133 research outputs found

    Presidential directive cab 2(b)/2013 - introduction of integrated farming in agricultural land

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    Government has through Presidential Directive Cab. 2 (B)/2012 dated 21st February 2013 approved the introduction of integrated farming on land allocated for agricultural use and the guidelines on implementation of integrated farming in agricultural land


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    EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe handbook of the Convention on Biological Diversity including its Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety states that Biodiversity is the term given to the variety of life on Earth including plants, animals, and micro-organisms, as well as the ecosystems of which they are part. Biodiversity includes genetic differences within species, the diversity of species and the variety ecosystems. It is the result of the interaction of species including humans, with one another and with the air, water and soil around them. This combination of life forms-ecosystems, species and genetic varieties- has made Earth a uniquely habitable place and provides the goods and services that sustain our lives, such as clean air and water, food and medicine, fuel, fiber and material for construction. Our cultures are founded upon the different environments in which they have developed (CBD Handbook, 2005). In addition to its intrinsic value, biodiversity provides goods and services that underpin sustainable development in many important ways, thus contributing to poverty alleviation. The rate of biodiversity loss is increasing at an unprecedented rate, threatening the very existence of life as it is currently understood


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    An Act to make provision for regulating the tourist industry with a view to promoting its development and well-being

    National parks and game reserves regulations

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    National parks and game reserves regulations ..


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    An Act to provide for the better regulation and protection of forests and forest produce in Botswana and to provide for matters incidental theret

    Sustainable development goals

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    Botswana has embraced sustainable development as its development approach, and is fully committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, its principles, goals, targets and indicators. This report provides an overview of Botswana’s progress in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) since their adoption, with a particular focus on the theme - “Eradicating Poverty and Promoting Prosperity in a Changing World”. This report has been prepared with the full participation of Government, private sector, civil society, local authorities, development partners, UN, academia and other interest groups. Data was collected through workshops, focus group discussions, key informer interviews and literature reviews. The main report will highlight the positive experience to date and the challenges encountered in the efforts made to eradicate poverty

    Successful Adjustment in Botswana

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    SUMMARY National adjustment strategy in Botswana has proved remarkably successful. A wide range of policy measures has been adopted on the basis of national initiative in response to severe balance of payments problems which had emerged by mid?1981. The strategy bears marked similarity to the conventional IMF adjustment package, but does not on its own merit provide a blueprint for action relevant to all sub?Saharan African countries. This is due in part to the fact that the cuts were implemented in a context where the duration and cost of austerity were low. SOMMAIRE La stratégie nationale d'ajustement au Botswana s'est révélée très réussie. Un large éventail de mesures de principe ont été adoptées sur la base d'une initiative nationale en réponse aux sérieux problèmes de la balance des paiements qui ont émergés vers le milieu de 1981. La stratégie porte des ressemblances marquées au contrat global conventionnel d'ajustement du FMI, mais n'offre pas un modèle d'action utile à tous les pays de l'Afrique subsaharienne sur son seul mérite. Cela est dû en partie au fait que les économies ont été réalisées dans un contexte où le degré et le coût de l'austérité étaient peu élevés. RESUMEN La estrategia de ajuste nacional de Botswana ha resultado extraordinariamente exitosa. Un amplio rango de medidas de políticas han sido adoptadas por iniciativa nacional en respuesta a severos problemas de balanza de pagos que emergieron a mediados del 81. La estrategia tiene una marcada similitud con el paquete de ajuste convencional del FMI, pero no provee por sus propios méritos un esquema de acción válido para todos los países de la región del sub?Sahara del Africa. Esto se debe, en parte, al hecho que las restricciones fueron aplicadas en un contexto donde la duración y el costo de la austeridad eran bajos