314 research outputs found

    Distributed Computing on Core-Periphery Networks: Axiom-based Design

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    Inspired by social networks and complex systems, we propose a core-periphery network architecture that supports fast computation for many distributed algorithms and is robust and efficient in number of links. Rather than providing a concrete network model, we take an axiom-based design approach. We provide three intuitive (and independent) algorithmic axioms and prove that any network that satisfies all axioms enjoys an efficient algorithm for a range of tasks (e.g., MST, sparse matrix multiplication, etc.). We also show the minimality of our axiom set: for networks that satisfy any subset of the axioms, the same efficiency cannot be guaranteed for any deterministic algorithm

    FrogWild! -- Fast PageRank Approximations on Graph Engines

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    We propose FrogWild, a novel algorithm for fast approximation of high PageRank vertices, geared towards reducing network costs of running traditional PageRank algorithms. Our algorithm can be seen as a quantized version of power iteration that performs multiple parallel random walks over a directed graph. One important innovation is that we introduce a modification to the GraphLab framework that only partially synchronizes mirror vertices. This partial synchronization vastly reduces the network traffic generated by traditional PageRank algorithms, thus greatly reducing the per-iteration cost of PageRank. On the other hand, this partial synchronization also creates dependencies between the random walks used to estimate PageRank. Our main theoretical innovation is the analysis of the correlations introduced by this partial synchronization process and a bound establishing that our approximation is close to the true PageRank vector. We implement our algorithm in GraphLab and compare it against the default PageRank implementation. We show that our algorithm is very fast, performing each iteration in less than one second on the Twitter graph and can be up to 7x faster compared to the standard GraphLab PageRank implementation

    Beyond Triangles: A Distributed Framework for Estimating 3-profiles of Large Graphs

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    We study the problem of approximating the 33-profile of a large graph. 33-profiles are generalizations of triangle counts that specify the number of times a small graph appears as an induced subgraph of a large graph. Our algorithm uses the novel concept of 33-profile sparsifiers: sparse graphs that can be used to approximate the full 33-profile counts for a given large graph. Further, we study the problem of estimating local and ego 33-profiles, two graph quantities that characterize the local neighborhood of each vertex of a graph. Our algorithm is distributed and operates as a vertex program over the GraphLab PowerGraph framework. We introduce the concept of edge pivoting which allows us to collect 22-hop information without maintaining an explicit 22-hop neighborhood list at each vertex. This enables the computation of all the local 33-profiles in parallel with minimal communication. We test out implementation in several experiments scaling up to 640640 cores on Amazon EC2. We find that our algorithm can estimate the 33-profile of a graph in approximately the same time as triangle counting. For the harder problem of ego 33-profiles, we introduce an algorithm that can estimate profiles of hundreds of thousands of vertices in parallel, in the timescale of minutes.Comment: To appear in part at KDD'1

    Distributed Estimation of Graph 4-Profiles

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    We present a novel distributed algorithm for counting all four-node induced subgraphs in a big graph. These counts, called the 44-profile, describe a graph's connectivity properties and have found several uses ranging from bioinformatics to spam detection. We also study the more complicated problem of estimating the local 44-profiles centered at each vertex of the graph. The local 44-profile embeds every vertex in an 1111-dimensional space that characterizes the local geometry of its neighborhood: vertices that connect different clusters will have different local 44-profiles compared to those that are only part of one dense cluster. Our algorithm is a local, distributed message-passing scheme on the graph and computes all the local 44-profiles in parallel. We rely on two novel theoretical contributions: we show that local 44-profiles can be calculated using compressed two-hop information and also establish novel concentration results that show that graphs can be substantially sparsified and still retain good approximation quality for the global 44-profile. We empirically evaluate our algorithm using a distributed GraphLab implementation that we scaled up to 640640 cores. We show that our algorithm can compute global and local 44-profiles of graphs with millions of edges in a few minutes, significantly improving upon the previous state of the art.Comment: To appear in part at WWW'1

    Generalized Perron--Frobenius Theorem for Nonsquare Matrices

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    The celebrated Perron--Frobenius (PF) theorem is stated for irreducible nonnegative square matrices, and provides a simple characterization of their eigenvectors and eigenvalues. The importance of this theorem stems from the fact that eigenvalue problems on such matrices arise in many fields of science and engineering, including dynamical systems theory, economics, statistics and optimization. However, many real-life scenarios give rise to nonsquare matrices. A natural question is whether the PF Theorem (along with its applications) can be generalized to a nonsquare setting. Our paper provides a generalization of the PF Theorem to nonsquare matrices. The extension can be interpreted as representing client-server systems with additional degrees of freedom, where each client may choose between multiple servers that can cooperate in serving it (while potentially interfering with other clients). This formulation is motivated by applications to power control in wireless networks, economics and others, all of which extend known examples for the use of the original PF Theorem. We show that the option of cooperation between servers does not improve the situation, in the sense that in the optimal solution no cooperation is needed, and only one server needs to serve each client. Hence, the additional power of having several potential servers per client translates into \emph{choosing} the best single server and not into \emph{sharing} the load between the servers in some way, as one might have expected. The two main contributions of the paper are (i) a generalized PF Theorem that characterizes the optimal solution for a non-convex nonsquare problem, and (ii) an algorithm for finding the optimal solution in polynomial time

    Efficient Joint Network-Source Coding for Multiple Terminals with Side Information

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    Consider the problem of source coding in networks with multiple receiving terminals, each having access to some kind of side information. In this case, standard coding techniques are either prohibitively complex to decode, or require network-source coding separation, resulting in sub-optimal transmission rates. To alleviate this problem, we offer a joint network-source coding scheme based on matrix sparsification at the code design phase, which allows the terminals to use an efficient decoding procedure (syndrome decoding using LDPC), despite the network coding throughout the network. Via a novel relation between matrix sparsification and rate-distortion theory, we give lower and upper bounds on the best achievable sparsification performance. These bounds allow us to analyze our scheme, and, in particular, show that in the limit where all receivers have comparable side information (in terms of conditional entropy), or, equivalently, have weak side information, a vanishing density can be achieved. As a result, efficient decoding is possible at all terminals simultaneously. Simulation results motivate the use of this scheme at non-limiting rates as well
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