2 research outputs found

    What Determines the Critical Electric Field of AFE-to-FE in Pb(Zr,Sn,Ti)O<sub>3</sub>‑Based Perovskites?

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    Electric-field-induced antiferroelectric-ferroelectric (AFE-FE) phase transition is a prominent feature of antiferroelectric (AFE) materials. The critical electric field of this phase transition is crucial for the device performance of AEFs in many applications, but the determining factor of the critical electric field is still unclear. Here, we have established the correlation between the underlying structure and the critical electric field by using in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction and high-resolution neutron diffraction in Pb(Zr,Sn,Ti)O3-based antiferroelectrics. It is found that the critical electric field is determined by the angle between the average polarization vector in the incommensurate AFE state and the [111]P polarization direction in the rhombohedral FE state. A large polarization rotation angle gives rise to a large critical electric field. Further, density functional theory (DFT) calculations corroborate that the lower energy is required for driving a smaller angle polarization rotation. Our discovery will offer guidance to optimize the performance of AFE materials

    Emergent Three-Dimensional Electric Dipole Sinewave in Bulk Perovskite Oxides

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    The magnetic and electric dipoles of ferroics play a central role in their fascinating properties. In particular, topological configurations have shown promising potential for use in novel electromechanical and electronic devices. Magnetic configurations from simple collinear to complex topological are well-documented. In contrast, many complex topological features in the electric counterpart remain unexplored. Here, we report the first example of three-dimensional electric dipole sinewave topological structure in a PbZrO3-based bulk perovskite, which presents an interesting triple-hysteresis loop macroscopically. This polar configuration consists of two orthogonal sinewave electric dipole modulations decoded from a polar incommensurate phase by advanced diffraction and atomic-resolution imaging techniques. The resulting topology is unraveled to be the competition between the antiferroelectric and ferroelectric states, stabilized by the modulation of the Pb 6s2 lone pair and the antiferrodistortive effect. These findings further reinforce the similarity of the magnetic and electric topologies