1 research outputs found

    MOTIVATION AND TEACHING: Fhilosophy and reality in physical education teachers.

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    La motivaci贸n es un elemento clave en el proceso de ense帽anza-aprendizaje. Son muchos los estudios que abordan los factores que inciden en el inter茅s que los estudiantes muestran dentro del aula por las cuestiones acad茅micas. Sin embargo, a menudo olvidamos que este elemento debe estar presente tambi茅n en el profesorado. Si el docente ejerce su profesi贸n desmotivado, es muy dif铆cil que los discentes est茅n motivados. A trav茅s del presente estudio pretendemos significar la importancia de la motivaci贸n en la funci贸n docente. Para ello hemos realizado un estudio piloto, de car谩cter descriptivo, para conocer el grado de motivaci贸n que muestran los maestros de Educaci贸n F铆sica y las causas que influyen en la misma. El estudio se concret贸 en los colegios de Educaci贸n Primaria de la ciudad de Le贸n (Espa帽a). Los resultados mostraron que existe una buena regulaci贸n emocional entre este sector del claustro educativo, siendo los docentes m谩s veteranos los que mejor saben afrontar los problemas que pueden desembocar en un grado de desmotivaci贸n. La implicaci贸n psicoeducativa con los alumnos y la promoci贸n y compromiso profesional con la educaci贸n es uno de los factores que m谩s motivados mantienen al profesorado encuestado. Por el contrario, aunque en baja medida, la presencia de alumnos con deficiencias psicomotrices exige una mayor autorregulaci贸n emocional en el docente a causa de la readaptaci贸n que tiene que hacer en sus clases de Educaci贸n F铆sica.Motivation is a key element in the teaching-learning process. There are many studies that address the factors that affect the interest that students show in the classroom for academic issues. However, we often forget that this element must also be present in the teaching staff. If teachers are unmotivated in their profession, it is very difficult for students to be motivated.   Through this study we intend to show the importance of motivation in the teaching profession. For this purpose, we have carried out a descriptive pilot study to determine the degree of motivation shown by Physical Education teachers and the causes that influence it. The study was carried out in primary schools in the city of Le贸n (Spain). The results showed that there is a good emotional regulation among this sector of the educational staff, being the most veteran teachers the ones who know better how to face the problems that can lead to a degree of demotivation. Psycho-educational involvement with students and professional promotion and commitment to education is one of the factors that most motivates the teachers surveyed. On the other hand, although to a lesser extent, the presence of students with psychomotor deficiencies requires greater emotional self-regulation in the teacher due to the readaptation he/she has to make in his/her Physical Education classes