2 research outputs found

    Вентрикуларна фибрилација по ендоскопска ретроградна холангиопанкреатографија кај пациент со вграден уред за лево вентрикуларна асистенција – приказ на случај

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    Congestive heart failure is a growing global health problem. Left ventricular assist device (LVAD) is a method used to extend the life of patients with congestive heart failure as a definitive treatment or to “bypass” the period until heart transplantation. Ventricular arrhythmias in patients with LVAD are not uncommon. The aim of this paper is to present the case of a patient with an already implanted LVAD and the need for appropriate interdisciplinary medical treatment. Case report: We present the case of a 54-year old patient, A. D., with implanted LVAD - HeartMate 3 due to severe congestive heart failure. The patient was admitted with jaundice at the PHIU Clinic for Gastroenterohepatology with performed endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)) procedure and a stent was placed in the choledochus duct. Immeasurable blood pressure and pulse were recorded in this patient. The ECG was approaching VF (ventricular fibrillation) and it was all asymptomatic by the patient.  LVAD mechanical pump leads to continuous blood flow, which means that patients with LVAD not infrequently have no pulse or measurable blood pressure. Also, in patients with LVAD, ECG pulses are with electrical disturbances. VF and ventricular tachycardia (VT) are ventricular arrhythmias that are often seen on ECG in patients with implanted LVAD. Usually these arrhythmias occur with unknown duration and terminate spontaneously. Conclusion: Patients with LVAD are prone to cardiac arrhythmias. The continuous development of medical devices leads to a continuous educational and clinical approach to patients.                                                                        Конгестивната срцева слабост е растечки глобален здравствен проблем. Уредот за лево вентрикуларна асистенција (LVAD) се користи за продолжување на животот на пациентите со конгестивна срцева слабост како дефинитивен третман или за премостување на периодот до трансплантација на срце. Вентрикуларните аритмии кај пациентите со LVAD не се невообичаени. Целта на овој труд е да се прикаже случајот на пациент со веќе вграден LVAD и потребата од соодветен интердисциплинарен медицински третман. Приказ на случај: Ви претставуваме случај на 54-годишен пациент, А. Д., со вграден LVAD - HeartMate 3 поради тешка конгестивна срцева слабост. Пациентот е примен со иктерус на ЈЗУ Клиниката за гастроентерохепатологија по што е извршена ендоскопска ретроградна холангиопанкреатографија (ERCP)) и е поставен стент во холедохусниот канал. Кај овој пациент е регистрирано немерлив крвен притисок и пулс. На ЕКГ е регистрирана VF вентрикуларна фибрилација (VF) и сето тоа беше асимптоматски од страна на пациентот. Механичката пумпа на LVAD води до континуиран проток на крв, што значи дека пациентите со LVAD не ретко немаат пулс или мерлив крвен притисок. Исто така, кај пациентите со LVAD, ЕКГ импулсите се со електрични нарушувања. VF и вентрикуларна тахикардија (VT) се вентрикуларни аритмии кои често се гледаат на ЕКГ кај пациентите со имплантиран LVAD. Најчесто овие аритмии се јавуваат со непознато времетраење и спонтано завршуваат. Заклучок: Пациентите со ЛВАД се склони кон срцеви аритмии. Континуираниот развој на медицинските помагала води кон континуиран едукативен и клинички пристап во третманот на пациентите


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    Objective: To assess the incidence of arterial anomalies of the radial artery in the Macedonian population registered during transradial access (TRA) angiography procedures in a large series of patients. Background: Transradial angiography (TRA) is now the recommended access for percutaneous coronary intervention, but technically is a more challenging approach for angiography procedures mostly due to the anatomic anomalies on the radial artery, which may influence the success rate of transradial angiographic procedures. Methods: All consecutive 19292 patients from our Center, in the period from March 2011 until December 2014 were examined. Preprocedural radial artery angiography was performed in all patients. Clinical and procedure characteristics, type and incidence of vascular anatomy variants and access site complications were analyzed. Results: Anatomical variants were present in 1625 (8.8%) patients. The most frequent was high-bifurcating radial artery origin from the axillary and brachial arteries in 1017(5.5%) patients, 227 (1.2%) had extreme radial artery tortuosity, 176(0.95%) had a full radial loop, 32(0.17%) with hypoplastic radial artery and 173(0.9%) had tortuous brachial, subclavian and axillary arteries. Radial artery spasm was very common in patients with present radial artery anomalies. Conclusion: Radial artery anomalies are very common in the general population. Knowing the anatomy of the radial artery helps the interventional cardiologist in successfully planning and performing this procedure. Radial artery angiography is strongly encouraged in every patient before the begining of the transradial angiography procedures