558 research outputs found

    Ground-based follow up of IRAS galaxies

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    Optical, near infrared, radio continuum and HI observations were undertaken of the galaxies identified with IRAS sources in a few fields roughly of the size of a sky survey plate. Results are presented from two fields at galactic latitude +27 and +43 deg over a total area of 100 sq. deg. These regions contained 115 IRAS point sources, out of which 26 were identified with stars and 81 with faint galaxies, 10 of which were difficult to recognize on the Schmidt plates. Spectroscopy was obtained with the ESO telescopes at a resolution of about 10 A. The vast majority of galaxies have low excitation spectra dominated by low ionization lines. The spectra are typical of HII region type galaxies, however of much lower excitation that other starbursts galaxies. The importance of the reddening as determined from the H alpha/H beta ratio is stressed: the visual absorption A sub v ranges from 2 to 6 magnitudes and as a consequence the corrected L sub IR/L sub B ratios are considerably reduced if those reddenings apply to the whole galaxy

    The LCO/Palomar 10,000 km/sec Cluster Survey. I. Properties of the Tully-Fisher Relation

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    The first results from a Tully-Fisher (TF) survey of cluster galaxies are presented. The galaxies are drawn from fifteen Abell clusters that lie in the redshift range 9000-12,000 km/sec and are distributed uniformly around the celestial sky. The data set consists of R-band CCD photometry and long- slit H-alpha spectroscopy. The rotation curves (RCs) are characterized by a turnover radius (r_t) and an asymptotic velocity v_a, while the surface brightness profiles are characterized in terms of an effective exponential surface brightness I_e and a scale length r_e. The TF scatter is minimized when the rotation velocity is measured at 2.0 +/- 0.2 r_e; a significantly larger scatter results when the rotation velocity is measured at > 3 or < 1.5 scale lengths. This effect demonstrates that RCs do not have a universal form, as has been suggested by Persic, Salucci, and Stel. In contrast to previous studies, a modest but statistically significant surface-brightness dependence of the TF relation is found, log v = const + 0.28*log L + 0.14*log I_e. This indicates a stronger parallel between the TF relation and the FP relations of elliptical galaxies than has previously been recognized. Future papers in this series will consider the implications of this cluster sample for deviations from Hubble flow on 100-200 Mpc scales.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figures, uses aaspp4.sty. Submitted to ApJ. Also available at http://astro.stanford.edu/jeff

    Extragalactic OH megamasers in strong IRAS sources

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    From the OH and HI survey of the strongest far infrared IRAS sources, 3 new powerful OH megamasers were discovered in Arp 143, IRAS 1510+0724 and in the uncatalogued IRAS source, IRAS 17208-0014. The HI line, the OH 1667 and 1665 MHz main lines and the 21 cm continuum observations were made with Nancy radio telescope. The optical spectra and images were obtained at the European Southern Observatory. The spectra are displayed in figures together with the main IR and OH properties of the 8 megamasers detected up to now, including IC 4553, NGC 3690 and Mrk 231, Mrk 273 and III ZW35

    Cepheid and Tip of the Red Giant Branch Distances To the Dwarf Irregular Galaxy IC10

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    We present color-magnitude diagrams and luminosity functions of stars in the nearby galaxy IC 10, based on VI CCD photometry acquired with the COSMIC prime-focus camera on the Palomar 5m telescope. The apparent I-band luminosity function of stars in the halo of IC 10 shows an identifiable rise at I~21.7 mag. This is interpreted as being the tip of the red giant branch (TRGB) at M_V~-4 mag. Since IC 10 is at a very low Galactic latitude, its foreground extinction is expected to be high and the uncertainty associated with that correction is the largest contributor to the error associated with its distance determination. Multi-wavelength observations of Cepheid variable stars in IC 10 give a Population I distance modulus of 24.1 +- 0.2 mag, which corresponds to a linear distance of 660 +- 66 kpc for a total line-of-sight reddening of E(B-V) = 1.16 +- 0.08 mag, derived self-consistently from the Cepheid data alone. Applying this Population I reddening to the Population II halo stars gives a TRGB distance modulus of 23.5 +- 0.2 mag, corresponding to 500 +- 50 kpc. We consider this to be a lower limit on the TRGB distance. Reconciling the Cepheid and TRGB distances would require that the reddening to the halo is Δ\DeltaE(B-V) = 0.31 mag lower than that into the main body of the galaxy. This then suggests that the Galactic extinction in the direction of IC10 is (B-V) ~ 0.85

    Continuous star cluster formation in the spiral NGC 45

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    We determined ages for 52 star clusters with masses < 10^6 solar masses in the low surface brightness spiral galaxy NGC 45. Four of these candidates are old globular clusters located in the bulge. The remaining ones span a large age range. The cluster ages suggest a continuous star/cluster formation history without evidence for bursts, consistent with the galaxy being located in a relatively unperturbed environment in the outskirts of the Sculptor group.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. To appear in "Island Universes - Structure and Evolution of Disk Galaxies", Terschelling (Netherlands), July 200
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