193 research outputs found

    Prejudecata, societatea şi tradiţia în filosofia polititică a lui Edmnund Burke

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    At a first level of interpretation Burke's work might be considered a masterpiece of the conservatory ideology, but thanks to its profound reflections about the human nature, the state, history, and society, it becomes an authentic political philosophy. Burkes political philosophy is built on two fundamental conceptual pillars: prejudice and emotional rationality. These pillars ensure a logical and systematic unit to the diverse themes of his writings. The study is going to interpret the Burke’s philosophical contributions in the context of the conservative ideology. By questioning metaphysics through emotional rationality and not trough transcendental criticism, Burke finds a genuine way to establish his political philosophy leaving an open gate for liberty and progres

    Measuring Total Factor Productivity: Accounting for cross country differences in income per capita

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    Why are some countries so much richer than others? Why do some countries produce so much more output per worker than others? Influential works by Klenow & Rodriguez-Clare (1997), Hall and Jones (1999), and Parente & Prescott (2000), among others, have argued that most of the cross country differences in output per worker is explained by differences in total factor productivity. Total factor productivity measurement enables researchers to determine the contribution of supply-side production factors to economic growth. Development Accounting is a frst-pass attempt at organizing the answer around two proximate determinants: factors of production and efciency. It answers the question “how much of the crosscountry income variance can be attributed to differences in (physical and human) capital, and how much to differences in the efciency with which capital is used’’? In this article, we will outline framework for growth accounting to account for cross-country difference in income of Republic of Srpska, Republic of Croatia and Republic of Serbia. Te current consensus is that differences in income per worker across countries do not arise primarly from differences in quantities in capital or labour, but rather from differences in efciency with which are these factors used. We find that total factor productivity is very important for the growth of output per worker, but only in cases of Serbia and Croatia. In case of Srpska the most important factor for the growth of output per worker is growth of capital

    Luxaţia anterioară a capului osului ulnar

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    Este descris un caz clinic de luxaţie anterioară a capului osului ulnar. Specifi cul traumatismului şi rezultatele examinării subiective a pacientului, în concordanţă cu tabloul imagistic, necesită o atenţie adăugătoare a medicilor traumatologi de urgenţă

    Particularities of the procalcitonin index in the blood of the injureds with multiple trauma of high severity with the prevalence of the injuries of the locomotor apparatus and open fractures of long tubular bones

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    Scopul lucrării constă în cercetarea în dinamică a valorilor indicilor procalcitoninei în sângele accidentaţilor cu politraumatisme de severitate înaltă, cu preponderenţa leziunilor aparatului locomotor şi fracturi deschise ale oaselor tubulare lungi. Luând în consideraţie numărul mic de bolnavi, la care traumatismul aparatului locomotor nu este asociat cu traumatizarea gravă a encefalului şi organelor interne, se poate argumenta necesitatea studiului multiaspectual ulterior

    Cazuri clinice ale sindromului de compartiment ortopedic.

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    În acest articol sunt prezentate cazuri clinice ale sindromului de compartiment ortopedic cu referire la problema apariţiei şi dezvoltării acestuia. Este pe scurt prezentat tabloul clinic, criterii obiective şi subiective, pentru determinarea gradului de severitate a procesului patologic şi indicaţiile de efectuare a intervenţiilor chirurgicale. Este demonstrată valoarea metodei instrumentale de măsurare a tensiunii intercompartimentale, în scopul prognozării tacticii probabile de tratament şi posibilele complicaţii

    The glutathione system in gliomas

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    (Coordonator ştiinţific: Leonid Lisii, prof. univ.) Catedra de Biochimie şi Biochimie Clinică USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Glutathione is an abundant natural tripeptide found within almost all cells. It instills several vital roles within a cell including antioxidation, maintenance of the redox state, modulation of the immune response and detoxification of xenobiotics. With respect to cancer, glutathione metabolism is able to play both protective and pathogenic roles. By conferring resistance to a number of chemotherapeutic drugs, elevated levels of glutathione in tumour cells are able to protect such cells in different type of cancers. This article presents a number of studies investigating the role of glutathione in promoting cancer, impeding chemotherapy, and the use of glutathione modulation to enhance antineoplastic therapy. Articolul dat reprezintă un studiu integrativ cu privire la unul dintre cei mai puternici si importanţi antioxidanţi ai organismului, numit şi “antioxidantul miraculos” - glutationul. Sunt descrise rolurile sale patogenetice şi utilitatea lui în tratamentul maladiilor oncologice

    OCT: un nou biomarker în diagnosticul şi monitoringul sclerozei multiple? (caz clinic)

