12 research outputs found
Sequence, virus specificity, genomic location, and size of PCR amplification product of oligonucleotide primers.
Sequence, virus specificity, genomic location, and size of PCR amplification product of oligonucleotide primers.</p
FMDV sequences reference strains published in GeneBank.
FMDV sequences reference strains published in GeneBank.</p
Alignment of VP1 amino acids sequence of Egyptian strains and reference strains shows several points of mutations in new strain and vaccinal strains.
Alignment of VP1 amino acids sequence of Egyptian strains and reference strains shows several points of mutations in new strain and vaccinal strains.</p
Alignment of the VP1 nucleotide sequence of Egyptian strains and reference strains shows several mutations in new strain and vaccinal strains.
Alignment of the VP1 nucleotide sequence of Egyptian strains and reference strains shows several mutations in new strain and vaccinal strains.</p
Histopathological lesions in FMDV naturally infected animals.
(a) Vesicles formations (arrows) with elevation of superficial epithelium in the stratified squamous epithelium of dermis, H&E, X200. (b) Vesicular stomatitis of the dental pad of infected calf characterized by leukocytic infiltrations of mucosal and submucosal layer of cornified epithelial tissue (arrows), H&E, X200. (c) Zenker,s necrosis (arrows) of muscular layers of stratified squamus epithelim with edema inbetween (arrowheads) of cattle, H&E, X200. (d) Mild myocarditis of the myocardium of buffalo with mild lymphocytic cell aggregations (arrows), H&E, X400. (e) Moderate myocarditis of the myocardium of buffalo calf (less than 2 Y) with moderate lymphocytic cell aggregations (arrows) and mild myocardial muscle necrosis (arrowheads), H&E, X400. (f) Severe non- suppurative myocarditis of heart of calf with a significant number of lymphocytic cell aggregations (arrows) with complete lysis of necrosed muscle fibers (arrowheads) and replacement of this muscles by a large number of inflammatory cells (arrows). The black star, referring to the myocardial muscle that still normal not necrosed, H&E, X400.</p
A map showing some recent FMD outbreaks in certain Egyptian governorates.
A map showing some recent FMD outbreaks in certain Egyptian governorates.</p
Description of selected FMDV samples assigned in the GeneBank.
Description of selected FMDV samples assigned in the GeneBank.</p
Phylogenetic analysis based on the nucleotide sequence of VP1 gene of Egyptian isolates and other reference strains.
Phylogenetic analysis based on the nucleotide sequence of VP1 gene of Egyptian isolates and other reference strains.</p
Alignment of the VP1 nucleotide sequence of Egyptian strains and reference strains shows several mutations in new strain and vaccinal strains.
Alignment of the VP1 nucleotide sequence of Egyptian strains and reference strains shows several mutations in new strain and vaccinal strains.</p
Fig 5 -
(a) liver of buffalo calf, lymphocytic cell aggregations around central hepatic veniules (arrows) with hydropic degeneration (arrowheads) of hepatic cells, H&E, X400. (b) Mild hydropic degeneration of hepatic cells (arrows) with mild coagulative necrosis of hepatic cells (arrowheads), H&E, X400. (c) The intestine of FMDV infected buffalo showing catarrhal enteritis with leukocytic cell infiltratons of the intestinal villi (arrows), H&E, X100. (d) Severe lymphocytic enteritis (arrows) with degeneration of intestinal villi, H&E, X200.</p