205 research outputs found

    Pius vates

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    Uzasadnienie modelu w kontekście formalnoprawnych aspektów współpracy szkół z otoczeniem

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    Uzasadnienie modelu w kontekście formalnoprawnych aspektów współpracy szkół z otoczenie

    Organizacja i formy świadczenia pracy na styku oświaty, rzemiosła i instytucji rynku pracy – stan prawny

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    A. Klimczuk, D. Borowski, Organizacja i formy świadczenia pracy na styku oświaty, rzemiosła i instytucji rynku pracy – stan prawny, [in:] M. Juchnicka, Formalnoprawne aspekty modernizacji szkolnictwa zawodowego, Izba Rzemieślnicza i Przedsiȩbiorczości, Białystok 2014, pp. 21-76

    Gettoizacja jako nowy wymiar totalizacji

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    Ghettoisation after the fall of the totalitarian system is having a "chance" to become one way still for the marginalisation and blocking the reconstruction process of healthy relations in the local communities. Of sources of theoretical considerations above ghettoisation it is possible to seek in deliberations E. Fromm concerning authoritarian character, inquiry M. Foucault in relation to idea initiated in seventeenth-century France of "great closing" and of E. Goffman’s sociological examinations of the total institutions concerning the specificity of functioning. Ghettoisation as the new dimension totalisation is becoming part of reality of Polish cities gradually, irrespective of it, whether closed communities /gated communities/ are coming into existence discretionary of their future participants, or in relation to any form of the compulsion putting researchers before the need to develop effective frames teoretical and methodological allowing for their optimum analysing

    Fawele jako szczególny typ instytucji totalnych

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    Favela is a place in the social space which is generating amongst their residents staying features typical of persons in total institutions. In Polish reality are functionings three favel's kinds - post- PGR housing estates, high-rise block housing estates, workers' districts and the poor districts. Living people in favelas can't see the link between the hard work and the internal development. Such people usually want achieve socially not having accepted cells of accepted socially agents of their accomplishment, i.e. the education, the network of contacts, the classification and financial means. He remains the exit R. Merton’s form of the innovative adaptation

    Erving Goffman i Michel Foucault - analiza dyskursów

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    Functioning of the man in extreme conditions posed by some social institutions was a subject of many scientific studies so far. Among them some works are taking the special place E. Goffman and M. Foucault. Every school of the power should be so checking the total structure of action influencing action/ interaction/s other in special cases and of oppositions and dodge with which this action is connected. Using to such a school analytical categories Goffman’s neosymbolic of interactionism in the microsociological aspect and coming from Foucault’s discourse analysis in the macrosocjological aspect a novelty especially in examinations can constitute of total institutions associated with the authority of the state

    Niespecyficzne i specyficzne mechanizmy psychologiczne w procesie kryminogenezy sprawców zabójstw

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    Examining psychological mechanisms which lay at the heart of manslaughters aren't a new subject in Polish psychology and penitentiary sociology. In case of the public correction he seems positive to be influence relatively of short stay in penitentiary individuals. In case of the psychological correction long-term therapy is giving greater effects. Undervalued through penitentiary administration of the factor criminological process there is an influence of media, and by force methods of proceedings are marked most popular - with innovative - middle of achieving desired objectives socially

    Difficulties in Adaptation of Religious Terminology on Requirements of Teaching

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    The effectiveness of teaching the religion depends on the degree of the linguistic efficiency for the sender and for the recipient and by the degree of linguistic awareness of the religion instruction teacher i.e. his knowledge about mechanisms of the linguistic intercommunication. In the religious education transmission it seems essential to be perceiving language of the religious education by pupils. Amongst pupils and religion instruction teachers from primary schools and post-secondary a belief that the new manuals are adapted for the age and the level of the religious knowledge of pupils is dominating, they aren't proposing more serious linguistic problems concerning remarks. This belief results from the low-end acquaintance of the religious /terminology pupil’s/ and of religion instruction teacher’s /conformism/. Pupils of upper secondary schools are more conscious of their gaps in the knowledge of a language religious however the little percentage is only trying to make up for these gaps through the participation in active religious education /especially this beyond the school/