231 research outputs found

    Endomyocardial fibrosis at autopsy in Cape Town

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    The pathology of 3 cases of endomyocardial fibrosis (EMF) encountered at autopsy in Cape Town is described. The first case of EMF in a non-White permanent resident of South Africa is documented. The macroscopic features allow distinction between EMF and the usual form of idiopathic cardiomyopathy seen in Cape Town. There is a small potential reservoir of patients in Cape Town with typical EMF, but the presence of a coexistent (valvular) lesion may lead to such hearts being ignored in studies of idiopathic cardiomyopathy.S. Afr. Med. J. 48, 1363 (1974)

    Krimpsiekte in South Africa : historical perspectives

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    Krimpsiekte, also known as cotyledonosis or nenta in sheep and goats, has been recognised as a disease entity since 1775. However, it was only in 1891 that Veterinary Surgeon Soga reproduced the condition by dosing Cotyledon (= Tylecodon) ventricosus leaves to goats. Professor MacOwan, a botanist, confirmed the identity of these nenta plants. From a South African veterinary toxicological point of view the date 1891 is of considerable historical significance as this was the first time that a plant was experimentally demonstrated to be toxic to livestock in South Africa. A chronological account of the history of krimpsiekte research is provided.Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria.http://www.jsava.co.zaam2014mn201

    Potential health risks posed by plant-derived cumulative neurotoxic Bufadienolides in South Africa

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    Bufadienolide-type cardiac glycosides have a worldwide distribution and are mainly synthesized by plants, but there are also animal sources. In South Africa, members of three genera of the Crassulaceae (Cotyledon, Tylecodon and Kalanchoe) cause a unique chronic form of cardiac glycoside poisoning, predominantly in small stock. This paretic/paralytic condition is referred to as “krimpsiekte”, cotyledonosis or “nenta”. “Krimpsiekte” is a plant poisoning only reported from South Africa and is regarded as the most important plant poisoning of small stock in the semi-arid Little Karoo and southern fringes of the Great Karoo. The toxicosis is caused by cumulative bufadienolides which have neurotoxic properties. Four types of cumulative neurotoxic bufadienolides, namely cotyledoside, and the tyledosides, orbicusides and lanceotoxins, have been isolated. Based on the structure activity relationships and certain toxicokinetic parameters possible reasons for their accumulation are presented. Consumption of edible tissues from animals that have ingested these plants poses a potential risk to humans.http://www.mdpi.com/journal/moleculesam2016Paraclinical Science

    Accounting information for performance management in the public sector

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    Performance information indicates how well an institution is meeting its aim and objectives and which policies and processes are working. This article argues that the current system of accounting used by government for the preparation of its accounts has certain limitations in as far as the provision of performance information is concerned. Existing theory points to the fact that performance in the public sector is measured in terms of the economical, efficient and effective use of resources. However, the traditional government accounting system was developed to respond to the accountability requirements of the public and not to promote the economical, efficient and effective use of resources. Based on a case study conducted at the Northern Cape Provincial Legislature, it was determined that the modified cash basis of accounting used by government does not provide management with the information needed to enable performance management. The outcomes point to the fact that the accrual basis of accounting is a more effective basis for accounting and can contribute to more economical, efficient and effective use of resources. This is relevant because other government institutions also make use of the modified cash base of accounting to prepare their financial statements

    Maccsand v City of Cape Town, Minister for Water Affairs and Environment, MEC for Local Government, Environment Affairs and Development Planning, Western Cape Province, Minister for Rural Development and Land Reform, and Minister for Mineral Resources 2012 4 SA 181 (CC)

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    Making sense of the interwoven legislative interplay of timelines, hierarchical status, geographical space and governmental spheres in South Africa. Interpretation of statutes (the juridical understanding or construction of legislation) deals with legal rules and principles used to construct the correct meaning of legislative provisions to be applied in practical situations.http://www.dejure.up.ac.zaam2016Public La


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    Multimycotoxin analysis of South African Aspergillus clavatus isolates

