316 research outputs found

    Laboratory evolution of Pyrococcus furiosus alcohol dehydrogenase to improve the production of (2S,5S)-hexanediol at moderate temperatures

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    There is considerable interest in the use of enantioselective alcohol dehydrogenases for the production of enantio- and diastereomerically pure diols, which are important building blocks for pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and fine chemicals. Due to the need for a stable alcohol dehydrogenase with activity at low-temperature process conditions (30°C) for the production of (2S,5S)-hexanediol, we have improved an alcohol dehydrogenase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus (AdhA). A stable S-selective alcohol dehydrogenase with increased activity at 30°C on the substrate 2,5-hexanedione was generated by laboratory evolution on the thermostable alcohol dehydrogenase AdhA. One round of error-prone PCR and screening of ∼1,500 mutants was performed. The maximum specific activity of the best performing mutant with 2,5-hexanedione at 30°C was tenfold higher compared to the activity of the wild-type enzyme. A 3D-model of AdhA revealed that this mutant has one mutation in the well-conserved NADP(H)-binding site (R11L), and a second mutation (A180V) near the catalytic and highly conserved threonine at position 183

    Perspectives for biocatalytic lignin utilization: cleaving 4-O-5 and C??-C?? bonds in dimeric lignin model compounds catalyzed by a promiscuous activity of tyrosinase

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    Background: In the biorefinery utilizing lignocellulosic biomasses, lignin decomposition to value-added phenolic derivatives is a key issue, and recently biocatalytic delignification is emerging owing to its superior selectivity, low energy consumption, and unparalleled sustainability. However, besides heme-containing peroxidases and laccases, information about lignolytic biocatalysts is still limited till date. Results: Herein, we report a promiscuous activity of tyrosinase which is closely associated with delignification requiring high redox potentials (>1.4 V vs. normal hydrogen electrode [NHE]). The promiscuous activity of tyrosinase not only oxidizes veratryl alcohol, a commonly used nonphenolic substrate for assaying ligninolytic activity, to veratraldehyde but also cleaves the 4-O-5 and C??-C?? bonds in 4-phenoxyphenol and guaiacyl glycerol-??-guaiacyl ether (GGE) that are dimeric lignin model compounds. Cyclic voltammograms additionally verified that the promiscuous activity oxidizes lignin-related high redox potential substrates. Conclusion These results might be applicable for extending the versatility of tyrosinase toward biocatalytic delignification as well as suggesting a new perspective for sustainable lignin utilization. Furthermore, the results provide insight for exploring the previously unknown promiscuous activities of biocatalysts much more diverse than ever thought before, thereby innovatively expanding the applicable area of biocatalysis

    Carboxylic ester hydrolases from hyperthermophiles

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    Carboxylic ester hydrolyzing enzymes constitute a large group of enzymes that are able to catalyze the hydrolysis, synthesis or transesterification of an ester bond. They can be found in all three domains of life, including the group of hyperthermophilic bacteria and archaea. Esterases from the latter group often exhibit a high intrinsic stability, which makes them of interest them for various biotechnological applications. In this review, we aim to give an overview of all characterized carboxylic ester hydrolases from hyperthermophilic microorganisms and provide details on their substrate specificity, kinetics, optimal catalytic conditions, and stability. Approaches for the discovery of new carboxylic ester hydrolases are described. Special attention is given to the currently characterized hyperthermophilic enzymes with respect to their biochemical properties, 3D structure, and classification

    The search for the ideal biocatalyst

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    While the use of enzymes as biocatalysts to assist in the industrial manufacture of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals has enormous potential, application is frequently limited by evolution-led catalyst traits. The advent of designer biocatalysts, produced by informed selection and mutation through recombinant DNA technology, enables production of process-compatible enzymes. However, to fully realize the potential of designer enzymes in industrial applications, it will be necessary to tailor catalyst properties so that they are optimal not only for a given reaction but also in the context of the industrial process in which the enzyme is applied

    Photobiocatalytic chemistry of oxidoreductases using water as the electron donor

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    [EN] To date, water has been poorly studied as the sacrificial electron donor for biocatalytic redox reactions using isolated enzymes. Here we demonstrate that water can also be turned into a sacrificial electron donor to promote biocatalytic redox reactions. The thermodynamic driving force required for water oxidation is obtained from UV and visible light by means of simple titanium dioxide-based photocatalysts. The electrons liberated in this process are delivered to an oxidoreductase by simple flavin redox mediators. Overall, the feasibility of photobiocatalytic, water-driven bioredox reactions is demonstrated.Financial support from the Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry (Consolider Ingenio 2010-MULTICAT CSD 2009-00050, Subprograma de apoyo a Centros y Universidades de Excelencia Severo Ochoa SEV 2012 0267). M. M. acknowledges the Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry for a 'Juan de la Cierva' postdoctoral contract. S. G. acknowledges the European Union Marie Curie Programme (ITN 'Biotrains', Grant Agreement No. 238531).Mifsud Grau, M.; Gargiulo, S.; Iborra Chornet, S.; Arends, IWCE.; Hollmann, F.; Corma Canós, A. (2014). Photobiocatalytic chemistry of oxidoreductases using water as the electron donor. Nature Communications. 5:1-6. https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms4145S165Bornscheuer, U. T. et al. Engineering the third wave of biocatalysis. Nature 485, 185–194 (2012).Breuer, M. et al. Industrial methods for the production of optically active intermediates. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 43, 788–824 (2004).Pollard, D. J. & Woodley, J. M. Biocatalysis for pharmaceutical intermediates: the future is now. Trends Biotechnol. 25, 66–73 (2007).Ran, N., Zhao, L., Chen, Z. & Tao, J. Recent applications of biocatalysis in developing green chemistry for chemical synthesis at the industrial scale. Green. Chem. 10, 361–372 (2008).Schmid, A. et al. Industrial biocatalysis today and tomorrow. 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    Biomimetic mineralization of metal-organic frameworks as protective coatings for biomacromolecules

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    Enhancing the robustness of functional biomacromolecules is a critical challenge in biotechnology, which if addressed would enhance their use in pharmaceuticals, chemical processing and biostorage. Here we report a novel method, inspired by natural biomineralization processes, which provides unprecedented protection of biomacromolecules by encapsulating them within a class of porous materials termed metal-organic frameworks. We show that proteins, enzymes and DNA rapidly induce the formation of protective metal-organic framework coatings under physiological conditions by concentrating the framework building blocks and facilitating crystallization around the biomacromolecules. The resulting biocomposite is stable under conditions that would normally decompose many biological macromolecules. For example, urease and horseradish peroxidase protected within a metal-organic framework shell are found to retain bioactivity after being treated at 80 °C and boiled in dimethylformamide (153 °C), respectively. This rapid, low-cost biomimetic mineralization process gives rise to new possibilities for the exploitation of biomacromolecules.Kang Liang, Raffaele Ricco, Cara M. Doherty, Mark J. Styles, Stephen Bell, Nigel Kirby, Stephen Mudie, David Haylock, Anita J. Hill, Christian J. Doonan, Paolo Falcar