136 research outputs found

    Book review: why people (don’t) buy: the GO and STOP signals by Amitav Chakravarti and Manoj Thomas

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    Why People (Don’t) Buy: The GO and STOP Signals, authored by Amitav Chakravarti and Manoj Thomas, argues that successful marketing is dependent on understanding the circumstances in which consumers choose to buy and – just as crucially – not buy, with a focus on pricing decisions. Packed with engaging and managerially relevant examples, this book offers a clear set of guidelines through which readers can gain insight into the factors that determine marketing successes and failures, writes Simona Botti

    Tragic Choices: Autonomy and Emotional Responses to Medical Decisions

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    We investigate how making highly consequential, highly undesirable decisions affects emotions and preference for autonomy. We examine individuals facing real or hypothetical decisions to discontinue their infants' life support who either choose personally or have physicians choose for them. Findings from a multidisciplinary approach consisting of a qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews and three laboratory studies reveal that perceived personal causality for making tragic decisions generates more negative feelings than having the same choices externally made. Tragic decisions also undermine coping abilities, weakening the desire for autonomy. Consequently, participants disliked making decisions but also resented relinquishing their option to choose

    Choice Satisfaction Can Be the Luck of the Draw

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    We explore how consumers justify successful and unsuccessful choice outcomes that are made by the self or by expert others. Two experiments show that satisfaction with the same outcome is not only due to the outcome itself or to who has made the choice. Satisfaction depends on how consumers explain the outcome. When consumers justify the outcome with the decision maker's ability to find the best choice, perceived good (poor) ability generates more (less) satisfaction; however, when outcomes are justified by factors external to the decision maker's ability, there are no differences in satisfaction between personally and expert-chosen outcomes

    Modelling the positioning of single needle electrodes for the treatment of breast cancer in a clinical case

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    Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide and is the second most common cause of cancer death in women. Electrochemotherapy (ECT) used in early-phase clinical trials for the treatment of primary breast cancer resulted in a not complete tumor necrosis in most cases. The present study was undertaken to analyze the feasibility to use ECT to treat patients with histologically proven unifocal ductal breast cancer. In particular, results of ECT treatment in a clinical case are compared with the ones of a simplified 3D dosimetric model. Methods: This clinical study was conducted with the pulse generator Cliniporator Vitae (IGEA, Carpi, Italy). ECT procedures were performed according to ESOPE standard operating procedures. Five single needle electrodes were used with one positioned in the center of the tumor, and the other four distributed around the nodule. Histological images of the resected tumor are compared with the maps of the electric field obtained with a simplified 3D model in Comsol Multiphysics v 4.3. Results: The results of the clinical case demonstrated a reduced efficacy of the ECT treatment described. The proposed simple numerical model of the breast tumor located in a low conductive tissue suggests that this is due to the reduced electric field induced inside the tumor with such 5 electrodes placement. However, where the electric field is predicted higher than the reversible electroporation threshold (E > 400 V/cm), also the histological images confirm the necrosis of the target with a good agreement between the modeled and clinical results. Conclusions: The results suggest the dependence of the effectiveness of the treatment on the careful placement of the electrodes. A detailed planned procedure for the tumor analysis after the treatment is also needed in order to better correlate the single electrode positions and the histological images. Simulation models could be used to identify better electrodes configuration in planning the experimental protocol for ECT treatment of breast tumors

    The feeding behaviour of gall midge larvae and its implications for biocontrol of the giant reed. Insights from stable isotope analysis

