14 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a smart system for the optimization of logistics performance of a pruning biomass value chain

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    The paper presents a report on the performance evaluation of a newly developed smart logistics system (SLS). Field tests were conducted in Spain, Germany, and Sweden. The evaluation focused on the performance of a smart box tool (used to capture information during biomass transport) and a web-based information platform (used to monitor the flow of agricultural pruning from farms to end users and associated information flow). The tests were performed following a product usability testing approach, considering both qualitative and quantitative parameters. The detailed performance evaluation included the following: systematic analysis of 41 recordable parameters (stored in a spreadsheet database), analysis of feedback and problems encountered during the tests, and overall quality analysis applying the product quality model adapted from ISO/IEC FDIS 9126-1 standard. The data recording and storage and the capability to support product traceability and supply chain management were found to be very satisfactory, while assembly of smart box components (mainly the associated cables), data transferring intervals, and manageability could be improved. From the data retrieved during test activities, in more than 95% of the parameters within 41 columns, the expected values were displayed correctly. Some errors were observed, which might have been caused mainly by barriers that could hinder proper data recording and transfer from the smart box to the central database. These problems can be counteracted and the performance of the SLS can be improved so that it can be upgraded to be a marketable tool that can promote sustainable biomass-to-energy value chains

    Life-cycle assessment of the use of peach pruning residues for electricity generation

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    Biomass residues from permanent crops might be an alternative fuel for energy generation in a local market with limited transport distances. Moreover, as activities related to CO2 reduction are of special attention in the European Union (EU), sustainable use of resources plays an important role in climate change mitigation. In this paper, a life-cycle assessment (LCA) of the integrated value chain from peach pruning residues for electricity generation is presented and compared with the common practice including the mulching process of the pruned biomass in an orchard. It was shown that biomass harvesting, chipping and its delivery to a power plant-the Pruning-to-Energy (PtE) scenario - is feasible from an environmental point of view. The total global warming potential (GWP) of this value chain was 200 kg CO2 eq.·ha-1 (or 27 kg CO2 eq.·GJ-1). In turn, the mulching and leaving of the pruned biomass in an orchard-the pruning-to-soil (PtS) scenario - is characterized by a CO2 equivalent of 2360 kg-ha-1. Other impact categories showed a lower environmental impact for the PtE scenario as well. When considering the Spanish electricity-mix instead of coal-based electricity, the PtS scenario score better in most impact categories, but the GWP for the PtE scenario remains lower

    Processing and Quality Guidelines for Organic Food Processing/Verarbeitungs- und Qualitätsleitfaden für biologische Lebensmittel/Linee guida per la lavorazione e la qualità visto che trasformazione di alimenti biologici

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    These guidelines on quality and processing of organic foods have been prepared as part of the Core Organic Plus funded project “SusOrganic - Development of quality standards and optimised processing methods for organic produce”

    Smart System for the Optimization of Logistics Performance of the Pruning Biomass Value Chain

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    Agricultural pruning biomass is one of the important resources in Europe for generating renewable energy. However, utilization of the agricultural residues requires development of efficient and effective logistics systems. The objective of this study was to develop smart logistics system (SLS) appropriate for the management of the pruning biomass supply chain. The paper describes the users’ requirement of SLS, defines the technical and functional requirements and specifications for the development of SLS, and determines relevant information/data to be documented and managed by the SLS. This SLS has four major components: (a) Smart box, a sensor unit that enables measurement of data such as relative humidity, temperature, geographic positions; (b) On-board control unit, a unit that performs route planning and monitors the recordings by the smart box; (c) Information platform, a centralized platform for data storing and sharing, and management of pruning supply chain and traceability; and (d) Central control unit, an interface linking the Information platform and On-board control unit that serves as a point of administration for the whole pruning biomass supply chain from harvesting to end user. The SLS enables the improvement of performance of pruning biomass supply chain management and product traceability leading to a reduction of product loss, increased coordination of resources utilisation and quality of solid biofuel supply, increased pruning marketing opportunity, and reduction of logistics cost. This SLS was designed for pruning biomass, but could also be adapted for any type of biomass-to-energy initiatives

    Gałęzie z sadów na cele energetyczne - wyniki oceny oddziaływania na środowisko nowego łańcucha logistycznego opracowanego w ramach projektu EuroPruning - Cz. 2

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    To determine the environmental impact, the assessment of the EuroPruning project strategy has been carried out in accordance with the checking and scooping list related to Directive 97/11/EC. Additionally, some suggestions and recommendations to prevent/minimize the hazard of accidents or negative interaction on surrounding have been elaborated (according to the suggested procedure in ISO 14001 methodology: risk definition and prevention action proposal). As a consequence, the results of the inspection during the demo tests taking place in different orchards/plantations regarding the performance of the machineries operation, farmers’ habits and pruning residues harvesting procedures have been presented, in order to diagnose and determine possible risks that may occur and influence negatively the local environment. Similar activities have been carried out during the storage tests and transportation processes.W celu określenia stopnia oddziaływania na środowisko strategii przyjętej w projekcie EuroPruning, polegającej na wykorzystaniu ściętych gałęzi z sadów i plantacji w celach energetycznych, przeprowadzono analizę w oparciu o zasady postępowania zawarte w dyrektywie 97/11/EC. Dodatkowo, w odniesieniu do procedury zawartej w metodologii ISO 14001: definicja ryzyka i proponowane działania prewencyjne, opracowano wskazówki i rekomendacje mające na celu eliminację lub ograniczenie ryzyka wypadku czy negatywnego oddziaływania na otoczenie zewnętrzne. W konsekwencji, przedstawiono wyniki inspekcji dokonanych podczas badań testowych przeprowadzanych w różnych sadach i plantacjach drzew owocowych (obejmujących działanie pracujących maszyn, nawyki sadownika oraz proces zbierania ściętych gałęzi) pod kątem identyfikacji oraz określenia zakresu zagrożeń, które mogą wystąpić i wpływać negatywnie na środowisko. Podobne działania przeprowadzono dla procesu magazynowania i transportu biomasy sadowniczej

    Short Supply Chains as a Viable Alternative for the Distribution of Food in Urban Areas? Investigation of the Performance of Several Distribution Schemes

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    In recent years, alternative forms of consumption in conventional food systems have emerged across the world. Specifically, the concept of short food supply chains advocates consumption of local products and distribution with maximum one (or ideally none) intermediary between the producer and the consumer. The objective of these consumption patterns is to reduce the externalities caused by conventional consumption modes, bring closer consumers and producers, and allow small-scale farmers to diversify their production, capturing greater value added, and ensuring more stable incomes. A large variety of typology of short supply chains can be distinguished, ranging from direct sales and distribution by producers to Internet sales through e-commerce operators.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    The Implementation of Traceability in Fashion Networks

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    A complete network traceability to identify suppliers and customers\u2019 activities and share information along the entire network is not an easy objective to achieve. It requires the involvement of all the network stages: manufacturing, purchasing and distribution processes. This research aims to study traceability for collaborative network within the fashion industry. We conducted an in-depth case study using an interview protocol specifically designed for this research investigating drivers as well as practices for network traceability