10 research outputs found

    Psychological state of the Croatian refugees in the Republic of Hungary

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    S ciljem procjene adaptacijskih sposobnosti hrvatskih izbjeglica iz Baranje u Republici Mađarskoj, autori ovog rada psihijatrijskim su intervjuom po specifično pripremljenom upitniku za ovo istraživanje procjenjivali duševno stanje 100 izbjeglica u dobi od 10 do 82 godine. Prosječna starost izbjeglica bila je 38 godina. Procjenjivanje psihičkog stanja izbjeglica učinjeno je 6 tjedana nakon njihova dolaska u logor (socijalnu ustanovu) u jednom malom mjestu (Maria Gyud) u Mađarskoj. Autori nalaze da su izbjeglice napustile svoj dom i svoju Domovinu pred zatrašujućim neprijateljima, domaćim Srbima, koje identificiraju kao teroriste i pred srpskom vlasti potpomognutom Jugoslavenskom narodnom armijom. Napuštanje svojih domova i Domovine bilo je iznenadno, ali ipak svojom voljom. Odlazak je bio praćen strahom, tjeskobom, nevjericom, očajem, ljutnjom i rijetkim paničnim ponašanjem. Na prvom je mjestu bio strah za djecu, pa strah od mučenja i sakaćenja od strane terorista, dok su strahovi blažeg intenziteta bili za vlastiti život, rodbinu i imovinu. Dominantno osjećanje za vrijeme razgovora s izbjeglicama bilo je čežnja za domom i Domovinom i briga za budućnost. Ovo osjećanje je domininantno u 61% ispitanika. Emocionalne i psihosomatske smetnje je imalo 42% ispitanika, a grupiraju se oko Bardovog »neurasteničnog sindroma«. Samo 5% izbjeglica je zatražilo konkretnu psihijatrijsku pomoć, i to onih koji su i prije izbjeglištva imali psihičkih problema. Autori zaključuju da i nakon 6 tjedana boravka hrvatske izbjeglice iz Baranje u Republiku Mađarsku imaju adaptacijskih problema, a koji se manifestiraju emocionalnim i psihosomatskim reakcijama, pa preporučuju sistematsku domovinsku stručnu i laičku psihološku pomoć i podršku.Psychological state of a group of 100 refugees aged 10-82 yrs (mean, 38 yrs) was assessed by a psychiatric interview vising a questionnaire designed especially for this study. The aim of the study was to evaluate the adaptative capacities of Croatian refugees from Baranya temporarily accommodated in the Republic of Hungary. The interview was conducted 6 weeks after their arrival in the camp (a social care institution) in Maria Gyud, a small town in Hungary. The refugees were found to have fled their homes and Homeland in fear from cruel enemies, i.e. local Serbs whom they identified as terorists, and the Serbian governmental authorities backed up by the Yugoslav Federal Army. The refugees had to leave their homes and Homeland suddenly, but still of their own free will. The departure from home was accompanied by fear, anxiety, disbelief, despair, anger, and panic. First of all, they feared for their children, which was followed by fear from torture and mutilation by terrorists, whereas fears for their own life, relatives and properties were less pronounced. During the interview, homesickness and concern about the future pre dominated in 61% of subjects. Emotional and psychic disturbances, clustered around Beard’s »neurasthenic syndrome«, were recorded in 42% of subjects. Actual psychiatric aid was sought by 5% of the refugees, mostly by those who had had some psyhic problems before this forcible displacement. The Croatian refugees from Baranya were found to experience adaptive problems manifesting as emotional and psychosomatic reactions, even after 6 weeks of their stay in Hungary. Provision of a systematic profesional and lay psychologic assistance and support from their Homeland is advised

    Evaluation of therapeutic dose linear accelerator out-of-field using different techniques radiation

