé à 14,94% de protéines. Le dosage des paramètres plasmatiques et la biométrie des reins, coeurs, poumons, iléons et des foies sont effectués chez cinq rats de chaque lot en fin d’expérience. Les valeurs obtenues avec l’urée (0,18 ± 0,05 g/l), la glycémie (1,04 ± 0,32g/l), et la créatinine (0,47 ± 0,06g/l) chez les rats consommant l’Anagobaka sont inférieures à celles des rats soumis aux régimes Cerelac Blé (urée 0,22 ± 0,01 g/l; glycémie 2,94 ± 0,71 g/l; créatinine 0,72 ± 0,32 g/l) et témoin (urée 0,24 ± 0,02 g/l ; glycémie 2,91 ± 0,04 g/l; créatinine 0,72 ± 0,08g/l). La biométrie des organes a révélé chez les rats sous régime Anagobaka la diminution de 34,70% du poids de l’iléon et l’augmentation de 16,92% des reins, 21,20% du poids du foie et de 52,17% du poids du coeur en comparaison aux sujets témoins. Ces résultats pourraient présager une pathologie ou une perturbation du métabolisme nutritionnel de ces organes chez les rats soumis au régime Anagobaka.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Farine, sevrage, biométrie, métabolismeEnglish Title: Commercial weaning flour ANAGOBAKA: what pathological risks in the growing rat diet?English AbstractThree groups of ten young rats are fed during 15 days with three diets among which two weaning meals namely Anagobaka 2,04% of proteins and wheat Cerelac 14,904% of proteins. The other is an experimental diet made of fish flour with 14,904% of proteins. At the end of the experiment, a dosage of biochemical plasma parameters and the biometry of kidneys, hearts, lungs, ileums and livers are realized on ‟all the rats”. The results obtained with after urea (0,18 ± 0,05 g/l), blood glucose analysis (1,04 ± 0,32 g/l), and the creatinine (0,47 ± 0,06 g/l) on rats fed with Anagobaka are inferior to those of rats fed with Wheat Cerelac (urea 0,22 ±  0,01 ; blood glucose analysis 2,94 ± 0,71 g/l ; creatinine 0,72 ± 0,32 g/l) and to those of the first experiment rats (urea 0,24 ± 0,02 g/l ; blood glucose analysis 2,91± 0,04 ; creatinine 0,72 ± 0,08 ), The dosage of biochemical plasma parameters could reveal some physiological pathologies and handicap. Yet, the organs biometry for rats submitted to Anagobaka diet has revealed the diminution of 34,70% from the weight of ileum, and the raise in weight of 16,92% of the kidneys, 21,20% in weight of liver and 52,17% in the in weight of heart compared to those of the first experiment rats. These results could foretell a pathology or a disturbance of the nutrition metabolism of these organs.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Flour, weaning, biometrics, metabolis

    AGRHYMET: A drought monitoring and capacity building center in the West Africa Region

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    The AGRHYMET Regional Center, a specialized institution of the Permanent Interstates Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS), was created in 1974 at the aftermaths of the severe droughts that affected this region in the early 1970s. The mission assigned to the Center was to train personnel, provide adequate equipment for the meteorological and hydrological stations networks, and set up regional and national multidisciplinary working groups to monitor the meteorological, hydrological, crops and pastures conditions during the rainy season. As such, it can be considered as the West Africa drought monitoring center, similarly to its younger counterparts in Eastern and Southern Africa. After 40 years of existence, AGRHYMET’s scope of activities expend now beyond the geographical boundaries of CILSS member states, to include the whole West Africa thanks to several initiatives it has been implementing on behalf of the Economic Commission of West African States (ECOWAS) on food security and environmental issues, including climate change. Throughout the years, AGRHYMET developed, in collaboration with international research organizations, models and methodologies based on ground and satellite observations to monitor rainfall, food crop water requirements satisfaction and prospective yields, the progress of vegetation front and its seasonal and interannual variations. It has trained about 1200 new experts in agrometeorology, hydrology, equipment maintenance, and plant protection, and more than 6000 professionals on topics related to food security, climate change, and sustainable natural resources (land and water) management. As of now, AGRHYMET staff is involved in several international initiatives on climate change, food security, and environmental monitoring that allow them keep abreast of the best available technologies and methods, and also contribute to generating knowledge on those issues