6,179 research outputs found

    Combining Hebbian and reinforcement learning in a minibrain model

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    A toy model of a neural network in which both Hebbian learning and reinforcement learning occur is studied. The problem of `path interference', which makes that the neural net quickly forgets previously learned input-output relations is tackled by adding a Hebbian term (proportional to the learning rate η\eta) to the reinforcement term (proportional to ρ\rho) in the learning rule. It is shown that the number of learning steps is reduced considerably if 1/4<η/ρ<1/21/4 < \eta/\rho < 1/2, i.e., if the Hebbian term is neither too small nor too large compared to the reinforcement term

    A split-cavity design for the incorporation of a DC bias in a 3D microwave cavity

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    We report on a technique for applying a DC bias in a 3D microwave cavity. We achieve this by isolating the two halves of the cavity with a dielectric and directly using them as DC electrodes. As a proof of concept, we embed a variable capacitance diode in the cavity and tune the resonant frequency with a DC voltage, demonstrating the incorporation of a DC bias into the 3D cavity with no measurable change in its quality factor at room temperature. We also characterize the architecture at millikelvin temperatures and show that the split cavity design maintains a quality factor Qi8.8×105Q_\text{i} \sim 8.8 \times 10^5, making it promising for future quantum applications

    Reionization history constraints from neural network based predictions of high-redshift quasar continua

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    Observations of the early Universe suggest that reionization was complete by z6z\sim6, however, the exact history of this process is still unknown. One method for measuring the evolution of the neutral fraction throughout this epoch is via observing the Lyα\alpha damping wings of high-redshift quasars. In order to constrain the neutral fraction from quasar observations, one needs an accurate model of the quasar spectrum around Lyα\alpha, after the spectrum has been processed by its host galaxy but before it is altered by absorption and damping in the intervening IGM. In this paper, we present a novel machine learning approach, using artificial neural networks, to reconstruct quasar continua around Lyα\alpha. Our QSANNdRA algorithm improves the error in this reconstruction compared to the state-of-the-art PCA-based model in the literature by 14.2% on average, and provides an improvement of 6.1% on average when compared to an extension thereof. In comparison with the extended PCA model, QSANNdRA further achieves an improvement of 22.1% and 16.8% when evaluated on low-redshift quasars most similar to the two high-redshift quasars under consideration, ULAS J1120+0641 at z=7.0851z=7.0851 and ULAS J1342+0928 at z=7.5413z=7.5413, respectively. Using our more accurate reconstructions of these two z>7z>7 quasars, we estimate the neutral fraction of the IGM using a homogeneous reionization model and find xˉHI=0.250.05+0.05\bar{x}_\mathrm{HI} = 0.25^{+0.05}_{-0.05} at z=7.0851z=7.0851 and xˉHI=0.600.11+0.11\bar{x}_\mathrm{HI} = 0.60^{+0.11}_{-0.11} at z=7.5413z=7.5413. Our results are consistent with the literature and favour a rapid end to reionization

    Multi-mode ultra-strong coupling in circuit quantum electrodynamics

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    With the introduction of superconducting circuits into the field of quantum optics, many novel experimental demonstrations of the quantum physics of an artificial atom coupled to a single-mode light field have been realized. Engineering such quantum systems offers the opportunity to explore extreme regimes of light-matter interaction that are inaccessible with natural systems. For instance the coupling strength gg can be increased until it is comparable with the atomic or mode frequency ωa,m\omega_{a,m} and the atom can be coupled to multiple modes which has always challenged our understanding of light-matter interaction. Here, we experimentally realize the first Transmon qubit in the ultra-strong coupling regime, reaching coupling ratios of g/ωm=0.19g/\omega_{m}=0.19 and we measure multi-mode interactions through a hybridization of the qubit up to the fifth mode of the resonator. This is enabled by a qubit with 88% of its capacitance formed by a vacuum-gap capacitance with the center conductor of a coplanar waveguide resonator. In addition to potential applications in quantum information technologies due to its small size and localization of electric fields in vacuum, this new architecture offers the potential to further explore the novel regime of multi-mode ultra-strong coupling.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Approaching ultra-strong coupling in Transmon circuit-QED using a high-impedance resonator

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    In this experiment, we couple a superconducting Transmon qubit to a high-impedance 645 Ω645\ \Omega microwave resonator. Doing so leads to a large qubit-resonator coupling rate gg, measured through a large vacuum Rabi splitting of 2g9102g\simeq 910 MHz. The coupling is a significant fraction of the qubit and resonator oscillation frequencies ω\omega, placing our system close to the ultra-strong coupling regime (gˉ=g/ω=0.071\bar{g}=g/\omega=0.071 on resonance). Combining this setup with a vacuum-gap Transmon architecture shows the potential of reaching deep into the ultra-strong coupling gˉ0.45\bar{g} \sim 0.45 with Transmon qubits

    A Heterosynaptic Learning Rule for Neural Networks

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    In this article we intoduce a novel stochastic Hebb-like learning rule for neural networks that is neurobiologically motivated. This learning rule combines features of unsupervised (Hebbian) and supervised (reinforcement) learning and is stochastic with respect to the selection of the time points when a synapse is modified. Moreover, the learning rule does not only affect the synapse between pre- and postsynaptic neuron, which is called homosynaptic plasticity, but effects also further remote synapses of the pre- and postsynaptic neuron. This more complex form of synaptic plasticity has recently come under investigations in neurobiology and is called heterosynaptic plasticity. We demonstrate that this learning rule is useful in training neural networks by learning parity functions including the exclusive-or (XOR) mapping in a multilayer feed-forward network. We find, that our stochastic learning rule works well, even in the presence of noise. Importantly, the mean learning time increases with the number of patterns to be learned polynomially, indicating efficient learning.Comment: 19 page