3 research outputs found

    The Formation of the Model of Diagnosing the Results Implementation of of Consulting Projects for Enterprises

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    In the article the graphic-analytical model of diagnostics of results of implementation of consulting projects is formed, which allows to: take into consideration interests of participants to the project on choice of methods and methodologies of diagnosing; allocate alternative sets of business indicators for each object of impact in terms of consulting project; establish economic and non-economic criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of consulting, as well as monitoring of indicators and automated processing of diagnostic results to control deviations from the optimal values of the diagnosed project results. A structural-logical model of formation of alternative sets of indicators and choice of indicators for diagnostics of results of consulting projects has been developed. The elements of the enterprise management system have been codified to harmonize the corresponding indicators with their subsequent combination within the proposed sets. The control system objects and their elements have been allocated. The groups of indicators according to the technology of Balanced Score Card (BSC) have been presented. The prospect of further research is the economic assessment of implementation of the diagnosed consulting projects, which will reveal the links between the parameters of production-economic activity and the assessment of projects, and allows choose the most significant ones

    Artificial Intelligence in the Management of Foreign Economic Activities

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    У статті проаналізовано перспективи впровадження штучного інтелекту в менеджмент зовнішньоекономічної діяльності та з’ясовано, що все більше поширюються дискусії про те, наскільки економічна діяльність людини може бути трансформована з використанням штучного інтелекту. Наведено переваги застосування нейронних мереж у різних сферахзовнішньоекономічної діяльності порівняно з традиційними методами. Для оптимального використання штучного інтелекту у зовнішньоекономічній діяльності запропоновано реалізувати наступні кроки: врегулювати розробку та виробництво елементів штучного інтелекту у сфері зовнішньоекономічної діяльності, розробивши спеціальне законодавство в даній області; врегулювати поведінку суб’єктів зовнішньоекономічної діяльності, як користувачів штучного інтелекту, із застосуванням законодавчих інструментів; врегулювати поведінку штучного інтелекту, розробивши технічну регламентацію та стандартизацію його архітектури.The article analyzes the prospects of introducing artificial intelligence into the management of foreign economic activity. Studying various fields of economics and artificial intelligence tools, it can be seen that they are characterized by multidisciplinary, as they are identically related to the modeling of management algorithms in general and the modeling of decision-making systems in particular. Discussions about the extent to which human economic activity can be transformed even by the use of artificial intelligence are spreading more and more. The advantages of using neural networks in various spheres of foreign economic activity compared to traditional methods are analyzed. For theoptimal use of artificial intelligence in foreign economic activity, it is proposed to implement the following steps: to regulate the development and production of artificial intelligence elements in the field of foreign economic activity by developing special legislation in this area; to regulate the behavior of subjects of foreign economic activity as users of artificial intelligence, using legislative instruments; regulate the behavior of artificial intelligence by developing technical regulation and standardization of its architecture. At the same time, creating and analyzing models of neural networks should be carried out using a modern package of programs that implement the capabilities of artificial intelligence in practice. The main ones are the following: Neuro office, NeuroSolution, NeuroShell, STATISTICA Neural Networks and others. In order to assess the influence of environmental factors in the field of artificial intelligence development on the development of foreign economic activity, it is necessary to construct neural networks and regularly examine their effectiveness in the working environment of the specified software package. Understanding the principles of the process of appraising the solution will guarantee the formation of an effective model of piece intelligence. With this, the head of the integration of piece intelligence in the state of the art economic activity is the change in the type of production, sales, control of the delivery and reduction of other articles in the organization

    Diagnostics of the structural risk level in the sphere of waste management at Ukrainian railways

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    The article focuses on the problem of the structural risk level diagnostics in the sphere of waste management at the railway transport objects. The specifics of the railway enterprises activity are the multi-vector business processes executed, which determines a significant nomenclature and volumes of formation, accumulation of wastes of different danger classes. A retrospective analysis of this problem on Ukrainian railways for 2007 – 2018 showed significant structural fluctuations both in terms of volume formation and in the costs and ecological payments for environmental protection in sphere of waste management. The method of sensitivity analysis, the peculiarity of which is to calculate the elasticity coefficients for determining the degree of environmental costs interaction in the field of waste management with the change of their components (capital investment, current costs, environmental tax and environmental services), is implemented. The corresponding elasticities for 2008 – 2018 showed a considerable variation of the most significant risk factors that were atypical for JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” and 6 railways. The existing structure needs to be better diagnosed with a purpose of ensuring stability and predictability of environmental costs in order to reduce structural risk, rational environmental management and to ensure the ecology of rolling stock and objects of railway transport infrastructure