185 research outputs found

    Copper phytoextraction and phytostabilization by Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. in vineyard soils and a copper mining waste.

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    Brachiaria decumbens is a high biomass plant with great potential for phytoremediation of copper-polluted soils. The current study aimed to evaluate B. decumbens plants for phytoextraction and phytostabilization use in two different copper contaminated vineyard soils and a copper mining waste. Also, the macro and micronutrients uptake were evalu- ated after plants growth in copper contaminated soils. B. decumbens was cultivated in two vineyard soils (Inceptisol and Mollisol) and a copper mining waste for 47 days of growth in greenhouse. Then, B. decumbens?s nutrient uptake was evaluated, and it?s potential application in phytoremediation techniques for the phytoextraction and phytostabilization of copper contamination. B. decumbens exhibited high levels of biomass production at contaminated soils and no negative effect on macronutrients uptake was found. Copper contaminated soils affected micronutrients uptake by Brachiaria plants. This Brachiaria specie showed high potential on copper phytoextraction with accumulation of copper concentra- tions in the shoots and roots of 70 and 585 mg·kg?1 of dry mass, respectively, in the vineyard Inceptisol soil, after 47 days of growth. Mollisol soil and copper mining waste also exhibited high copper concentration in the biomass in the entire plant with 371 and 466 mg·kg?1, respectively. Although Brachiaria exhibited low levels of translocation factor for copper, this specie showed high potential for copper phytoextraction on Inceptisol, Mollisol and copper mining waste with 1900, 1156 and 1363 g·ha?1 of copper, respectively. In summary, B. decumbens plants showed high potential for copper phytoextraction and phytostabilization of copper on contaminated vineyard soils and copper mining waste

    Multi-view data capture for dynamic object reconstruction using handheld augmented reality mobiles

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    We propose a system to capture nearly-synchronous frame streams from multiple and moving handheld mobiles that is suitable for dynamic object 3D reconstruction. Each mobile executes Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping on-board to estimate its pose, and uses a wireless communication channel to send or receive synchronisation triggers. Our system can harvest frames and mobile poses in real time using a decentralised triggering strategy and a data-relay architecture that can be deployed either at the Edge or in the Cloud. We show the effectiveness of our system by employing it for 3D skeleton and volumetric reconstructions. Our triggering strategy achieves equal performance to that of an NTP-based synchronisation approach, but offers higher flexibility, as it can be adjusted online based on application needs. We created a challenging new dataset, namely 4DM, that involves six handheld augmented reality mobiles recording an actor performing sports actions outdoors. We validate our system on 4DM, analyse its strengths and limitations, and compare its modules with alternative ones.Comment: Accepted in Journal of Real-Time Image Processin

    Spatial and temporal variation of near surface soil moisture and soil temperature in integrated crop-livestock system.

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    The objective of this study were to evaluate the spatial and temporal distribution of near surface soil moisture and soil temperature over a growing season in soybean/corn and grass under integrated crop-livestock systems

    Novas abordagens, tendências e oportunidades no uso de modelos de simulação para a avaliação de sistemas agrícolas em regiões tropicais.

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    A modelagem de agroecossistemas pode contribuir na definição de programas de pesquisa em regiões tropicais e subtropicais, antecipando o processo de obtenção de resultados de pesquisa e auxiliar na tomada de decisão, potencializando o desenvolvimento regional e reduzindo os impactos negativos das atividades agropecuárias nas mudanças climáticas globais. Assim, este trabalho tem como propósito o de apresentar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre esse tema analisando as principais tendências e oportunidades de pesquisa em regiões tropicais relacionadas com o uso de modelos de simulação como ferramentas para a avaliação de sistemas de produção agropecuária

    Uso de forrageiras em consórcio com soja aumenta a retenção de água no solo durante restrição hídrica.

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi de avaliar a retenção de umidade no solo em área de soja consorciada com diferentes espécies forrageiras em Sistema Plantio Direto

    Innovative approach to address challenges and opportunities to conservation agriculture adoption in Brazilian agricultural frontier.

