317 research outputs found

    Multi-agent based simulations of block-free distributed ledgers

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    In the past ten years distributed ledgers such as Bitcoin and smart contracts that can run code autonomously have seen an exponential growth both in terms of research interest and in terms of industrial and financial applications. These find a natural application in the area of Sensor Networks and Cyber-Physical Systems. However, the incentive architecture of blockchains requires massive computational resources for mining, delays in the confirmation of transactions and, more importantly, continuously growing transaction fees, which are ill-suited to systems in which services may be provided by resource-limited devices and confirmation times and transaction costs should be kept minimal, ideally absent. We focus on a new block-less, feeless paradigm for distributed ledgers suitable for the WSN, IoT and CPS in which transactions are nodes of a directed acyclic graph, that overcomes the limitations of blockchains for these applications, and where e.g. sensors can be at the same time issuers of transactions and validators of previous transactions. In particular, we present and release open-source a simulation environment that can be easily extended and analysed, and confirms the available results on the performance of the network

    Trust and distrust in contradictory information transmission

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    We analyse the problem of contradictory information distribution in networks of agents with positive and negative trust. The networks of interest are built by ranked agents with different epistemic attitudes. In this context, positive trust is a property of the communication between agents required when message passing is executed bottom-up in the hierarchy, or as a result of a sceptic agent checking information. These two situations are associated with a confirmation procedure that has an epistemic cost. Negative trust results from refusing verification, either of contradictory information or because of a lazy attitude. We offer first a natural deduction system called SecureNDsim to model these interactions and consider some meta-theoretical properties of its derivations. We then implement it in a NetLogo simulation to test experimentally its formal properties. Our analysis concerns in particular: conditions for consensus-reaching transmissions; epistemic costs induced by confirmation and rejection operations; the influence of ranking of the initially labelled nodes on consensus and costs; complexity results

    Contradictory information flow in networks with trust and distrust

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    We offer a proof system and a NetLogo simulation for trust and distrust in networks where contradictory information is shared by ranked lazy and sceptic agents. Trust and its negative are defined as properties of edges: the former is required when a message is passed bottom-up in the hierarchy or received by a sceptic agent; the latter is attributed to channels that require contradiction resolution, or whose terminal is a lazy agent. These procedures are associated with epistemic costs, respectively for confirmation and refutation. We describe the logic, illustrate the algorithms implemented in the model and then focus on experimental results concerning the analysis of epistemic costs, the role of the agents’ epistemic attitude on distrust distribution and the influence of (dis)trust in reaching consensus

    From raw data to agent perceptions for simulation, verification, and monitoring

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    In this paper we present a practical solution to the problem of connecting “real world” data exchanged between sensors and actuators with the higher level of abstraction used in frameworks for multiagent systems. In particular, we show how to connect an industry-standard publish-subscribe communication protocol for embedded systems called MQTT with two Belief-Desire-Intention agent modelling and programming languages: Jason/AgentSpeak and Brahms. In the paper we describe the details of our Java implementation and we release all the code open source

    Implementing virtual pheromones in BDI robots using MQTT and Jason

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    Robotic coordination is a crucial issue in the development of many applications in swarm robotics, ranging from mapping unknown and potentially dangerous areas to the synthesis of plans to achieve complex tasks such as moving goods between locations under resource constraints. In this context, stigmergy is a widely employed approach to robotic coordination based on the idea of interacting with the environment by means of markers called pheromones. Pheromones do not need to be "physical marks", and a number of works have investigated the use of digital, virtual pheromones. In this paper, we show how the concept of virtual pheromones can be implemented in Jason, a Java-based interpreter for an extended version of AgentSpeak, providing a high-level modelling and execution environment for multi-agent systems. We also exploit MQTT, a messaging infrastructure for the Internet-of-Things. This allows the implementation of stigmergic algorithms in a high-level declarative language, building on top of low-level infrastructures typically used only for controlling sensors and actuators

    A model for trustworthy orchestration in the internet of things

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    Embedded systems such as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are typically designed as a network of multiple interacting elements with physical input (or sensors) and output (or actuators). One aspect of interest of open systems is fidelity, or the compliance between physical figures of interest and their internal representation. High fidelity is defined as a stable mapping between actions in the physical domain and intended or expected values in the system domain and deviations from fidelity are quantifiable over time by some appropriate informative variable. In this paper, we provide a model for designing such systems based on a framework for trustworthiness monitoring and we provide a Jason implementation to evaluate the feasibility of our approach. In particular, we build a bridge between a standard publish/subscribe framework for CPS called MQTT and Jason to enable automatic reasoning about trustworthines

    Intravitreal injection of Ozurdex(®) implant in patients with persistent diabetic macular edema, with six-month follow-up