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    Prilikom puštanja u rad terapijskog linearnog akceleratora dozimetrijska mjerenja se rade samo u zračnom polju i ti podaci se unose u TPS (sistem za planiranje), dok dozimetrijski podaci izvan zračnog polja nisu dobro dokumentovani. Neminovno je da dijelovi tijela izvan zračnog polja budu izloženi određenoj dozi zračenja rasijanog u tijelu pacijenta, akceleratorskoj glavi, kao i u samoj prostoriji. Razvojem tehnika isporuke doze pomoću kojih imamo mnogo bolju konformalnost, ali isto tako imamo više monitorskih jedinica čime se produžava vrijeme tretmana, a samim time izloženost tijela nižim dozama zračenja. Takođe, koristimo više polja pod različitim uglovima (IMRT) ili puni luk (VMAT). Sve ovo utiče da veća zapremina normalnog tkiva bude izložena nižim dozama zračenja. Cilj ovog rada je da se procijeni vrijednost doze izvan zračnog polja za tretmanske planove (3DCRT, IMRT i VMAT) napravljenih u Eclipse 13.6 TPS (Varian Medical Systems) koja je isporučena pomoću Clinac DHX (Varian Medical Systems) linearnog akceleratora. Mjerenje je rađeno u Thorax Phantom-u (CIRS) pomoću jonizacione komore na udaljenosti od ivice polja u rasponu od 1,75–15,75 cm.When commissioning therapeutic linear accelerator dosimetric measurements are made only in the air field and these data are entered in TPS (treatment planning system), and dosimetry data out-of-field are not well documented. It is inevitable that parts of the body out-of-field to be exposed to a certain dose of the scatter radiation in the patient's body, accelerator head, as well as in the room. The development of technique delivery doses with which we have a much better conformity, but also we have more of monitor units that serve to prolong the treatment time, and thus the exposure of the body lower doses of radiation. Also, use more fields at different angles (IMRT) or full arch (VMAT). All this affects the larger volume of normal tissue is exposed to lower doses of radiation. The aim of this study is to assess the value out-of-field dose for treatment plans (3DCRT, IMRT and VMAT) made in Eclipse 13.6 TPS (Varian Medical Systems) that is delivered using CLINAC DHX (Varian Medical Systems) linear accelerator. Measurement was conducted in Thorax Phantom-in (CIRS) using ionization chamber at the distance from the edge of the field in the range of (1.75 - 15.75) cm

    Evaluation of therapeutic dose linear accelerator out-of-field using different techniques radiation

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    Prilikom puštanja u rad terapijskog linearnog akceleratora dozimetrijska mjerenja se rade samo u zračnom polju i ti podaci se unose u TPS (sistem za planiranje), dok dozimetrijski podaci izvan zračnog polja nisu dobro dokumentovani. Neminovno je da dijelovi tijela izvan zračnog polja budu izloženi određenoj dozi zračenja rasijanog u tijelu pacijenta, akceleratorskoj glavi, kao i u samoj prostoriji. Razvojem tehnika isporuke doze pomoću kojih imamo mnogo bolju konformalnost, ali isto tako imamo više monitorskih jedinica čime se produžava vrijeme tretmana, a samim time izloženost tijela nižim dozama zračenja. Takođe, koristimo više polja pod različitim uglovima (IMRT) ili puni luk (VMAT). Sve ovo utiče da veća zapremina normalnog tkiva bude izložena nižim dozama zračenja. Cilj ovog rada je da se procijeni vrijednost doze izvan zračnog polja za tretmanske planove (3DCRT, IMRT i VMAT) napravljenih u Eclipse 13.6 TPS (Varian Medical Systems) koja je isporučena pomoću Clinac DHX (Varian Medical Systems) linearnog akceleratora. Mjerenje je rađeno u Thorax Phantom-u (CIRS) pomoću jonizacione komore na udaljenosti od ivice polja u rasponu od 1,75–15,75 cm.When commissioning therapeutic linear accelerator dosimetric measurements are made only in the air field and these data are entered in TPS (treatment planning system), and dosimetry data out-of-field are not well documented. It is inevitable that parts of the body out-of-field to be exposed to a certain dose of the scatter radiation in the patient's body, accelerator head, as well as in the room. The development of technique delivery doses with which we have a much better conformity, but also we have more of monitor units that serve to prolong the treatment time, and thus the exposure of the body lower doses of radiation. Also, use more fields at different angles (IMRT) or full arch (VMAT). All this affects the larger volume of normal tissue is exposed to lower doses of radiation. The aim of this study is to assess the value out-of-field dose for treatment plans (3DCRT, IMRT and VMAT) made in Eclipse 13.6 TPS (Varian Medical Systems) that is delivered using CLINAC DHX (Varian Medical Systems) linear accelerator. Measurement was conducted in Thorax Phantom-in (CIRS) using ionization chamber at the distance from the edge of the field in the range of (1.75 - 15.75) cm

