2,067 research outputs found

    Harmonizing Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Transportation and Land-Use Planning in California Cities

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    Abstract: Recent extreme weather events in California—wildfires, drought, and flooding—make abundantly clear the need to plan effective responses to both the causes and the consequences of climate change. A central challenge for climate planning efforts has been identifying transportation and land-use (TLU) strategies that simultaneously reduce greenhouse gas emissions (“mitigation”) and adapt communities so that they will be less affected by the adverse impacts of climate change (“adaptation”). Sets of policies that collectively address both mitigation and adaptation are known as “integrated actions.” This study explores municipal climate planning in California to determine whether cities incorporate integrated actions into their plans, assess the potential drivers of conflict between mitigation and adaptation in municipal plans, and identify ways the State of California can help cities more effectively incorporate integrated actions. The study methods consisted of a detailed analysis of climate planning documents from 23 California cities with particularly long histories of climate planning, plus interviews with 25 local, regional, and state officials who work on municipal climate planning. The authors found that some cities did adopt packages of integrated actions, and, promisingly, two cities with recently updated climate plans explicitly focused on the need for integrated actions. However, most cities addressed climate mitigation and adaptation in separate efforts, potentially reducing synergies between the two types of action and even creating conflicts. Since the first generation of climate action plans focused primarily on mitigation of greenhouse gases (GHGs), adaptation strategies have not yet been effectively or fully combined into mitigation plans in many cities. Also, a cross-comparison of plan content and interview data suggests that cities often had sets of policies that could potentially create conflicts—mitigation policies that would undermine adaptation capacity, and vice versa. In addition, where a city did adopt integrated actions, these efforts are typically not labeled as such, nor do the policies appear within the same policy document. The study findings suggest promising steps that both municipal and state governments can take to support integrated TLU actions at the local level. For example, cities can proactively link the content in climate mitigation and adaptation plans—a process that will require building the capacity for cross-collaboration between the various departments in charge of developing, implementing, and monitoring climate-related plans. As for the state government, it can provide funding specifically for planning and implementing integrated actions, offer technical support to help municipalities adopt programs and projects that produce integrated mitigation and adaptation benefits, and fund research in the area of integrated actions

    Mini-conference on helicon plasma sources

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    The first two sessions of this mini-conference focused attention on two areas of helicon source research: The conditions for optimal helicon source performance and the origins of energetic electrons and ions in helicon sourceplasmas. The final mini-conference session reviewed novel applications of helicon sources, such as mixed plasma source systems and toroidal helicon sources. The session format was designed to stimulate debate and discussion, with considerable time available for extended discussion.E.E.S. and A.M.K. acknowledge support for this work from NSF award No. PHY- 0611571

    Bulletin No. 238 - Lamb-Fattening Experiments in Utah

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    This bulletin includes the results of Station Project 99-Fattening Lambs in Winter Drylot-which was begun at Monroe on November 15, 1928, and at Delta on November 13, 1929. The experiment was conducted for a period of four years at Monroe and for one year at Delta. Messers Alma and Milton Magelby of Monroe were closely associated with the Monroe experiment, furnishing the yards and the lambs as well as the feed used; the Monroe Lamb-feeders Association also cooperated in conducting this experiment. During the period that the Delta test was under way, Mr. J. F. Roe furnished the yards, the necessary lambs, and the feed supplies. Members of the Animal Husbandry Section of the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station have assisted in planning the experimental feeding work and have analyzed the results of the experiments

    A Quantitative Method for Estimating Probable Public Costs of Hurricanes

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    A method is presented for estimating probable public costs resulting from damage caused by hurricanes, measured as local government expenditures approved for reimbursement under the Stafford Act Section 406 Public Assistance Program. The method employs a multivariate model developed through multiple regression analysis of an array of independent variables that measure meteorological, socioeconomic, and physical conditions related to the landfall of hurricanes within a local government jurisdiction. From the regression analysis we chose a log–log (base 10) model that explains 74% of the variance in the expenditure data using population and wind speed as predictors. We illustrate application of the method for a local jurisdiction—Lee County, Florida, USA. The results show that potential public costs range from 4.7millionforacategory1hurricanewithwindsof137kilometersperhour(85milesperhour)to4.7 million for a category 1 hurricane with winds of 137 kilometers per hour (85 miles per hour) to 130 million for a category 5 hurricane with winds of 265 kilometers per hour (165 miles per hour). Based on these figures, we estimate expected annual public costs of $2.3 million. These cost estimates: (1) provide useful guidance for anticipating the magnitude of the federal, state, and local expenditures that would be required for the array of possible hurricanes that could affect that jurisdiction; (2) allow policy makers to assess the implications of alternative federal and state policies for providing public assistance to jurisdictions that experience hurricane damage; and (3) provide information needed to develop a contingency fund or other financial mechanism for assuring that the community has sufficient funds available to meet its obligations

    Evidence-based implementation practices applied to the intensive treatment of eating disorders: Summary of research and illustration of principles using a case example

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    Implementation of evidence‐based practices (EBPs) in intensive treatment settings poses a major challenge in the field of psychology. This is particularly true for eating disorder (ED) treatment, where multidisciplinary care is provided to a severe and complex patient population; almost no data exist concerning best practices in these settings. We summarize the research on EBP implementation science organized by existing frameworks and illustrate how these practices may be applied using a case example. We describe the recent successful implementation of EBPs in a community‐based intensive ED treatment network, which recently adapted and implemented transdiagnostic, empirically supported treatment for emotional disorders across its system of residential and day‐hospital programs. The research summary, implementation frameworks, and case example may inform future efforts to implement evidence‐based practice in intensive treatment settings.Published versio

    Evaluation of six peanut genotypes for pod rod resistance.

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    Evaluation of six peanut genotypes for rot resistance