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    AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of intravitreal dexamethasone injections in diabetic macular edema (DME). METHODS: A 700 μg slow-release intravitreal dexamethasone implant (Ozurdex®) was placed in the vitreal cavity of 17 patients (19 eyes) affected with persistent DME. Best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was assessed through Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS). Central macular thickness (CMT) was measured by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography. BCVA and CMT examinations were carried out at baseline (T0) and repeated after three days, one month (T1), three months (T3), four months (T4), and six months (T6) post injection. RESULTS: Dexamethasone implant induced an improvement in ETDRS at T1, T3, T4, and T6 post injection. CMT was reduced at T1, T3, and T4, while at T6, CMT values were not statistically different from baseline. No complications were observed during the follow-up. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that dexamethasone implant is effective in reducing DME symptoms within a six-month frame

    Towards cyber-physical systems as services: the ASIP protocol

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    The development of Cyber-Physical Systems needs to address the heterogeneity of several components that interact to build a single application. In this paper we present a model to enable easy integration and interaction of micro-controllers. Specifically, we describe the Arduino Service Interface Protocol (ASIP), we provide an implementation and client libraries for Java, Racket and Erlang, together with the description of a practical example

    Health of Non-binary and Genderqueer People: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Non-binary and genderqueer (NBGQ) people are those who do not identify within the gender binary system (male vs. female), not falling exclusively in man/male or woman/female normative categories. A higher proportion of NBGQ people is usually found within young persons. This population is marginalized and, as such, is at risk of stigmatization and of developing negative health outcomes. As literature on the health of NBGQ people is sparse, this study aims at systematically review the limited studies on this field. Methods: The research questions which guided the systematic review were: (1) What are the differences in the health levels between NBGQ and binary transgender (BT) individuals? (2) What are the differences in the health levels between NBGQ and cisgender individuals? (3) Which medical and psychological interventions are most suitable for improving NBGQ health? According to PRISMA guidelines, a systematic search was conducted in PubMed, PsycInfo, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. Results: Eleven studies met the inclusion criteria for the current systematic review. Among them, 9 were focused on the health differences between NBGQ and BT individuals, 4 of the latter and 1 individually were focused on the health differences between NBGQ and cisgender individuals, and 1 was focused on the evaluation of health outcomes related to medical procedures. No studies assessed psychological interventions aimed at improving health in NBGQ individuals. All studies were cross-sectional, did not generally recruit a large sample of NBGQ individuals, and used non-probability sample design. Results related to the difference in health between NBGQ and BT were mixed; indeed, some found a better health status while others a worse one. Results related to the differences in health between NBGQ and cisgender highlighted higher health needs in NBGQ than in BT individuals. The only study analyzing the effects of medical interventions on health found that NBGQ female-assigned at birth individuals improved their quality of life after chest surgery. Conclusions: Although scholars are starting to pay attention to the NBGQ health, research needs to be expanded both in terms of methodology and research contents. Clinical, health-related social policies, and research recommendations in this field are reported

    Traumi oculari al pronto soccorso oculistico. Ricerca condotta presso la Clinica Oculistica del Policlinico Umberto I di Roma su 81.825 casi in 10 anni. La prevenzione è sempre fondamentale per evitare danni oculari.

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    Abstract Obiettivo Determinare gli esiti funzionali a distanza dei traumi oculari gravi contusivi e perforanti che hanno necessitato di intervento chirurgico. Metodi Studio retrospettivo, effettuato tra gennaio 2003 e marzo 2013, di 672 pazienti con macrotraumi oculari, giunti al Pronto Soccorso (PS) della Clinica Oculistica, Dipartimento di Oftalmologia del Policlinico Umberto I di Roma. In particolare abbiamo focalizzato l’attenzione sui pazienti con traumi oculari contusivi o “a bulbo chiuso” e perforanti (ferite, corpo estraneo intraoculare – CEIO –, scoppio del bulbo) o “a bulbo aperto”. Risultati Il numero degli accessi per trauma è stato di 81.825 in 10 anni, di cui 672 (0,82%) con un macrotrauma che ha necessitato di intervento medico e chirurgico. Più frequenti (445; 66,18%) i traumi contusivi rispetto ai perforanti (227; 33,82%). Dei perforanti, 105 (46,3%) hanno avuto uno scoppio del bulbo che, assieme ai CEIO (67; 29,7%), sono le principali cause di prognosi infausta per l’occhio traumatizzato. Tra le complicanze più frequenti ci sono state, in ordine, quelle corneali (abrasioni ecc.) (94,2%), l’ipoema (86,3%) e la commotio retinae (edema di Berlin, 85,8%). Gli esiti funzionali a 6 mesi sono variati da visus normale (≤10/10 e >6/10) in 441 pazienti (65,7%), fino a cecità assoluta (MM, PL, NPL) in 57 pazienti (8,3%). L’OTS (ocular trauma score) e la tempestività d’intervento sono risultati essere un indice prognostico importante. Conclusioni Gli esiti funzionali (acuità visiva finale)dei traumi oculari contusivi e perforanti sono incrementabili con l’adeguatezza e la tempestività dell’intervento chirurgico del trauma in sé e delle complicanze che possono presentarsi contemporaneamente o successivamente. I traumi costituiscono una delle principali cause di ipovisione o cecità monoculare nei soggetti giovani adulti
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