23 research outputs found

    Synthesis and reactivity of rare earth and alkaline earth metal complexes

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    One of the aspects of our research group is developing new ligands, for instance -SiH containing alkyl, amide ligands and oxazoline based scorpionate type ligands for the synthesis of their rare earth metal, alkali earth metal and transition metal complexes which are used as catalyst precursors for organic transformation reactions. Rare earth complexes of tris(dimethylsilyl)methyl ligand have been developed by our research group. In this thesis a new alkyl ligand is accessed by replacing one dimethylsilyl moiety with a phenyl group. The -SiH functionalized benzyl ligand HC(SiHMe2)2Ph is synthesized by reductive coupling of HCBr2Ph and SiHMe2Cl and the anion of the ligand [C(SiHMe2)2Ph]– is obtained by deprotonation of HC(SiHMe2)2Ph with KCH2Ph. An alternate route is introduced to obtain the same -SiH functionalized benzyl anion [C(SiHMe2)2Ph]– by reaction of KOtBu and (Me2HSi)3CPh which reacts via C–Si cleavage. LnI3·THFn and three equivalents of this carbanion combine to provide homoleptic tris(alkyl)lanthanide compounds Ln{C(SiHMe2)2Ph}3 (Ln = La, Ce, Pr, Nd) containing secondary metal-ligand interactions. Rare earth compounds of –N(SiHMe2)tBu ligand have been synthesized by our research group. A new amide ligand is accessed by introducing an aryl group to the tertbutyl position, and this ligand is the amide version of the new alkyl ligand reported in this thesis. Further, addition of substituents on the aryl group allows to vary the steric properties of the new ligand series. Three new hydridosilazido ligands, –N(SiHMe2)Aryl (Aryl = Ph, 2,6-C6Me2H3 (dmp), 2,6-C6iPr2H3 (dipp)) and their homoleptic rare earth complexes Ln{N(SiHMe2)Aryl}3(THF)n (Ln = Sc, Y, Lu; Aryl = Ph, n = 2; Aryl = dmp, n = 1; Aryl = dipp, n = 0) are synthesized. NMR, IR and X-ray diffraction studies of the complexes show that Ln{N(SiHMe2)Ph}3(THF)2 contain only classical Si–H interactions with the metal center. Y{N(SiHMe2)dmp}3THF and Lu{N(SiHMe2)dmp}3THF contain three and two bridging Si–H interactions respectively. Three secondary Ln↼HSi interactions and one agostic CH bond per molecule are observed for planar Ln{N(SiHMe2)dipp}3 complexes. Further, the reaction of Ln{N(SiHMe2)dipp}3 with ketones provides the hydrosilylated product by inserting the C=O in bridging Ln↼H-Si rather than inserting into the Y–N bond or enolate formation. The insertion reaction is postulated to occur via an associative mechanism. Ln{N(SiHMe2)dipp}3 undergo β-SiH abstraction by Lewis acids, such as B(C6F5)3. The reaction of Ln{N(SiHMe2)dipp}3 and one equivalent of B(C6F5)3 provides the cationic species Ln{κ2-N(dipp)SiMe2N(SiHMe2)dipp}{N(SiHMe2)dipp}HB(C6F5)3. The decomposition of that compound provides (Me2Si–Ndipp)2 and a rare earth adduct. A second order rate law is obtained for the decomposition of the cationic complex. Tris(oxazolinyl)boratomagnesium alkyls (ToMMgR) have been developed by our research group and tested in various catalytic reactions for instance hydroboration and dehydrocoupling. In this thesis kinetic studies of the stoichiometric reaction between ToMMgR and HBpin are performed for comparison with other sigma bond metathesis type reactions. The reaction of ToMMgMe or ToMMgnPr with HBpin was too fast even at –78 °C to measure using NMR and IR kinetics. In contrast, ToMMgBn reacts with HBpin or DBpin more slowly at room temperature, and kinetic studies revealed a bimolecular rate law. The activation parameters obtained for the reaction of ToMMgBn with HBpin and DBpin are ΔH‡ = 13.08(0.02) kcal mol-1, ΔS‡ = –29.09(0.05) cal mol-1 K-1 and ΔH‡ 11.86(0.05) kcal mol-1, ΔS‡ = –33.44(0.15) cal mol-1 K-1 respectively. This study shows a kinetic isotope effect of 1.35 at 55 °C and it appears to be increased with increasing the temperature. The mechanistic investigations show that B-H/B-D bond cleavage is involved in the rate-determining step

    Homoleptic organolanthanide compounds supported by the bis(dimethylsilyl)benzyl ligand

