12 research outputs found

    Kako procijeniti efektivnu dozu zbog ingestije C14

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    Systematic and continuous monitoring 14C activity in atmospheric CO2 and biological samples in the vicinity of the Krško Nuclear Power Plant (NEK) in Slovenia has been performed since 2006. The aim of the monitoring was to determine 14C distribution in a close vicinity of the power plant and to estimate a possible contribution of NEK to the effective dose to the local population through food chain. This paper describes a model of food origins developed for the purpose of estimating the effective dose from ingestion of 14C via local food. Some other approaches of diet estimation are also discussed. The slightly increased 14C specific activity in plants very close to NEK could not change significantly the effective dose to the local population due to ingestion of 14C when compared to the effective dose from the ingestion of natural 14C.Sustavni monitoring specifične aktivnosti 14C u atmosferskom CO2 i u biološkim uzorcima iz neposredne okolice Nuklearne elektrane Krško (NEK) u Sloveniji provodi se od 2006. godine. Cilj monitoringa je odrediti prostornu raspodjelu specifične aktivnosti 14C u neposrednoj okolici NEK-a, te njenu ovisnost o razdobljima promjene goriva koja se obavlja svakih 18 mjeseci. Na osnovu izmjerenih specifičnih aktivnosti 14C može se procijeniti doprinos NEK-a efektivnoj dozi koju lokalno stanovništvo primi zbog konzumacije (ingestije) hrane porijeklom iz okolice NEK-a. Budući da je ugljik, pa time i 14C, sastavni dio sve hrane, nije potrebno poznavati detaljne prehrambene navike lokalnog stanovništva. Međutim, potrebno je poznavati ili procijeniti udio hrane iz okolice NEK-a u ukupnoj prehrani. U ovom radu opisano je nekoliko scenarija za porijeklo hrane, počevši od vrlo konzervativnog i malo vjerojatnog scenarija konzumacije samo hrane iz neposredne okolice NEK-a do realističnijeg (iako još uvijek konzervativnog) scenarija od 17% hrane iz okolice NEK-a, a ostalih 83% s kontrolne točke na kojoj nije opažen utjecaj 14C iz NEK-a. Malo povišenje specifične aktivnosti 14C u biljkama iz neposredne okolice NEK-a, koje je opaženo tijekom monitoringa, ne utječe značajno na procjenu efektivne doze zbog ingestije 14C, jer je razlika u odnosu na efektivnu dozu zbog ingestije "prirodnog" 14C usporediva ili manja od prirodnih varijacija

    Kako procijeniti efektivnu dozu zbog ingestije C14

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    Systematic and continuous monitoring 14C activity in atmospheric CO2 and biological samples in the vicinity of the Krško Nuclear Power Plant (NEK) in Slovenia has been performed since 2006. The aim of the monitoring was to determine 14C distribution in a close vicinity of the power plant and to estimate a possible contribution of NEK to the effective dose to the local population through food chain. This paper describes a model of food origins developed for the purpose of estimating the effective dose from ingestion of 14C via local food. Some other approaches of diet estimation are also discussed. The slightly increased 14C specific activity in plants very close to NEK could not change significantly the effective dose to the local population due to ingestion of 14C when compared to the effective dose from the ingestion of natural 14C.Sustavni monitoring specifične aktivnosti 14C u atmosferskom CO2 i u biološkim uzorcima iz neposredne okolice Nuklearne elektrane Krško (NEK) u Sloveniji provodi se od 2006. godine. Cilj monitoringa je odrediti prostornu raspodjelu specifične aktivnosti 14C u neposrednoj okolici NEK-a, te njenu ovisnost o razdobljima promjene goriva koja se obavlja svakih 18 mjeseci. Na osnovu izmjerenih specifičnih aktivnosti 14C može se procijeniti doprinos NEK-a efektivnoj dozi koju lokalno stanovništvo primi zbog konzumacije (ingestije) hrane porijeklom iz okolice NEK-a. Budući da je ugljik, pa time i 14C, sastavni dio sve hrane, nije potrebno poznavati detaljne prehrambene navike lokalnog stanovništva. Međutim, potrebno je poznavati ili procijeniti udio hrane iz okolice NEK-a u ukupnoj prehrani. U ovom radu opisano je nekoliko scenarija za porijeklo hrane, počevši od vrlo konzervativnog i malo vjerojatnog scenarija konzumacije samo hrane iz neposredne okolice NEK-a do realističnijeg (iako još uvijek konzervativnog) scenarija od 17% hrane iz okolice NEK-a, a ostalih 83% s kontrolne točke na kojoj nije opažen utjecaj 14C iz NEK-a. Malo povišenje specifične aktivnosti 14C u biljkama iz neposredne okolice NEK-a, koje je opaženo tijekom monitoringa, ne utječe značajno na procjenu efektivne doze zbog ingestije 14C, jer je razlika u odnosu na efektivnu dozu zbog ingestije "prirodnog" 14C usporediva ili manja od prirodnih varijacija

    Assembly line optimization using MTM time standard and simulation modeling—A case study

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    This study presents an approach to solving the assembly line balancing problem (ALBP) using the Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) time standard and simulation software. ALBP is a common problem in manufacturing where a set of tasks with fixed times must be assigned to a series of sequential workstations in order to minimize the total idle time and reduce the assembly cost per product. This study uses MTM, a widely used production process scheduling method, to create a new time analysis of an assembly process that was previously balanced using the Work-Factor method and time study. This literature review shows that there are a lack of combinations of updated time analyses with newer simulation approaches in the current literature, and this was the motivation for the present work. An assembly line simulation was performed using Simio software to evaluate different design options and operating scenarios. The results show that the use of MTM and simulation can help minimize idle time and improve assembly line performance, thereby reducing costs and increasing efficiency. This study shows that the approach of using MTM and simulation is effective in solving ALBP and is a useful tool for manufacturing companies to improve the performance of their assembly lines and reduce costs

    Earthworm Abundance Changes Depending on Soil Management Practices in Slovenian Vineyards

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    Earthworms are key indicators of soil quality and health in vineyards, but research that considers different soil management systems, especially in Slovenian viticultural areas is scarce. In this investigation, the impact of different soil management practices such as permanent green cover, the use of herbicides in row and inter-row areas, use of straw mulch, and shallow soil tillage compared to meadow control for earthworm abundance, were assessed. The biomass and abundance of earthworms (m2 ) and distribution in various soil layers were quantified for three years. Monitoring and a survey covering 22 May 2014 to 5 October 2016 in seven different sampling dates, along with a soil profile at the depth from 0 to 60 cm, were carried out. Our results showed that the lowest mean abundance and biomass of earthworms in all sampling periods were registered along the herbicide strip (within the rows). The highest abundance was found in the straw mulch and permanent green cover treatments (higher than in the control). On the plots where the herbicide was applied to the complete inter-row area, the abundance of the earthworm community decreased from the beginning to the end of the monitoring period. In contrast, shallow tillage showed a similar trend of declining earthworm abundance, which could indicate a deterioration of soil biodiversity conditions. We concluded that different soil management practices greatly affect the soil’s environmental conditions (temperature and humidity), especially in the upper soil layer (up to 15 cm deep), which affects the abundance of the earthworm community. Our results demonstrated that these practices need to be adapted to the climate and weather conditions, and also to human impacts.University Centre of Viticulture and Enology Meranovo, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences