1,576 research outputs found

    Radial and angular rotons in trapped dipolar gases

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    We study Bose-Einstein condensates with purely dipolar interactions in oblate (pancake) traps. We find that the condensate always becomes unstable to collapse when the number of particles is sufficiently large. We analyze the instability, and find that it is the trapped-gas analogue of the ``roton-maxon'' instability previously reported for a gas that is unconfined in two dimensions. In addition, we find that under certain circumstances, the condensate wave function attains a biconcave shape, with its maximum density away from the center of the gas. These biconcave condensates become unstable due to azimuthl excitation - an angular roton.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Teacher training between inclusive education and ICT

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    Technology can play an important facilitating role in the school inclusion process by supporting the students in the classroom and increasing the level of understanding. This paper aims to explore the reasons for this still wide gap and the motivations for not using ICT in the classroom by conducting research with a sample of 115 teachers in training (TFA), using a Mixed Methods approach to investigate the resistance and motivations for this phenomenon

    Stability of fermionic Feshbach molecules in a Bose-Fermi mixture

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    In the wake of successful experiments in Fermi condensates, experimental attention is broadening to study resonant interactions in degenerate Bose-Fermi mixtures. Here we consider the properties and stability of the fermionic molecules that can be created in such a mixture near a Feshbach resonance (FR). To do this, we consider the two-body scattering matrix in the many-body environment, and assess its complex poles. The stability properties of these molecules strongly depend on their centre-of-mass motion, because they must satisfy Fermi statistics. At low centre-of-mass momenta the molecules are more stable than in the absence of the environment (due to Pauli-blocking effects), while at high centre-of-mass momenta nontrivial many body effects render them somewhat less stable

    Dipolar Bose gases: Many-body versus mean-field description

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    We characterize zero-temperature dipolar Bose gases under external spherical confinement as a function of the dipole strength using the essentially exact many-body diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) technique. We show that the DMC energies are reproduced accurately within a mean-field framework if the variation of the s-wave scattering length with the dipole strength is accounted for properly. Our calculations suggest stability diagrams and collapse mechanisms of dipolar Bose gases that differ significantly from those previously proposed in the literature

    In Defence of Modest Doxasticism About Delusions

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    Here I reply to the main points raised by the commentators on the arguments put forward in my Delusions and Other Irrational Beliefs (OUP, 2009). My response is aimed at defending a modest doxastic account of clinical delusions, and is articulated in three sections. First, I consider the view that delusions are in-between perceptual and doxastic states, defended by Jacob Hohwy and Vivek Rajan, and the view that delusions are failed attempts at believing or not-quite-beliefs, proposed by Eric Schwitzgebel and Maura Tumulty. Then, I address the relationship between the doxastic account of delusions and the role, nature, and prospects of folk psychology, which is discussed by Dominic Murphy, Keith Frankish, and Maura Tumulty in their contributions. In the final remarks, I turn to the continuity thesis and suggest that, although there are important differences between clinical delusions and non-pathological beliefs, these differences cannot be characterised satisfactorily in epistemic terms. \u

    Delusional beliefs and reason giving

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    Delusions are often regarded as irrational beliefs, but their irrationality is not sufficient to explain what is pathological about them. In this paper we ask whether deluded subjects have the capacity to support the content of their delusions with reasons, that is, whether they can author their delusional states. The hypothesis that delusions are characterised by a failure of authorship, which is a dimension of self knowledge, deserves to be empirically tested because (a) it has the potential to account for the distinction between endorsing a delusion and endorsing a framework belief; (b) it contributes to a philosophical analysis of the relationship between rationality and self knowledge; and (c) it informs diagnosis and therapy in clinical psychiatry. However, authorship cannot provide a demarcation criterion between delusions and other irrational belief states

    Università europee: uno strumento per autovalutare l’inclusività e favorire la mobilità degli studenti con disabilità

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    L’articolo 24 della Convenzione sui diritti delle persone con disabilità (Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, CRPD) prevede che le persone con disabilità siano in grado di accedere all’istruzione terzia ria, alla formazione professionale, all’educazione degli adulti e all’apprendimento permanente senza discrimi nazioni e su base paritaria con gli altri. Questi diritti dovrebbero essere garantiti non solo nel Paese di nascita delle persone con disabilità, ma anche in una panoramica internazionale, dove gli scambi finalizzati allo studio sono diventati parte integrante della formazione dei giovani. Partendo da questa riflessione verrà qui presentato il progetto «Euni4all», nato nell’ambito di un programma europeo Erasmus+ e finalizzato a costruire una rete europea di università che lavorino per l’inclusione. Nel presente contributo verrà rivolta particolare attenzione alla presentazione del questionario elaborato per invitare le università europee a partecipare alla creazione della rete Euni4all, dedicata alla consultazione delle università che lavorano per l’inclusione e che possono divenire un riferimento per gli studenti con disabilità interessati alla mobilità

    Wave Mechanics of a Two Wire Atomic Beamsplitter

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    We consider the problem of an atomic beam propagating quantum mechanically through an atom beam splitter. Casting the problem in an adiabatic representation (in the spirit of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation in molecular physics) sheds light on explicit effects due to non-adiabatic passage of the atoms through the splitter region. We are thus able to probe the fully three dimensional structure of the beam splitter, gathering quantitative information about mode-mixing, splitting ratios,and reflection and transmission probabilities

    Dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates with dipole-dependent scattering length

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    We consider a Bose-Einstein condensate of polar molecules in a harmonic trap, where the effective dipole may be tuned by an external field. We demonstrate that taking into account the dependence of the scattering length on the dipole moment is essential to reproducing the correct energies and for predicting the stability of the condensate. We do this by comparing Gross-Pitaevskii calculations with diffusion Monte Carlo calculations. We find very good agreement between the results obtained by these two approaches once the dipole dependence of the scattering length is taken into account. We also examine the behavior of the condensate in non-isotropic traps

    Evidence of Luttinger liquid behavior in one-dimensional dipolar quantum gases

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    The ground state and structure of a one-dimensional Bose gas with dipolar repulsions is investigated at zero temperature by a combined Reptation Quantum Monte Carlo (RQMC) and bosonization approach. A non trivial Luttinger-liquid behavior emerges in a wide range of intermediate densities, evolving into a Tonks-Girardeau gas at low density and into a classical quasi-ordered state at high density. The density dependence of the Luttinger exponent is extracted from the numerical data, providing analytical predictions for observable quantities, such as the structure factor and the momentum distribution. We discuss the accessibility of such predictions in current experiments with ultracold atomic and molecular gases.Comment: 4 pages, 3 EPS figures, Revtex
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