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    A β-SiH functionalized benzyl anion [C(SiHMe2)2Ph]− is obtained by deprotonation of HC(SiHMe2)2Ph with KCH2Ph or by reaction of KOtBu and (Me2HSi)3CPh; LnI3(THF)n and three equivalents of this carbanion combine to provide homoleptic tris(alkyl)lanthanide compounds Ln{C(SiHMe2)2Ph}3 (Ln = La, Ce, Pr, Nd) containing secondary metal–ligand interactions

    Direct 17O Dynamic Nuclear Polarization of Single-Site Heterogeneous Catalysts

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    We utilize direct 17O DNP for the characterization of non-protonated oxygens in heterogeneous catalysts. The optimal sample preparation and population transfer approach for 17O direct DNP experiments performed on silica surfaces are determined and applied to the characterization of Zr- and Y-based mesoporous silica-supported single-site catalysts

    Rare Earth Arylsilazido Compounds with Inequivalent Secondary Interactions

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    A new bulky silazido ligand, –N(SiHMe2)Dipp (Dipp = C6H3-2,6-iPr2) supports planar, three-coordinate homoleptic rare earth complexes Ln{N(SiHMe2)Dipp}3 (Ln = Sc, Y, Lu) that each contain three secondary Ln↼HSi interactions and one agostic CH bond. Y{N(SiHMe2)Dipp}3 and acetophenone react via hydrosilylation, rather than by insertion into the Y–N bond or enolate formation

    β-SiH-Containing Tris(silazido) Rare-Earth Complexes as Homogeneous and Grafted Single-Site Catalyst Precursors for Hydroamination

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    A series of homoleptic rare-earth silazido compounds and their silica-grafted derivatives were prepared to compare spectroscopic and catalytic features under homogeneous and interfacial conditions. Trivalent tris(silazido) compounds Ln{N(SiHMe2)tBu}3 (Ln = Sc (1), Y (2), Lu (3)) are prepared in high yield by salt metathesis reactions. Solution-phase and solid-state characterization of 1–3 by NMR and IR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction reveals Ln↼H–Si interactions. These features are retained in solvent-coordinated 2·Et2O, 2·THF, and 3·THF. The change in spectroscopic features characterizing the secondary interactions (νSiH, 1JSiH) from the unactivated SiH in the silazane HN(SiHMe2)tBu follows the trend 3 \u3e 2 \u3e 1 ≈ 2·Et2O \u3e 2·THF ≈ 3·THF. Ligand lability follows the same pattern, with Et2O readily dissociating from 2·Et2O while THF is displaced only during surface grafting reactions. 1 and 2·THF graft onto mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSN) to give Ln{N(SiHMe2)tBu}n@MSN (Ln = Sc (1@MSN), Y (2@MSN)) along with THF and protonated silazido as HN(SiHMe2)tBu and H2NtBu. The surface species are characterized by multinuclear and multidimensional solid-state (SS) NMR spectroscopic techniques, as well as diffuse reflectance FTIR, elemental analysis, and reaction stoichiometry. A key 1JSiH SSNMR measurement reveals that the grafted sites most closely resemble Ln·THF adducts, suggesting that siloxane coordination occurs in grafted compounds. These species catalyze the hydroamination/bicyclization of aminodialkenes, and both solution-phase and interfacial conditions provide the bicyclized product with equivalent cis:trans ratios. Similar diastereoselectivities mediated by catalytic sites under the two conditions suggest similar effective environments