    Review on the group of war prisoners from Slavonia region

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    U skupini od 51 ratnog zarobljenika, zarobljenih u razdoblju od prosinca 1991. godine do ožujka 1992. godine na području istočne i zapadne Slavonije, smještenih u Okružnom zatvoru Osijek, obavili smo anketiranje sa ciljem određenja psihosocijalnih čimbenika te psihijatrijski pregled primjenom kratke psihijatrijske ocjenske ljestvice (BPRS) sa ciljem procjene psihičkog zdravlja. Rezultati pokazuju da skupinu ispitanika čine stanovnici Republike Hrvatske, srpske nacionalnosti, starije dobi, nižeg stupnja obrazovanja, najčešće zaposleni, čija je motivacija za ratovanje zasnovana na iracionalnim strahovima potaknutim srpskom medijskom propagandom i anticipacijom gubitaka. Utvrđeni stupnjevi izraženosti psihičkih simptoma uzbuđenja, napetosti i straha po BPRS-u u skupini ratnih zarobljenika možemo objasniti situacijskim ratnim čimbenicima, dok simptomatologije koja bi upućivala na psihopatološke entitete nema. Slabiji intenzitet postojećih psihičkih simptoma ima svoj uzrok sigurno i u poštivanju odredbi Ženevske konvencije i neprimjeni nasilja i terora tijekom boravka u zatvoru.In the group of 51 war prisoners captured in the period of December 1991 to March 1992, placed in District Prison in Osijek, we tried to determine psychosocial factors by means of the questionary as well as we tried to estimate mental health by psychiatric check up and usage of a short psychiatric rating scale (BPRS). The results obtained show that the group consisted of Croatian inhabitans, Serbs of elder age, low educational level, mostly employed whose motivation for warring was based on irrational fears arroused by Serbian mass media indoctrination and by anticipation of losses. The level of intesity of the symptoms: excitement, tension, anxiety according to BPRS in the group of war prisoners can be explained by situational war factors while there is no symptoms that would refer to psychopathological entity. Low intensity of the found symptoms is partly due to respect of the principles of Geneve Convention - no violence and terror during the stay in prison

    Trichinellosis of domestic pigs in Croatia (2011-2018) and the current situation in other European countries

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    Trihineloza domaćih svinja bila je krajem prošlog i početkom ovog stoljeća jedna od čestih tema u veterinarskom javnom zdravstvu u Hrvatskoj, jer je trihineloza u ljudi tih godina ocijenjena kao bolest od javno-zdravstvenog značenja. Kao izvor invadiranja ljudi u ostalim europskim državama i državama svijeta, osim svinjskog, navode se i druge vrste mesa. U Hrvatskoj su sve do 2017. godine svinjsko meso, tj. suhomesnati proizvodi napravljeni od mesa domaće svinje bili jedini službeni izvori invadiranja ljudi. Veterinarska struka je od sredine devedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća do 2017. godine sustavnim mjerama otkrivanja i uklanjanja pozitivnih svinja te mjerama sprječavanja invadiranja, broj trihineloznih svinja uspjela smanjiti na jednoznamenkastu brojku da bi 2018. godine zabilježili čak 194 pozitivne svinje. Većina trihineloznih svinja nađena je u srpnju i kolovozu 2018. godine u dvije velike epizootije na istoku Hrvatske. Ovoliko velik broj nadmašio je ukupan zbroj pozitivnih svinja u Hrvatskoj unatrag zadnjih sedam godina. Druga neočekivana vijest je bila da se epizootija s najvećim brojem pozitivnih svinja dogodila na farmi gdje se svinje tove intenzivnim načinom tova što je pojava koja nije zabilježena kroz dugi niz godina niti u Hrvatskoj, a pogotovo ne u većini drugih država EU. Cilj ovoga rada je opisati slučajeve trihineloze svinja u Hrvatskoj koji su zabilježeni u 2018. godini s posebnim naglaskom na dvije velike epizootije. Usporedit ćemo i podatke iz 2018. godine s podatcima iz perioda 2011.-2017. u Hrvatskoj te prezentirati podatke o trihinelozi domaćih svinja u drugim europskim zemljama.The infection of domestic pigs with Trichinella spp. was one of the most important veterinary public health issues in Croatia. At the end of the last and the beginning of this century, human trichinellosis was evaluated as a disease of public health importance. Whereas the source of trichinellosis in other countries of Europe and elsewhere was both pork and other types of meat, in Croatia, only pork and pork meat products were official sources of trichinellosis until 2017. From the mid-1990s to 2017, the veterinary profession managed to reduce the number of infected pigs to a single digit by systematic measures to detect and remove positive pigs and prevent infection. However, in 2018 we recorded altogether 194 positive pigs and the majority of them were registered in mid summer in two large epizootic outbreaks in eastern Croatia. Such a high and unexpected number exceeded the total number of positive carcasses in Croatia for the previous seven years. Another unexpected discovery was that the outbreak with the largest number of positive pigs occurred on a farm where pigs are fattened in intensive fattening, an occurrence not reported for many years in Croatia, or in most other EU countries. The objective of this study was to describe the cases of infections of pigs with Trichinella spp. in Croatia in 2018, with special emphasis on the two major epizootic outbreaks. Data for 2018 were also compared with the 2011-2017 data for Croatia, and the present data on Trichinella spp. positive pigs in other European countries

