2 research outputs found

    Dysfunctional breathing pattern in patients with chronic pain (migraine and low back pain). A clinical and physiological study

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    State Medical and Pharmaceutical University “N. Testemițanu”, Chisinau, Republic of MoldovaIntroduction: Respiration is a physiological function situated strategically at the interface of mind and body. It is capable of operating automatically, but it can be brought under voluntary control. Changes in breathing pattern induced by chronic pain are a controversial subject of many researches in the psychophysiology of breathing. Interactions between emotional states, respiratory behaviors (such as fast and deep breathing, strained breathing, inhibited breathing) and physiological changes at the level of chemical blood composition and autonomic nervous system regulation play a role in disorders such as dysfunctional breathing syndrome, panic disorder, functional cardiac disorder, and chronic pain syndrome. Purpose and Objectives: The influence of pain on the breathing pattern in patients with chronic migraine and chronic back pain. Materials and methods: The study is based on 3 groups o f subjects, 20 in each o f groups: patients with chronic migraine (group 1), patients with chronic low back pain (group 2) and healthy subjects (group 3). Besides clinical and psychological tests, we used respiratory inductance plethysmography to measure volumes, times, frequency and thoracoabdominal asynchrony in different assays (in rest, apnea, hyperventilation, pain provocation with a cuff). Results: In comparison with healthy subjects, patients with chronic pain have lower inspiratory volume (p<0.05), lower inspiratory (p<0.01) and expiratory (p<0.05) times and a faster breathing (p<0.01) in following assays: regular breathing, post apnea, and post hyperventilation. Also we found differences in breathing pattern between patients with chronic migraine and chronic low back pain. Patients with migraine, in rest have an abdominal breathing but those with low back pain breath thoracicly (p<0.001). After hyperventilation the pattern of the patients with chronic migraine and chronic back pain, was identical as in rest breathing, otherwise the amount of the asynchrony was more important (p<0.01). We also noticed that after the pain test patients with low back pain had lower inspiratory volumes (p<0.05) and shorter inspiratory times (p<0.05). Conclusion: There are significant differences of breathing pattern in healthy subjects and patients with chronic pain, in rest breathing as well as in specific assays (apnea, hyperventilation, pain). Otherwise, the breathing pattern of patients with chronic migraine and chronic low back pain also differs, most common at thoracoabdominal asynchrony

    The role contraversale of h2s in critical condition

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    Catedra Biochimie şi Biochimie Clinica USMF „N.Testemiţanu”Since the discovery of endogenously-produced hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in various tissues, there has been an explosion of interest in H2S as a biological mediator alongside other gaseous mediators such as, nitric oxide and carbon monoxide. The identification of enzyme regulated H2S synthetic pathways in the cardiovascular system has led to a number of studies examining specific regulatory actions of H2S. Several molecular mechanisms of action of H2S have been described. These include interactions of H2S with NO, redox regulation of multiple signaling proteins and regulation of KATP channel opening. H2S holds promise as an endogenous mediator controlling a wide range of cardiovascular cell functions and integrated responses under both physiological and pathological conditions and may be amenable to therapeutic manipulation. Din momentul descoperirii H2S-ului, produs endogen în diverse ţesuturi, s-a accentuat atenţia spre H2S ca un mediator biologic, în ambianţă cu alţi mediatori gazoşi - CO şi NO. Identificarea căilor de sinteză a H2S, reglate de enzime în sistemul cardiovascular a dus la numeroase studii ce au examinat acţiunile reglatoare specifice ale H2S. S-au descris cîteva mecanisme moleculare de acţiune a H2S. Acestea includ interacţiunea H2S cu NO, reglarea redox a numeroaselor proteine semnalizatoare şi reglarea deschiderii canalelor de K-ATP. H2S este un mediator promiţător endogen ce controlează o gamă largă de funcţii a celulelor cardiovasculare, precum şi răspunsuri integrate în condiţii fiziologice şi patofiziologice şi poate fi utilizat pentru implicaţii terapeutice