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    OCT este o examinare simplă, rapidă, constituind posibil un nou instrument pentru a caracteriza procesul demielinizant, ce poate fi folosit pentru a detaliza modifi cările retinei la pacienţii cu scleroză multiplă (SM) şi ar putea să se dovedească util în evaluarea şi crearea de noi terapii. OCT ar putea furniza informaţii suplimentare sau predecesoare RMN-ulu

    Primary Hepatic Cancer epidemiology in Republic of Moldova

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    Catedra Hematologie şi Oncologie a USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”An obvious tendency of growth of the primary hepatic cancer’s incidence was traced out, in the Republic of Moldova. Also, there was traced out a variation of incidence of this pathology, in different geographical areas of the Republic of Moldova. Till 2000 the North of the Republic was the one who had prevailed, but since 2001 till 2006 we observed a tendency of growth of these values in the south districts. There was also traced a strong connection of HVB in CHP etiopathogeny in Republic Of Moldova, which is also more frequent in the south part of the country. În Republica Moldova a fost depistată o tendinţă vădită de creştere a incidenţei cancerului hepatic primar, care pe parcursul anilor studiaţi practic s-a dublat. De asemenea a fost depistată o variaţie a incidenţei acestei patologii în diferite zone geografice ale Republicii Moldova. Dacă până în anul 2000 prevala Nordul republicii, atunci începînd cu anul 2001-2006 observăm o tendinţă de creştere a acestor indici în raioanele de sud. De asemenea a fost depistată o legatură strânsă a HVB în etiopatogenia CHP în Republica Moldova, care de asemenea se întîlneşte mult mai frecvent la sud

    Unele particularităţi ale homeostazei pacienţilor grav politraumatizaţi

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    Rezultatele testelor efectuate au dezvăluit un specifi c al schimbărilor în lotul indicilor stării sistemei de homeostază, la bolnavii cu severitate înaltă a politraumatismului în stadiile precoce ale bolii traumatice

    Phacoemulsification of the crystallinelens with intracapsular implant for the correction of high myopia

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    Introduction: Myopia is a social problem, with a major impact on patients’quality of life, especially at those with high myopia. There are several known methods for correction of high myopia: glasses, contact lenses, surgery to reduce the corneal refractive power with the help of laser, the removal of the transparent crystalline lens or with different degrees of opacity etc.Currently, the surgery ofthe removal of the lens, known since the late 19th century, becomes up-to-date again, dueto its performance at the microsurgical level, using modern apparatus and instruments, minimizing at maximum the appearance of the complications. Goal: The evaluation of short-term results of the refractive surgery by phacoemulsification and implantationin the capsular bag, of the artificial mono-, multifocal or toriclenses, to correct high myopia, that can’t be solved by other solutions. Objectives: - the study of the data of uncorrected and corrected visual acuity (VA) with glasses or contact lenses preoperative and postoperative; - evaluation of the keratometricdatapre- and postoperative;-the analysis of spherical and cylindrical refraction before surgery and after treatment; Material and methods: The study included 30 patients with high myopia (52 eyes), 4 men and 27 women, aged from 19-85 years: 19-39 years - 7 patients, 40-69 years - 16 patients, 70 - 85 years - 7 patients, operated at Ophthalmological Medical CenterOvisus, during the years 2009-2011, in whom the transparent lens has been removed or with different degrees of opacity, by phacoemulsification, making an incision of 2.2 mm, with intracapsular implantation of pseudofac: withAcrySof IQ - 26 patients (44 eyes), with AcrySof Restore - 2 patients (4 eyes), with AcrySofToric - 2 patients (4 eyes). The examination of the patients was performed preoperative and postoperative at least after 2 weeks, being evaluated the refractive status (spherical and cylindrical powers, spherical equivalent), keratometric values and VA. In all cases capsular tension ringswere used. Results: After surgical treatment, the VA of the patients improved in all cases - 100%. There were no significant intraoperative or postoperativecomplications. All patients postoperative, without correction, had won one or more lines of VA. In the group of patients with corneal astigmatism, residual astigmatism value was 90% less 2.0 diopters (D). 92% of patients required an optical distance correction (those operated with AcrySof IQ and Toric), with an average postoperative spherical equivalent of -2.0 D. 2 patients (4 eyes) didn’t require a distance or near correction (operated with AcrySof Restore). At 23% was revealeda postoperative refractive astigmatism, with a cylinder power between -0.5 and - 2 D. Conclusion: Minimally invasive surgical technique of lens extraction by phacoemulsification,using intraocular qualitative implants, placed in the capsular bag (AcrySof IQ, AcrySof Restore, AcrySof Toric) is the most effective way to get the best vision in patients with high myopia, with contraindications for other solutions of approaching the problem of functional vision reabilitation