151 research outputs found

    Temperaturne vrednosti visoko-mlečnih krava u puerperijumu

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    In experiment we have 111dairy cows in puerperium. Dairy cows we seperated in two groups. One group are cows free of ketonuria. This is control group. Second group are cows with ketonuria. We proof very low concentranis of keton body, low concentrations of keton body (subcilinical form ketonuria +; and ++). Also, we proof concentrations of keton body (clinical form ketonuria +++). We measure rectal temperature. Our results: rectal temperatures by cows free of ketonuria are 38,9 ± 0,4°C; rectal temperature by cows with ketonuria are 39,0 ± 0,3°C (+subclinical form); 38,8 ±0.4°C (++ subclinical form); 38,6 ± 0,2°C (+++ clinical form).U ogledu smo imali ukupno 111 sveže oteljenih krava. Svako jutro u toku ogleda je vršeno dokazivanje ketonskih tela u urinu. Kod 50 krava nismo dijagnostikovali prisustvo ketonskih tela u urinu. Kod 61 krave smo dijagnostikovali prisustvo ketonskih tela u urinu. Merena je rektalna temperatura kod svake krave tri puta. Prvi put neposredno po završenom telenju, drugi put nakon 6 časova od prvog merenja i treći put nakon 12 časova od prvog merenja rektalne temperature. Rektalna temperatura kod krava kod kojih nije dijagnostikovana ketonurija je iznosila 38,9 ± 0,4°C, a kod kojih je dijagnostikovana ketonurija iznosila je 39,0 ± 0,3°C (+subklinička forma); 38,8 ±0.4°C (++subklinička forma); 38,6 ± 0,2°C. (+++klinička forma)

    Involvement of cholinesterases in oxidative stress induced by chlorpyrifos in the brain of Japanese quail

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    Chlorpyrifos is a widely used organophosphate pesticide (OP). In birds and mammals OP exhibits a toxic effect via inhibition of cholinesterases [acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE)] and through oxidative/nitrosative stress. In this study, the influence of chlorpyrifos on cholinesterase activity, parameters of oxidative stress [malondialdehyde (MDA); glutathione (GSH); superoxide dismutase (SOD); nitrite concentration (NO2-); hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)], and inflammatory parameter [activity of myeloperoxidase (MPO)] in the brain of Japanese quail (Coturnix japanica) was examined. The study was conducted on a total of 60 male Japanese quails (one control and 5 experimental groups, n = 10), 3 to 4 wk old. Quails were administered by gavage chlorpyrifos (CPF) for 7 consecutive da at doses of 0.375 mg/kg BW, 0.75 mg/kg BW, 1.5 mg/kg BW, 3 mg/kg BW, and 6 mg/kg BW. Our studies have shown that all doses of CPF significantly inhibited both cholinesterases in brain: AChE from 22.74 to 37.83% and BChE from 19.53 to 61.9%, and that inhibition was dose dependent. Also, CPF has led to an increase in the concentration of MDA, GSH, NO2-, and H2O2 and activity of SOD and MPO. Overall, these results support the hypothesis that CPF causes oxidative stress and inflammatory response. This research was carried out on quails because there is hardly any or not enough data about the neurotoxic effect of CPF and especially about its influence on oxidative stress in birds. This study is highly important because we are witnessing massive avian mortality in certain countries due to pesticides

    Antioxidative defense

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    Free radicals occur constantly during metabolism and take part in numerous physiological processes, such as: intra-cellular and inter-cellular signalization, gene expression, removal of damaged or senescent cells, and control of the tone of blood vessels. However, there is an increased quantity of free radicals in situations of so-called oxidative stress, when they cause serious damage to cellular membranes (peroxidation of their lipids, damage of membrane proteins, and similar), to interior cellular protein molecules, as well as DNA molecules and carbohydrates. This is precisely why the organism has developed numerous mechanisms for removing free radicals and/or preventing their production. Some of these are enzyme-related and include superoxide-dismutase, catalase, glutathione-peroxidase, and others. Other, non-enzyme mechanisms, imply antioxidative activities of vitamins E and C, provitamin A, coenzyme Q, reduced glutation, and others. Since free radicals can leave the cell that has produced them and become dispersed throughout the body, in addition to antioxidative defense that functions within cellular structures, antioxidant extra-cellular defense has also been developed. This is comprised by: transferrin, lactoferrin, haptoglobin, hemopexin, ceruloplasmin, albumins, extra-cellular isoform SOD, extracellular glutathione-peroxidase, glucose, bilirubin, urates, and many other molecules

