2,368 research outputs found

    Employee Attitudinal Effects of Perceived Performance Appraisal Use

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    This research investigates how employee perceptions of performance appraisal use relate to employee satisfaction with the performance appraisal and with the appraiser—the employees’ immediate supervisor. Employee perceptions that appraisals were used for development positively associated with both attitudinal variables, after controlling for justice perceptions, performance, and demographics. Perceptions of PA use for evaluation did not show a significant relationship with either employee attitude. Implications of these findings are discussed

    Employee Line of Sight to the Organization’s Strategic Objectives – What it is, How it can be Enhanced, and What it Makes Happen

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    Employee_Line_of_SightWP01_06.pdf: 13661 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    CCD imaging of the inner coma jets of comet P/Halley

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    We analyze the inner coma section of a CCD image of comet P/Halley taken at 1807 UT on 13 March 1986 using a C2 filter (wavelength 5000 to 5200A, half maximum) with the 3.8 m Anglo Australian Telescope at Siding Springs, Australia. Atmospheric turbulence leads to a spreading of the image detail and this produces a blander image of the inner coma region with a slower radial decrease of brightness in comparison to the unaffected image. We remove this smearing by utilizing the point spread function of a star on the same CCD image. Jets were then revealed by removing the average background. Analysis of the jet structure enabled us to estimate the lower limit of the parent molecule velocity. This is found to be 0.3 km s(exp -1)

    Interface creation and stress dynamics in plasma-deposited silicon dioxide films

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    The stress in amorphous silicon dioxide filmgrown by plasma-assisted deposition was investigated both during and after film growth for continuously and intermittently depositedfilms. It is shown that an intermittent deposition leads to the creation of interfacial regions during film growth, but also causes dynamical structural change in already-deposited film which results in a significantly different stress-thickness profile measured after deposition.Film growth in the continuously depositedfilm was also monitored using an in situ laser reflection technique, and a strong change in stress was detected at about 145nm which was attributed to the onset of island coalescence

    Plasma control by modification of helicon wave propagation in low magnetic fields

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    By making use of nonuniform magnetic fields, it is shown experimentally that control of helicon wave propagation can be achieved in a low pressure (0.08 Pa) expanding plasma. The m=1 helicon waves are formed during a direct capacitive to wave mode transition that occurs in a low diverging magnetic field(B₀<3 mT). In this initial configuration, waves are prevented from reaching the downstream region, but slight modifications to the magnetic field allows the axial distance over which waves can propagate to be controlled. By changing the effective propagation distance in this way, significant modification of the density and plasma potential profiles can be achieved, showing that the rf power deposition can be spatially controlled as well. Critical to the modification of the wave propagation behavior is the magnetic field strength (and geometry) near the exit of the plasma source region, which gives electron cyclotron frequencies close to the wave frequency of 13.56 MHz

    Simulation of main plasma parameters of a cylindrical asymmetric capacitively coupled plasma micro-thruster using computational fluid dynamics

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    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of a radio-frequency (13.56 MHz) electrothermal capacitively coupled plasma (CCP) micro-thruster have been performed using the commercial CFD-ACE+ package. Standard operating conditions of a 10W, 1.5 Torr argon discharge were used to compare with previously obtained experimental results for validation. Results show that the driving force behind plasma production within the thruster is ion-induced secondary electrons ejected from the surface of the discharge tube, accelerated through the sheath to electron temperatures up to 33.5 eV. The secondary electron coefficient was varied to determine the effect on the discharge, with results showing that full breakdown of the discharge did not occur for coefficients less than or equal to 0.01

    Detailed plasma potential measurements in a radio-frequency expanding plasma obtained from various electrostatic probes

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    On-axis plasma potential measurements have been made with an emissive probe in a low pressure (0.044 Pa) rf expanding plasma containing an ion beam. The beam is detected with a retarding field energy analyzer (RFEA), and is seen to disappear at high pressure (0.39 Pa). The emissive probe measurements are in very good agreement with corresponding measurements made with two separate RFEAs, and the results indicate that the floating potential of the strongly emitting probe gives an accurate measure of the plasma potential under the present conditions

    When Stock Options Fail to Motivate: Attribution and Context Effects on Stock Price Expectancy

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    This study draws on attribution theory and literature from compensation and strategy to investigate executives’ perceptions about their influence over the firm’s stock price. We define stock price expectancy as the extent to which executives feel that they can influence the firm’s stock price. Results from of a survey of 435 U.S. executives suggest that stock price expectancy is related to both attributional and contextual antecedents. Based on these findings we discuss implications for the extension of expectancy theory and the design and administration of incentive systems

    Double-layer ion acceleration triggered by ion magnetization in expanding radiofrequency plasma sources

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    Ion energy distribution functions downstream of the source exit in magnetically expanding low-pressure plasmas are experimentally investigated for four source tube diameters ranging from about 5 to 15 cm. The magnetic-field threshold corresponding to a transition from a simple expanding plasma to a double layer-containing plasma is observed to increase with a decrease in the source tube diameter. The results demonstrate that for the four geometries, the double layer and the accelerated ion beam form when the ion Larmour radius in the source becomes smaller than the source tube radius, i.e., when the ions become magnetized in the source tube.This work is partially supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists A, Grant No. 22684031, Japan. Part of this work is also supported by TEPCO Research Foundation
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