101 research outputs found

    Childcare cost and Spanish mother’s labour force participation

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    In Spain, female labour force participation is among the lowest in Europe. This paper analyzes the extent to which female labour force participation is affected by the cost of formal childcare. Both decisions, labour force participation and formal childcare use, are jointly considered by means of a bi-variate probit model that accounts for the sample selection. Based on data from the Spanish Time Use Survey, the study indicates that Spanish mothers’ labour force participation is very elastic to changes in childcare costs.Childcare costs, female labour participation

    Spanish Mothers’ Labour Supply and Child Care Demand: A Structural Model

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    In this paper we present a structural utility discrete choice model to estimate mothers’labour supply and child care demand in Spain. The mothers are assumed to make choices from a finite set of job possibilities and childcare options. Based on data from the Spanish Time Use Survey, we have estimated a mixed logit model. Our results indicate that Spanish mothers show clear preferences for income and pure leisure. Also, in average, mothers present a relative dislike for non-parental modes of care compared to maternal care. Finally, the child’s age is a significant source of preference heterogeneity

    Female labour participation and child care choices in Spain

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    This paper analyzes Spanish families' behaviour relating to child care and employment issues. It estimates a simultaneous equation econometric model to study the effect of child care costs on labour participation decisions and child care choices. Based on data from the Spanish Time Use Survey, our study indicates that female labour force participation is very elastic to changes in prices of day-care services. Also, choice of child care mode is conditional on employment status. In addition, the type of family or its socioeconomic situation, along with the prices of the different options influences in the chosen child care mode.Child care, female labour participation

    Analyzing the determinants of freight shipper's behavior: own account versus purchased transport

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    Previous work in the demand for freight transportation has focused in the rail-truck substitution problem, leaving aside the prior own-account versus third-party trade-off, often found in transportation decision-making. The purpose of this paper is to analyze shippers’ behavior relative to this question, paying particular attention to whether the decision to use a private form of transport is taken on a short term or on a medium term horizon. In order to provide a quantitative evaluation, as an illustrative case, the models developed are tested on data gathered by means of a sample survey conducted to Andalusian enterprises belonging to the food industry. JEL classification: R410: Transportation: Supply, Demand and Congestion. C350: Econometric Methods: Multiple/Simultaneous Equation Models: Truncated and Censored Models.

    Análisis de los factores determinantes de la elección del modo de atención a los menores en España

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    El presente trabajo examina la atención a la infancia desde la perspectiva de la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar. Concretamente, analiza el comportamiento de las familias españolas en materia de elección del modo de atención a sus descendientes de entre 0 y 3 años. Se entiende que su conocimiento es un requisito previo imprescindible para la orientación de las políticas de fomento del empleo femenino. Utilizando fundamentalmente datos de la Encuesta de Empleo del Tiempo, nuestro estudio señala que el tipo de familia o su situación socioeconómica, junto con las características de las diferentes opciones influyen en el modo de atención elegido. Desde el punto de vista de la aplicación política, el trabajo subraya la importancia de los subsidios de precio en la consecución de una mayor participación de los cuidados en centros institucionalizado

    Los modelos desagregados en la estimación de la demanda de transporte

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    En el estudio de la demanda de transporte se hace necesaria la consideración de una teoría operativa para la elección entre alternativas. Los modelos de elección discreta constituyen una poderosa herramienta para tal fin. Esta comunicación presenta las características fundamentales de este tipo de modelos, subrayando los fundamentos microeconómicos con que éstos cuentan, al tiempo que especifica el modo en que estas técnicas se han aplicado en el análisis de la demanda de transporte

    Childcare costs and Spanish mothers’ labour force participation

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    In Spain, female labour force participation is among the lowest in Europe. This paper analyzes the extent to which female labour force participation is affected by the cost of formal childcare. Both decisions, labour force participation and formal childcare use, are jointly considered by means of a bi-variate probit model that accounts for the sample selection. Based on data from the Spanish Time Use Survey, the study indicates that Spanish mothers labour force participation is very elastic to changes in childcare cost

    Job satisfaction, insecurity and the Great Recession: The effect of others’ unemployment

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    Job security may be considered the most important working condition during an economic recession. In this paper we use a very rich repeated cross-section dataset on workers’ job conditions, together with regional unemployment information at the activity level, to test whether employees value job security differently after the recent economic downturn. We use subjective-wellbeing measures of perceived and actual job insecurity in our assessments. We find that peers’ unemployment affected job satisfaction negatively before the recession, but not afterwards. The economic valuation of job insecurity increased after the financial crisis when measured subjectively. Objective measures related to the industry’s unemployment rates decreased. Our main conclusions are robust to sample selection and method of computation. This suggests that increased job insecurity constitutes an important welfare loss associated with increased unemployment during recessions

    Insiders y outsiders: La calidad del empleo tras un periodo de desempleo

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    Unión Europea, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional DER2015-63701-C3-1-