    Zn concentrations in wheat grains along the gradient of native Zn soil availability in Serbia

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    Zinc (Zn) is an essential microelement for plants and also an important nutritional and health factor in humans. As a consequence of low Zn availability in soils, nearly half of the world's population suffers from Zn malnutrition. Zn deficiency has serious implications for human health (e.g. impairments in physical development, immune system, brain function and learning ability) and thus for the overall economy of a country; it is most severe in nations who depend on cereals as the main staple food. A critical Zn concentration in the whole grain for humans that depend on cereal based diets is 24 mg kg-1 dry matter. Research focused on increase of Zn content in cereals (biofortification), is the strategic priority in many countries. In Serbia however, the awareness of this problem is lacking, and no systematic survey of Zn availability in soi ls and concentrations in cereal grains has been undertaken so far. Our study included 156 grain samples of the two major bread wheat varieties (Simonida and NS 40S) collected at 89 localities throughout Serbia. We analyzed soil pH, available Zn and grain Zn concentration together by principle component analysis and multiple linear regression. Wheat varieties did not differ in ability to accumulate Zn in grains. Both soil pH and available Zn concentration were the nominally significant predictors for grain Zn concentration and explained about 12 and 9% of the encountered variation, respectively. Zn concentration below the critical limit (24 mg kg-1) was found in 58% of grain samples (values in the range 11-61 mg kg-1, median only 21.3 mg kg-1), while in only 14% of soil samples the available Zn was below the critical value (05 mg kg-1). The most severe lack of Zn in grains (below 18 mg kg-1) was observed in samples from the major production regions of bread wheat (e.g. Pancevo, Vrbas and Sremska Mitrovica). The alarming results of this survey indicate that Serbia urgently needs a strategy for Zn biofortification, primarily through a breeding program to enhance Zn efficiency as a sustainable alternative to application of Zn fertilizers

    The assessment of soil availability and wheat grain status of zinc and iron in Serbia: Implications for human nutrition

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    The deficiency of zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) is a global issue causing not only considerable yield losses of food crops but also serious health problems. We have analysed Zn and Fe concentrations in the grains of two bread wheat cultivars along native gradient of micronutrient availability throughout Serbia. Although only 13% of the soil samples were Zn deficient and none was Fe deficient, the levels of these micronutrients in grain were rather low (median values of 21 mg kg(-1) for Zn and 36 mg kg(-1) for Fe), and even less adequate in white flour. Moreover, excessive P fertilization of calcareous soils in the major wheat growing areas strongly correlated with lower grain concentration of Zn. Our results imply that a latent Zn deficiency in wheat grain poses a high risk for grain quality relevant to human health in Serbia, where wheat bread is a staple food. k

    Introducing Open Data Concepts to STEM Students Using Real-World Open Datasets

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    While open data concepts become more important in our society, education about its benefits and technical issues is still behind the practice. Students of STEM disciplines should be introduced to open data during their education. The Open Computing course, completely redesigned in the new Computing curriculum, introduces open data concepts, providing both the basics and advanced topics, from technical to social and legal viewpoints. Among the several educational activities, one was particularly useful for understanding the needs and implications of using open data: a synchronous group activity where students had to choose a societal issue, find and analyze two open datasets that would help gaining insight into this issue, assess interdisciplinarity approaches and stakeholders, and finally propose the added value emerging from the solution. In a short amount of time needed, this activity - which tackled multiple aspects of the problem - brought a clearer insight into the topic, building upon the conventional lectures. Students highly graded such an approach to their education, where they had to construct their knowledge by the group experience. A similar group activity appeared to be useful in the con of open data PhD training and might also be used in other disciplines and domains.</p