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    The gall midge Lasioptera donacis, whose larval stage interferes with the reed’s leaf development, is a potential candidate agent for the biological control of Arundo donax. Reed infestation is always associated with the presence of a saprophytic fungus, Arthrinium arundinis, which is believed to provide food for the larvae. Larvae also interact with a parasitic nematode, Tripius gyraloura, which can be considered its natural enemy. To deepen our knowledge of the plant–fungus–insect trophic interactions and to understand the effects of the nematode on midge larval feeding behaviour, we applied stable isotope analysis, one of the most effective methods for investigating animal feeding preferences in various contexts. The results showed that on average the fungus accounted for 65% of the diet of the midge larvae, which however consumed the reed and the fungus in variable proportions depending on reed quality (expressed as the C:N ratio). No differences in feeding behaviour were observed between parasitised and non-parasitised midge larvae, indicating that nematodes have no effect in this regard. Due to its trophic habits, L. donacis could be an effective control agent of A. donax and these results need to be considered when implementing biological control measures

    Consumers and Artificial Intelligence:An Experiential Perspective

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) helps companies offer important benefits to consumers, such as health monitoring with wearable devices, advice with recommender systems, peace of mind with smart household products, and convenience with voice-activated virtual assistants. However, although AI can be seen as a neutral tool to be evaluated on efficiency and accuracy, this approach does not consider the social and individual challenges that can occur when AI is deployed. This research aims to bridge these two perspectives: on one side, the authors acknowledge the value that embedding AI technology into products and services can provide to consumers. On the other side, the authors build on and integrate sociological and psychological scholarship to examine some of the costs consumers experience in their interactions with AI. In doing so, the authors identify four types of consumer experiences with AI: (1) data capture, (2) classification, (3) delegation, and (4) social. This approach allows the authors to discuss policy and managerial avenues to address the ways in which consumers may fail to experience value in organizations’ investments into AI and to lay out an agenda for future research

    Malignant Glomus Tumour: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Purpose: Glomus tumours are characteristically benign solitary tumours. At our knowledge, about 23 reports are present in literature regarding the malignant counterpart, but only a minority developed metastases. We describe a locally aggressive glomus tumour with lymphnode metastasis

    Sensitive Detection and Quantification of Anisakid Parasite Residues in Food Products

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    Anisakids are nematodes whose larval stages are often present in fish, molluscs, and crustaceans. Members of the family Anisakidae belonging to the genera Anisakis and Pseudoterranova are implicated in human infections caused by the consumption of raw or undercooked fish. Adequate cooking will kill anisakid larvae, however, killed or inactivated larvae can still cause sensitization and immunoglobulin E-dependent hypersensitivity in human. This work describes the development of DNA-based tests to detect and quantify the presence of Anisakis spp. and Pseudoterranova spp. larvae in fish and fish-derived products, including fish fillets, surimi, fish sticks, canned fish, and baby food. Primers and TaqMan MGB probes recognizing only Anisakis spp. and Pseudoterranova spp. were designed on the first internal transcribed spacer 1 regions of rDNA for a real-time polymerase chain reaction assay. A commercial probe for 18S rDNA was used to detect and quantify the total eukaryotic DNA of the samples. The specificity and sensitivity of the assays were tested using reference samples prepared from mixtures made of Anisakis larvae in different quantity of codfish, and subsequent dilutions. Studies were performed to assess the ability of the test to detect and quantify anisakids in various products. Results showed that this test is able to detect anisakid DNA contained in a proportion of 1:10(5) in 1 ng of total DNA. The high prevalence of anisakids reported in main fishery species was confirmed by frequently detecting anisakids DNA in fish muscle and fish-derived products. A partial correlation was found between the number of larvae present in the viscera and the level of contamination of fish fillets. In conclusion, this molecular test is useful to detect the presence of Anisakis spp. and Pseudoterranova spp. in fish and fish-derived products and to quantify the level of contamination along the food chain, with potential applications for fish farms, fish markets, and food producers

    Leiomyosarcoma of the Oropharynx and Neurogenic Tumors in a Young Patient With Turner's Syndrome

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    Patient: A case of Turner's syndrome developing a leiomyosarcoma of the oropharynx and metachronous neurogenic tumors (mediastinal ‘ganglioneuroblastoma intermixed’, subcutaneous neurilemoma) is described