3 research outputs found

    Tax reforms and labour-market performance: An evaluation for Spain using REMS

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    This paper uses REMS, a Rational Expectations Model of the Spanish economy designed by Bosca et al (2007) to analyse the effects of lowering the overall tax edge to the level prevailing in the US. Our results partially confirm previous findings in the literature: a reduction in the overall tax wedge of 19.5 points, in order to reach the US levels, has a positive effect in the long run, increasing total hours by about 7 per cent and GDP by about 8 percentage points. In terms of GDP per adult, these results account for ¼ of the gap with respect to the US, but imply a reduction of only one percentage point in the labour productivity gap. The rise in total hours per adult is explained by a similar increase in both hours per employee and the employment rate of about 3.5 percentage points, allowing hours per adult to converge to levels only slightly lower than those in the US.General equilibrium, tax wedge, tax reforms, fiscal policy, labour market

    Search, Nash Bargaining and Rule of Thumb Consumers

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    This paper analyses the effects of introducing typical Keynesian features, namely rule-of-thumb consumers and consumption habits, into a standard labour market search model. It is a well-known fact that labour market matching with Nash-wage bargaining improves the ability of the standard real business cycle model to replicate some of the cyclical properties featuring the labour market. However, when habits and rule-of-thumb consumers are taken into account, the labour market search model gains extra power to reproduce some of the stylised facts characterising the US labour market, as well as other business cycle facts concerning aggregate consumption and investment behaviour.

    The effects of public capital on the growth in Spanish productivity

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    The aim of the article is to provide new evidence concerning the effect of public capital on productivity growth in Spain. To this end, the article follows the growth accounting approach, which, in addition to measuring both the direct and indirect effects of public capital on the total factor productivity, allows for assessing whether there is a distinctive impact of public capital across economic sectors. The results lead to three main conclusions: (1) Public capital has a strong influence on growth when we use data from the whole economy; (2) this influence varies across sectors, being more relevant in the exposed sectors (industry) than in sheltered sectors (agriculture, construction, and services); and (3) irrespective of the definition used for public capital, these basic results remain unchanged