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    Brazilian agriculture is facing another expansion cycle to the Cerrado region, more specific in the Northeast. The first agriculture expansion cycle to the Midwest was in seventies encouraged and developed by Brazilian Government with farmers from southern and southeast Brazil, which were traditional small farmers with some experience, low budget and a remarkable determination. All of these efforts after 20 years resulted in an outstanding development of a part of the country with economy based on agribusiness (soybean, corn, cotton, livestock, poultry, swine, etc.). In late nineties, another cycle initiated in the Cerrado Northeastern region known as MATOPIBA (acronyms of Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí, and Bahia states). Bahia and Maranhão were more pronounced and became very strong over time. Recently, basically in the last 5 years Tocantins and Piauí states started to increase agricultural production in high rates, reaching in Tocantins state a 30% increase of crop area per year and 34 % increase of total grain production per year and soybean is the major crop. Most of technologies developed in other Cerrado regions are not well adapted to MATOPIBA and a technology transfer is necessary to address conservation agriculture principles to farmers, agronomists, consultants and extension agents

    Qualidade física de solos influenciada pelo uso e manejo na região de Guaraí-TO.

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    Resumo: As terras onde predominam solos arenosos distribuem-se em extensas áreas em todas as regiões do Brasil, sendo muito utilizadas em áreas de intensificação da agricultura. O uso desses solos nos sistemas agrícolas tem efeito sobre suas características e atributos. Com o objetivo de avaliar as consequências desse uso sobre algumas das suas propriedades físicas foi selecionada uma área localizada em uma propriedade agrícola no município de Guaraí (TO). Em amostras de solos coletadas em 18 trincheiras foram avaliadas a textura, a estabilidade dos agregados, o grau de floculação das argilas, a porosidade, a densidade, a condutividade hidráulica saturada (K s ), a infiltração e a retenção da água no solo. Os solos avaliados não apresentam nenhum dos parâmetros físico-hídricos analisados abaixo dos valores limites de degradação física ao solo, mesmo alguns deles sendo próximos, como o DPM que variou de 1,90 a 0,55 mm. O Índice de Estabilidade dos Agregados (IEA) variou de 50 a 70% e a densidade de 1,34 a 1,63 g cm -3. A variação da porosidade funcional (macroporosidade) entre as áreas de soja e Cerrado é bem marcante, assim como a variação da K s no Cerrado. Como o movimento da água no solo é dependente da estrutura do solo e como a porosidade do solo é determinada pela forma como se arranjam suas partículas sólidas, observou-se que a granulometria da fração areia é um dos fatores importantes para a compreensão de seu comportamento. -- Abstract: The lands where sandy soils predominate are distributed in extensive areas in all regions of Brazil, being widely used in areas of intensification of agriculture. The use of these soils in agricultural systems has an effect on their characteristics and attributes. With the objective of evaluating the consequences of some of the physical properties of these soils, an area located in an agricultural property in the municipality of Guaraí (TO) was selected. In soil samples collected in 18 trenches, the texture, aggregate stability, flocculation degree, porosity, soil bulk density, saturated hydraulic conductivity, infiltration and water retention in the soil were evaluated. Soils evaluated do not present any of the physical-water parameters analyzed below the limits of physical degradation to the soil, even some of them being close, such as the MPD that varied from 1.90 to 0.55 mm. The Stability Index of Aggregates ranges from 50 to 70%, the density from 1.34 to 1.63 g cm -3 . The variation of the functional porosity (macroporosity) between the areas of soybean and Cerrado is very marked, as well as the variation of the hydraulic conductivity in the Cerrado. As the water movement in the soil is dependent on the soil structure and soil porosity is determined by the way its solid particles are arranged, it was observed that the granulometry of the sand fraction is one of the important factors for the understanding of its behavior.bitstream/item/163598/1/2017BP03.pd

    Yield and nutrient uptake of soybean cultivars under intensive cropping systems.

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    Sustainable agricultural systems are necessary to improve soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seed yield and to increase nutrient use efficiency. Intensification of agricultural systems is an important tool to increase farmers? profitability in the Cerrado region (Brazil), where soybean is rotated with corn in the same growing season. However, this intensification requires soybean cultivar with short growing periods which is achieved by indeterminate soybean cultivars. There is a lack of information regarding the nutrient uptake by soybean cultivars under intensive agricultural systems in the Cerrado. We sought to investigate soybean biomass production and soybean seed yield of determinate and indeterminate soybean cultivars. We also aimed to quantify the amounts of nutrients taken up by soybean biomass and seeds. Field research was conducted to evaluate 17 soybean cultivars commonly grown by farmers, and we considered the determinate and indeterminate soybean growth habit. Nutrient uptake and aboveground soybean biomass were higher under shorter soybean growth and development cycles. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium extraction in modern cultivars was higher than in cultivars used in past decades. Nutrient use efficiency was higher in determinate soybean cultivars than in indeterminate soybean cultivars