205 research outputs found

    CAMPO, SCR_FIND and CHC_FIND: a suite of web tools for computational structural biology

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    The identification of evolutionarily conserved features of protein structures can provide insights into their functional and structural properties. Three methods have been developed and implemented as WWW tools, CAMPO, SCR_FIND and CHC_FIND, to analyze evolutionarily conserved residues (ECRs), structurally conserved regions (SCRs) and conserved hydrophobic contacts (CHCs) in protein families and superfamilies, on the basis of their 3D structures and the homologous sequences available. The programs identify protein segments that conserve a similar main-chain conformation, compute residue-to-residue hydrophobic contacts involving only apolar atoms common to all the 3D structures analyzed and allow the identification of conserved amino-acid sites among protein structures and their homologous sequences. The programs also allow the visualization of SCRs, CHCs and ECRs directly on the superposed structures and their multiple structural and sequence alignments. Tools and tutorials explaining their usage are available at , and

    PyMod: sequence similarity searches, multiple sequence-structure alignments, and homology modeling within PyMOL

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    Background: In recent years, an exponential growing number of tools for protein sequence analysis, editing and modeling tasks have been put at the disposal of the scientific community. Despite the vast majority of these tools have been released as open source software, their deep learning curves often discourages even the most experienced users. Results: A simple and intuitive interface, PyMod, between the popular molecular graphics system PyMOL and several other tools (i.e., [PSI-] BLAST, ClustalW, MUSCLE, CEalign and MODELLER) has been developed, to show how the integration of the individual steps required for homology modeling and sequence/structure analysis within the PyMOL framework can hugely simplify these tasks. Sequence similarity searches, multiple sequence and structural alignments generation and editing, and even the possibility to merge sequence and structure alignments have been implemented in PyMod, with the aim of creating a simple, yet powerful tool for sequence and structure analysis and building of homology models. Conclusions: PyMod represents a new tool for the analysis and the manipulation of protein sequences and structures. The ease of use, integration with many sequence retrieving and alignment tools and PyMOL, one of the most used molecular visualization system, are the key features of this tool. Source code, installation instructions, video tutorials and a user's guide are freely available at the URL http://schubert.bio.uniroma1.it/pymod/index.htm

    Serine hydroxymethyltransferase: origin of substrate specificity

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    All forms of serine hydroxymethyltransferase, for which a primary structure is known, have five threonine residues near the active-site lysyl residue (K229) that forms the internal aldimine with pyridoxal phosphate. For Escherichia coli serine hydroxymethyltransferase each of these threonine residues has been changed to an alanine residue. The resulting five mutant enzymes were purified and characterized with respect to kinetic and spectral properties. The mutant enzymes T224A and T227A showed no significant changes in kinetic and spectral properties compared to the wild-type enzyme. The T225A and T230A enzymes exhibited differences in K(m) and k(cat) values but exhibited the same spectral properties as the wild-type enzyme. The four threonine residues at positions 224, 225, 227, and 230 do not play a critical role in the mechanism of the enzyme. The T226A enzyme had nearly normal affinity for substrates and coenzymes but had only 3% of the catalytic activity of the wild-type enzyme. The spectrum of the T226A enzyme in the presence of amino acid substrates showed a large absorption maximum at 343 nm with only a small absorption band at 425 nm, unlike the wild-type enzyme whose enzyme-substrate complexes absorb at 425 nm. Rapid reaction studies showed that when amino acid substrates and substrate analogues were added to the T226A enzyme, the internal aldimine absorbing at 422 nm was rapidly converted to a complex absorbing at 343 nm in a second-order process. This was followed by a very slow first-order formation of a complex absorbing at 425 nm. Variation of the initial rapid second-order process as a function of pH suggested that the anionic form of the amino acid forms the first complex with the enzyme. The results are interpreted as being due to the rapid formation of a gem-diamine complex between amino acids and T226A enzyme with a rate-determining formation of the external aldimine. This suggests that Thr-226 plays an important role in converting the gem-diamine complex to the external aldimine complex. Variation of the kinetic constants with amino acid structure suggests that the T226A enzyme distinguishes between substrates and substrate analogues in the formation of the gem-diamine complex

    The primary structure of rabbit liver cytosolic serine hydroxymethyltrasferase

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    Primary structure of a protease isoinhibitor from bovine spleen. A possible intermediate in the processing of the primary gene product.

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    Sequence studies on the protease isoinhibitor I isolated from bovine spleen have revealed that it consists of two molecular variants which differ only in the presence of an additional COOH-terminal residue, asparagine, in the less abundant form. The complete amino acid sequence shows that they are composed of 65 or 66 residues and predicts Mr of 7223 or 7338, respectively. The sequences correspond exactly to the 58-residue polypeptide chain of spleen isoinhibitor II plus NH2- and COOH-terminal extensions of 2 and 5 or 6 amino acid residues, respectively. Moreover the entire sequences are located within the 100-residue structure deduced from the mRNA and DNA sequences of the putative precursor. These data support the idea that the molecular variants of isoinhibitor I are either mature proteins with distinct functional roles, or intermediates in the multistage processing of the primary product of gene expression, which eventually leads to the mature protein, i.e. inhibitor II

    The critical structural role of a highly conserved histidine residue in group II amino acid decarboxylases

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    AbstractGlutamate decarboxylase is a pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme, belonging to the subset of PLP-dependent decarboxylases classified as group II. Site-directed mutagenesis of Escherichia coli glutamate decarboxylase, combined with analysis of the crystal structure, shows that a histidine residue buried in the protein core is critical for correct folding. This histidine is strictly conserved in the PF00282 PFAM family, which includes the group II decarboxylases. A similar role is proposed for residue Ser269, also highly conserved in this group of enzymes, as it provides one of the interactions stabilising His241

    The primary structure of mitochondrial aspartate aminotrasferase from human heart

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    The complete amino acid sequence of the mitochondrial asparate aminotransferase (L-aspartate:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase, EC from human heart has been determined based mainly on analysis of peptides obtained by digestion with trypsin and by chemical cleavage with cyanogen bromide. Comparison of the sequence with those of the isotopic isoenzymes from pig, rat and chicken showed 27, 29 and 55 differences, respectively, out of a total of 401 amino acid residues. Evidence for structural microheterogeneity at position 317 has also been obtained


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    Abstract The results of peptide map patterns, end group analysis, and disc electrophoresis experiments in gels containing 8 m urea show that serine transhydroxymethylase from rabbit liver consists of four identical polypeptide chains. Evidence is presented to show that serine transhydroxymethylase can exist in an oxidized form and a reduced form. The oxidized form is about 60% as active as the reduced form but can be converted to the reduced form by incubation with a sulfhydryl compound, such as dithiothreitol, and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate. In the absence of a sulfhydryl compound the reduced enzyme is converted to the oxidized enzyme over a period of several weeks at -5°. The apoenzyme is converted to the oxidized form in a few hours. The reduced enzyme has 12 sulfhydryl groups which react with 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid). Kinetically they are of two classes. Eight of these sulfhydryl groups react rapidly and four more slowly. The oxidized enzyme has only eight sulfhydryl groups which react with 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid), four reacting rapidly and four more slowly. The reaction of the enzyme with 5,5'-dithiobis(2nitrobenzoic acid) causes dissociation of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate and complete loss of enzymatic activity