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    Aspergillus clavatus poisoning is a neuromycotoxicosis of ruminants that occurs sporadically across the world after ingestion of infected feedstuffs. Although various toxic metabolites are synthesized by the fungus, it is not clear which specific or group of mycotoxins induces the syndrome. A. clavatus isolates were deposited in the culture collection of the Biosystematics Division, Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Council during incidences of livestock poisoning (1988–2016). Six isolates were still viable and these plus three other South African isolates that were also previously deposited in the collection were positively identified as A. clavatus based on morphology and ß-tubulin sequence data. The cultures were screened for multiple mycotoxins using a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS) method. Twelve A. clavatus metabolites were detected. The concentrations of the tremorgenic mycotoxins (i.e., tryptoquivaline A and its related metabolites deoxytryptoquivaline A and deoxynortryptoquivaline) were higher than patulin and cytochalasin E. Livestock owners should not feed A. clavatus-infected material to ruminants as all the South African A. clavatus isolates synthesized the same compounds when cultured under similar conditions.The National Research Foundation of South Africa (Grant number 103747).https://link.springer.com/journal/125502019-05-01hj2018Paraclinical Science

    Fusarium species isolated from Pennisetum clandestinum collected during outbreaks of kikuyu poisoning in cattle in South Africa

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    Kikuyu poisoning occurs sporadically in South Africa. It is of major economic importance, as valuable dairy cows are often poisoned by it, and once affected, the mortality rate is high. Pennisetum clandestinum samples were collected during eight outbreaks of kikuyu poisoning in cattle in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa from 2008 to 2010. The kikuyu grass samples were submitted specifically for the isolation and molecular identification of Fusarium species, as it was recently suggested that mycotoxins synthesised by Fusarium torulosum could be the cause of this intoxication. Ninety-four Fusarium isolates were retrieved from the grass samples, of which 72 were members of the Fusarium incarnatum/Fusarium equiseti species complex based on morphology and phylogenetic analyses of the translation elongation factor 1α sequence data. The South African isolates from kikuyu identified as members of the F. incarnatum/F. equiseti species complex grouped together in six separate clades. The other isolates were Fusarium culmorum (n = 3), Fusarium redolens (n = 4) and Fusarium oxysporum (n = 15). Although F. torulosum could not be isolated from P. clandestinum collected during kikuyu poisoning outbreaks in South Africa, the mycotoxicosis theory is still highly plausible.National Research Foundation (NRF)http://www.ojvr.orgtm201

    Lead ingestion as a potential contributing factor to the decline in vulture populations in southern Africa

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    Vulture populations in southern Africa have been on the decline for years, which unlike the Asian vulture crisis, has no one specific cause. Reasons attributable are deliberate and secondary poisonings, drowning, power line injuries, electrocutions, traditional medicine ("muti" trade) and calcium deficiencies. However, lead toxicity as a potential causal factor is hardly mentioned. The potential for lead toxicity needs to be considered as substantial game hunting occurs in the region with little regulatory control on bullet types. In this study, we determined the whole blood lead concentrations of captive and wild vulture populations in South Africa and Namibia (n=185). Results were compared to previous published ranges indicative of background exposure (<10μg/dL), non-toxic point exposure based upon the range established from captive birds and subclinical exposure. In general, whole blood lead concentrations were higher for wild African White-backed vultures (Gyps africanus)(AWBV) than Cape vultures (G. coprotheres)(CGV) at 15.54±12.63μg/dL vs 12.53±8.88μg/dL (non-significantly different), while in the Bearded vultures (Gypaetus barbatus) no indication of exposure was evident. Very similar exposures resulted irrespective of the birds being in captivity or under wild, free-roaming conditions. A proportion of wild birds did, however, appear to be exposed to another source of lead than purely environmental (±12% and 30.6% for AWBV and CGV respectively). One bird, which had a whole blood concentration of 100μg/dL, died soon after capture. To find the relationship between whole blood lead concentration and likely exposure factors, birds were compared by their rural/urban location, vicinity to mines and surrounding soil lead concentrations. With no relationship being present for the latter factors, we believe that this is evidence that the portion of southern African vultures being exposed to unknown source of lead, which we suggest arises from leaded ammunition remaining from hunting.Afgri via the WWF (GT 1456 - VULTURE CHEMICALS THREATS PROJECT) and the Ernst Oppenheimer Trust.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/envres2018-01-31hb2017Paraclinical Science