    Physiology of free radicals

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    Free radicals imply that every atom, molecule, ion, group of atoms, or molecules with one or several non-paired electrons in outer orbital. Among these are: nitrogenoxide (NO•), superoxide-anion-radical (O2•-), hydroxyl radical (OH•), peroxyl radical (ROO•), alcoxyl radical (RO•) and hydroperoxyl radical (HO2•). However, reactive oxygen species also include components without non-paired electrons in outer orbital (so-called reactive non-radical agents), such as: singlet oxygen (1O2), peroxynitrite (ONOO-), hydrogen-peroxide (H2O2), hypochloric acid (eg. HOCl) and ozone (O3). High concentrations of free radicals lead to the development of oxidative stress which is a precondition for numerous pathological effects. However, low and moderate concentrations of these matter, which occur quite normally during cell metabolic activity, play multiple significant roles in many reactions. Some of these are: regulation of signal pathways within the cell and between cells, the role of chemoattractors and leukocyte activators, the role in phagocytosis, participation in maintaining, changes in the position and shape of the cell, assisting the cell during adaption and recovery from damage (e.g.caused by physical effort), the role in normal cell growth, programmed cell death (apoptosis) and cell ageing, in the synthesis of essential biological compounds and energy production, as well as the contribution to the regulation of the vascular tone, actually, tissue vascularization

    Koncentracija teških metala u krmnim smešama i tkivima kod svinja u intenzivnom uzgoju

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    Heavy metals cause oxidative stress, including the creation of reactive oxygen species, inhibiting anti-oxidative defense of biological systems through the reduction of glutation, inhibiting sulfhydrillic dependent enzymes, interfere with some essential metals necessary for antioxidative enzyme activity and/or interreact with cellular membranes causing lipid peroxidation. Large numbers of endogenous or exogenous antioxidants have a protective effect against toxic effects of heavy metals. We followed the presence of heavy metals in samples of fodder, serum, parenchymatous organs (kidney, liver, spleen, heart, lungs) and semen of boars at a farm of Landrace pigs maintained in intensive breeding conditions, during the period from 2002 until 2003. We determined the presence of heavy metals (As, Cd, Pb Ni, Cr, Hg) in both fodder and in the other examined samples, in various concentrations. The target organs for the examined heavy metals were in most cases the kidneys and the liver. It was proven that there is a difference in the accumulation of heavy metals depending on the age of the animal, as well as a threat to the reproductive capability of the boars. In order to decrease the presence of heavy metals and reduce the risk of their effects, it is necessaty to subject the fodder mix before utilization to the presence of heavy metals and also other xenobiotics.Teški metali uzrokuju oksidativni stres uključujući stvaranje reaktivnih kiseoničnih vrsta inhibirajući antioksidativnu odbranu bioloških sistema preko smanjenja glutationa, inhibirajući sulfhidrilne zavisne enzime interferiraju sa nekim esencijalnim metalima neophodnim za antioksidativnu enzimsku aktivnost i /ili interaguju sa ćelijskim membranama, izazivajući lipidnu peroksidaciju. Veliki broj endogenih i egzogenih antioksidanata imaju zaštitno dejstvo od toksičnih efekata teških metala. Na farmi svinja u intenzivnom uzgoju, rase landras, u periodu od 2002. i 2003. godine praćeno je prisustvo teških metala u uzorcima hrane, seruma, parenhimatoznih organa (bubreg, jetra, slezina, srce i pluća) i semena nerastova. Ustanovljeno je prisustvo teških metala (As, Cd, Pb, Ni, Cr i Hg) u hrani i u ostalim ispitivanim uzorcima, u različitim koncentracijama. Target organi za ispitivane teške metale u većini slučajeva su bubrezi i jetra. Dokazano je da postoji razlika u akumulaciji teških metala u zavisnosti od starosti jedinke i opasnost na reproduktivnu sposobnost nerastova. Da bi se smanjilo prisustvo teških metala i smanjio rizik od njihovog dejstva potrebno je da se krmna smeša analizira pre upotrebe kako na prisustvo teških metala, tako i na prisustvo drugih ksenobiotika