    Synthesis and reactivity of rare earth and alkaline earth metal complexes

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    One of the aspects of our research group is developing new ligands, for instance -SiH containing alkyl, amide ligands and oxazoline based scorpionate type ligands for the synthesis of their rare earth metal, alkali earth metal and transition metal complexes which are used as catalyst precursors for organic transformation reactions. Rare earth complexes of tris(dimethylsilyl)methyl ligand have been developed by our research group. In this thesis a new alkyl ligand is accessed by replacing one dimethylsilyl moiety with a phenyl group. The -SiH functionalized benzyl ligand HC(SiHMe2)2Ph is synthesized by reductive coupling of HCBr2Ph and SiHMe2Cl and the anion of the ligand [C(SiHMe2)2Ph]– is obtained by deprotonation of HC(SiHMe2)2Ph with KCH2Ph. An alternate route is introduced to obtain the same -SiH functionalized benzyl anion [C(SiHMe2)2Ph]– by reaction of KOtBu and (Me2HSi)3CPh which reacts via C–Si cleavage. LnI3·THFn and three equivalents of this carbanion combine to provide homoleptic tris(alkyl)lanthanide compounds Ln{C(SiHMe2)2Ph}3 (Ln = La, Ce, Pr, Nd) containing secondary metal-ligand interactions. Rare earth compounds of –N(SiHMe2)tBu ligand have been synthesized by our research group. A new amide ligand is accessed by introducing an aryl group to the tertbutyl position, and this ligand is the amide version of the new alkyl ligand reported in this thesis. Further, addition of substituents on the aryl group allows to vary the steric properties of the new ligand series. Three new hydridosilazido ligands, –N(SiHMe2)Aryl (Aryl = Ph, 2,6-C6Me2H3 (dmp), 2,6-C6iPr2H3 (dipp)) and their homoleptic rare earth complexes Ln{N(SiHMe2)Aryl}3(THF)n (Ln = Sc, Y, Lu; Aryl = Ph, n = 2; Aryl = dmp, n = 1; Aryl = dipp, n = 0) are synthesized. NMR, IR and X-ray diffraction studies of the complexes show that Ln{N(SiHMe2)Ph}3(THF)2 contain only classical Si–H interactions with the metal center. Y{N(SiHMe2)dmp}3THF and Lu{N(SiHMe2)dmp}3THF contain three and two bridging Si–H interactions respectively. Three secondary Ln↼HSi interactions and one agostic CH bond per molecule are observed for planar Ln{N(SiHMe2)dipp}3 complexes. Further, the reaction of Ln{N(SiHMe2)dipp}3 with ketones provides the hydrosilylated product by inserting the C=O in bridging Ln↼H-Si rather than inserting into the Y–N bond or enolate formation. The insertion reaction is postulated to occur via an associative mechanism. Ln{N(SiHMe2)dipp}3 undergo β-SiH abstraction by Lewis acids, such as B(C6F5)3. The reaction of Ln{N(SiHMe2)dipp}3 and one equivalent of B(C6F5)3 provides the cationic species Ln{κ2-N(dipp)SiMe2N(SiHMe2)dipp}{N(SiHMe2)dipp}HB(C6F5)3. The decomposition of that compound provides (Me2Si–Ndipp)2 and a rare earth adduct. A second order rate law is obtained for the decomposition of the cationic complex. Tris(oxazolinyl)boratomagnesium alkyls (ToMMgR) have been developed by our research group and tested in various catalytic reactions for instance hydroboration and dehydrocoupling. In this thesis kinetic studies of the stoichiometric reaction between ToMMgR and HBpin are performed for comparison with other sigma bond metathesis type reactions. The reaction of ToMMgMe or ToMMgnPr with HBpin was too fast even at –78 °C to measure using NMR and IR kinetics. In contrast, ToMMgBn reacts with HBpin or DBpin more slowly at room temperature, and kinetic studies revealed a bimolecular rate law. The activation parameters obtained for the reaction of ToMMgBn with HBpin and DBpin are ΔH‡ = 13.08(0.02) kcal mol-1, ΔS‡ = –29.09(0.05) cal mol-1 K-1 and ΔH‡ 11.86(0.05) kcal mol-1, ΔS‡ = –33.44(0.15) cal mol-1 K-1 respectively. This study shows a kinetic isotope effect of 1.35 at 55 °C and it appears to be increased with increasing the temperature. The mechanistic investigations show that B-H/B-D bond cleavage is involved in the rate-determining step.</p

    Homoleptic organolanthanide compounds supported by the bis(dimethylsilyl)benzyl ligand

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    A β-SiH functionalized benzyl anion [C(SiHMe2)2Ph]− is obtained by deprotonation of HC(SiHMe2)2Ph with KCH2Ph or by reaction of KOtBu and (Me2HSi)3CPh; LnI3(THF)n and three equivalents of this carbanion combine to provide homoleptic tris(alkyl)lanthanide compounds Ln{C(SiHMe2)2Ph}3 (Ln = La, Ce, Pr, Nd) containing secondary metal–ligand interactions.This article is published as Boteju, Kasuni C., Arkady Ellern, and Aaron D. Sadow. "Homoleptic organolanthanide compounds supported by the bis (dimethylsilyl) benzyl ligand." Chemical Communications 53, no. 4 (2017): 716-719. 10.1039/C6CC09304C</p

    Direct 17O Dynamic Nuclear Polarization of Single-Site Heterogeneous Catalysts

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    We utilize direct 17O DNP for the characterization of non-protonated oxygens in heterogeneous catalysts. The optimal sample preparation and population transfer approach for 17O direct DNP experiments performed on silica surfaces are determined and applied to the characterization of Zr- and Y-based mesoporous silica-supported single-site catalysts.</p