3 research outputs found

    Relevance of the production system for the sustainability of conservation and breeding programs for the Creole cattle in Pasorapa, Bolivia

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    Local livestock breeds play an important role in the food security of smallholders in developing countries in the Global South. They are also a reservoir of potentially valuable genes for adaptation of global animal genetic resources. The Creole cattle population from Pasorapa, Bolivia, is threatened by effects of climate change and unplanned crossbreeding. The aim of this study was to assess the current situation in this population and to evaluate factors to be considered before implementing conservation and genetic improvement programs in order to achieve the sustainable development goals 1, 2, 13 and 15, which refer to no poverty, zero hunger, climate change and life on land, respectively. We examined and analyzed the most important elements related to the production system and farmers' perceptions that could affect the design of such programs. Open-ended and closed-ended questionnaires and interviews were performed with 81 smallholders from 11 communities in Pasorapa. A rearing system based on two stages and animals feeding mainly on native plants during both, involves a strong interaction between the environment and the production system. A survey of farmers' perceptions about diseases, mortality causes, and selection criteria revealed that farmers in Pasorapa consider coat color an important trait when selecting breeding and replacement animals. Half of all interviewees perceived an association between coat color and traits such as temperament, milk yield, and beef production. In a SWOT analysis we discussed the vulnerability of the system to climate change impacts and the contribution of this traditional system to rural mitigation. Overall, this work revealed the importance of this local ecotype and identified key factors to consider when developing breeding and conservation programs

    Bolivian creole cattle: population structure, genetic diversity and management practices

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    Characterization studies of local livestock breeds are important to identify their potential and value for the Global Animal Genetic Resources. Important traits have been attributed to local breeds including adaptability and resilience to harsh environments and other traits with potential use in breeding schemes oriented towards the challenges of climate change. The aim of this thesis was to generate baseline information for the development of future conservation and breeding programs for the Creole cattle in Bolivia. For this purpose, three Creole cattle populations were included in this study: the Chaque帽o (CHA), the Saavedre帽o (CEASIP) and a population from Pasorapa (PASO). In the first part of this thesis, the main characteristics of the production and management system in Pasorapa were described. Further, the identification and evaluation of elements affecting the sustainability of the production system and the development of breeding and conservation programs was done. Open-ended and closedended questionnaires and interviews with 81 smallholders from 11 communities from Pasorapa were performed. Poor infrastructure and deficient health management practices were found. The rearing system based on two stages with animals released in the mountains for about 7 months of the year and feeding mainly of native plant species, showed a strong interaction between the cattle and the environment. Farmer perceptions about diseases, mortality causes and selection criteria were described, showing that additionally to body conformation, farmers considered coat color for selection of breeding and replacement animals. Productivity, income and ecosystem services were identified as the main factors affecting the sustainability of the system. In the second part of this study, the population structure, genetic diversity, linkage disequilibrium (LD) and ROH based inbreeding levels of the three cattle populations were assessed using a 50K SNP array. Pairwise FST values indicated low to moderate differentiation between populations. Admixture analysis showed clear signs of admixture among and within populations. CEASIP had the highest proportion of ROHs for the length classes 4-8 Mb, 8-16 Mb and >16 Mb. FROH coefficient values were higher for CHA and CEASIP populations for the >4 Mb and >16 Mb length classes indicating past and recent inbreeding. PASO had the lowest inbreeding coefficients for all ROH length classes. LD and effective population size of PASO might have been influenced by recurrent bottleneck episodes. LD pattern in CEASIP indicated that a 50K SNP array could be applied for association studies in this population

    30 a帽os sin Miguel Bru

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    Serie de seis piezas radiof贸nicas realizadas por la Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicaci贸n Social, a trav茅s de su Secretar铆a Acad茅mica, en el marco de los 30 a帽os de la desaparici贸n de Miguel Bru. Las piezas son una adaptaci贸n de la tesis de grado, presentada para la obtenci贸n de la Licenciatura en Comunicaci贸n Social, Las personas no se evaporan, realizada por Mar铆颅a Luz Bottani, Brenda Romero y Catalina Cappellotto. Lista de audios: - Pieza 1: Carta de Carolina, novia de Miguel Bru, luego de su desaparici贸n. En esta pieza se retoma la carta que escribi贸 Carolina, la novia de Miguel Bru, a poco tiempo de su desaparici贸n. - Pieza 2: Un testimonio clave en el juicio. Esta producci贸n es una lectura de un fragmento de la tesis que cuenta qu茅 testimonio fue clave en el juicio para que en el caso se haga justicia. - Pieza 3: Los 煤ltimos momentos de Miguel Bru en la comisar铆a 9陋. Esta producci贸n es la lectura de un fragmento de la tesis que relata los 煤ltimos momentos de Miguel Bru en la comisar铆a 9陋 de La Plata antes de su asesinato. - Pieza 4: Violento allanamiento ilegal a la casa de 69. Esta producci贸n es un radioteatro que reconstruye el allanamiento ilegal que realizaron el sargento Justo L贸pez y el subcomisario Walter Abrigo, de la comisar铆a 9陋 de La Plata. - Pieza 5: 驴Qu茅 pas贸 con Miguel? Esta producci贸n relata c贸mo la familia y los amigos de Miguel Bru se dieron cuenta de su desaparici贸n. - Pieza 6: Amenaza a Rosa Bru. En esta producci贸n se recrea una de las tantas amenazas que recibi贸 Rosa Bru, luego de la desaparici贸n de su hijoEdici贸n: Juan Manuel De Vega. Producci贸n: Camilo Gonz谩lez Balducchi y Jimena Espinoza. Registro: Santiago Alcaraz, Mariano Fern谩ndez y Mart铆n Fern谩ndez.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicaci贸n Socia