    Nutritive value of green mass and hay from the Divčibare region

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    With the aim of forming a complete observation of the botanical composition and nutritive value of pasture and meadow hay from the Divčibare region, which is a typically hilly-mountain area in Serbia, investigations were designed to evaluate the quality of pasture and hay (chemical composition and energy value), as well as the losses which are results of drying pasture. Twelve samples of grass were taken from three different altitudes and after mowing, samples of hay were also taken from the same meadow. In a conventional chemical analysis (Weende) the chemical composition of grass and hay were determined. On the basic of this analysis nutritive values were calculated. Pasture and hay from the Divčibare region have a satisfying chemical composition, they can be used as a forage base and a source of nutrients for ruminants, predominantly, lowproducing livestock. The difference in content of proteins among samples from some localities might be bound with the content of fabaceae. The increase fibre content with the proportional decrease content of protein had a negative influence on the nutritive value in the samples of grass and hay. The Net Energy Lactation (NEL) of hay from the investigated region is near the lower limit reported as average for pasture and meadow hay. Significant higher nutritive values of green mass, calculated on dry matter (NEL 8.35 MJ/kg, SV 0.78 SJ/kg) when compared to the nutritive value of hay (NEL 8.12 MJ/kg, SV 0.74 SJ/kg) show that losses are results of haymaking. Nutrients losses during drying are in correlation with losses of proteins, lipids and mineral matter, but there is an increase in fiber. The change in chemical composition due to the described losses during drying and the negative influence on organic matter digestibility, led to a reduction in the energy value of the investigated samples.Со цел да формираме комплетна слика за ботаничкиот состав и хранливата вредност на пашата и ливадското сено од регионот на Дивчибаре, кој е типично високопланинско подрачје во Србија, извршивме евалуација на квалитетот на пашата и сеното (хемиски состав и енергетска вредност) и на загубите кои се резултат на сушење на пашата. Беа земeни дванаесет проби од трева од три различни височини, и тоа по цутењето, додека пробите од сено беа земани секогаш од истото место. Со конвенционална хемиска анализа (методот на Weende) беше одреден хемискиот состав на тревата и сеното. Врз база на тие анализи беше пресметана хранливата вредност. Пашата и сеното од регионот на Дивчибаре имаа задоволувачки хемиски состав. Тие можат да бидат користени како крмна база и извор на хранливи материи за преживари, предоминатно, и за послабо продуктивни животни. Разликите во содржината на протеини кај повеќето проби од различни локалитети можеби се поврзани со присуството на растенија од фамилијата Fabaceae. Зголемувањето на содржината на влакно со пропорционалното намалување на содржината на протеини има негативно влијание на хранливата вредност на пробите од трева и сено. Нето-енергијата за лактација (NEL) на сеното од истражуваниот регион е блиску до намалениот лимит рефериран во литературата како просек за пашата и ливадското сено. Утврдена е значително повисока хранлива вредност на зелената маса, калкулирана на сува материја (NEL 8.35 MJ/kg; SV 0.78 SJ/kg), во споредба со хранливата вредност на сеното (NEL 8.12 MJ/kg, SV 0.74 SJ/kg), што покажува дека загубите се резултат на обработката на сеното. Загубите во хранливи материи за време на сушењето се во корелација со загубите на протеини, липиди и минерални материи, но не со зголемувањето на влакното. Промените во хемискиот состав опишани како загуби во текот на сушењето и негативното влијание врз сварливоста на органските материи доведуваат до намалување на енергетската вредност на испитуваните проби

    Biohemijski sastav kolostruma krava Holštajn-Frizijske rase

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    The aim of the research of this paper has been to examine concentration of the main colostrum ingredients after calving, when mammary gland activity is very intensive before the forthcoming lactation. Holstein-Frisian cows have been chosen for this experiment. The experiment has included cows that have had at least one (n=5) up to more lactation cycles (n=8). The cows yielding 7000 litters of milk p.a. in the previous lactation and have minimum two calving cycle. Of each animal one samples of colostrum have been taken. The results obtained show that there are statistical value (p lt 0.001) in concentration of the proteins, lipids, lactose, calcium, phosphorous, dry supstances examined in cows colostrums with one lactation, while another cows group with more lactateon, between three and seven, concentration of proteins, lipids and lactose is statistical values is p lt 0.01, calcium, dry supstances and pH statistical values is p lt 0.001, while concentration of phosphorus is on statistical values p lt 0.1. With compare those groups concentrations of phosphorus and pH statistical values is p lt 0.1, while concentration in proteins, lipids and lactose, statistical values is not proof.Ispitivali smo koncentracije glavnih sastojaka kolostruma krava Holštajn-Frizijske rase, vezanog sistema držanja, koje su podeljene u dve grupe. U prvoj grupi su bile krave koje su imale jednu laktaciju, u drugoj grupi su krave sa više laktacija. Analizom pojedinačnih vrednosti unutar grupa dokazano je da postoji statistički vrlo značajna razlika u sadržaju sastojaka kolostruma kod krava koje su imale jednu laktaciju. Kod druge grupe krava, razlika u sadržaju ispitivanih parametara je na nižem nivou statističke značajnosti. Međusobnim poređenjem ovih grupa dokazana je značajna razlika u sadržaju fosfora (p lt 0.05)

    Interakcije između kadmijuma i cinka kod malih preživara

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    Interactions between heavy metals and biogenic metals are complex and of crucial importance for toxic effects in the organism. The most frequent interactions with cadmium take place between zinc, copper, iron, and calcium. Cadmium is considered one of the most toxic substances in the environment, and it belongs to the first group of carcinogens. The basic toxicity of this metal is in its effect on the enzyme system in the cell, on metaloenzymes from which it eliminates significant biogenic metal ions, such as Zn2+, Cu2+ and Ca2+. Moreover, cadmium has a high affinity for free -SH groups in biomolecules. These interactions take place both in the absorption processes, and in the distribution and excretion of cadmium and biogenic elements. Following its absorption, cadmium is transported by albumin to all organs and excreted through the kidneys in urine, this exhibiting its nephrotoxic effects.Interakcije između teških metala i biogenih metala su kompleksne i od suštinskog značaja za toksične efekte u organizmu. Najčešće interakcije kadmijuma nastaju između cinka, bakra, gvožđa i kalcijuma. Kadmijum se smatra jednom od najtoksičnijih supstancija iz okoline i ubraja u prvu grupu karcinogena. Osnova toksičnosti ovog metala je dejstvo na enzimski sistem u ćeliji, na metaloenzime iz kojih istiskuje značajne biogene metalne jone kao što su Zn2+, Cu2+ i Ca2+. Pored toga ima visok afinitet prema slobodnim -SH grupama u biomolekulima. Ove interakcije se odvijaju kako u procesima apsorpcije, tako i pri distribuciji i ekskreciji kadmijuma i biogenih elemenata. Nakon apsorpcije kadmijum se albuminom transpotuje do svih organa i ekskretuje urinom preko bubrega ispoljavajući svoje nefrotoksično dejstvo

    pi-pi and cation-pi interactions in protein-porphyrin complex crystal structures

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    In this study we have described the pi-pi and cation-pi interactions between the porphyrin ring and the protein part of porphyrin-containing proteins to better understand their stabilizing role. The number of pi-pi interactions was higher than that of cation-pi interactions in the same set of proteins studied. The pyrrole groups of one porphyrin can be involved in pi-pi interactions with pi systems of another porphyrin in the protein. We have found 5.1% cation-pi interactions between porphyrin Fe2+ metal cations and pi systems of surrounding amino acids as well as the pyrrole rings of other porphyrins. We observed that most of the pi-pi interactions have an energy in the range -0.5 to -2.0 kcal mol(-1), while the cation-pi interactions showed an energy in the range 22 to -4 kcal mol(-1). Further, an appreciable number of metal/cation-pi interaction pairs have an energy in the range -6 to -13 kcal mol(-1). The preferred parallel-stacked orientation is found to be more stable than a T-shaped structure for the full set of pi-pi interaction pairs. In the case of cation-pi interactions, it was found that 44% of the cation-pi interactions involved planar stacking, 37% of the interactions belonged to the oblique category, and the remaining 19% of the interactions were of the orthogonal type. The separation distance between the cation group and the aromatic ring decreases as the interplanar angle decreases. Furthermore, in the present study we have found that 10.4% of pi residues and 3.9% of cationic residues were found to have one or more stabilization centers. Amino acids deployed in the environment of porphyrin rings are deposited in helices and coils. The results from this study might be used for structure-based porphyrin protein prediction and as scaffolds for future porphyrin-containing protein design