31 research outputs found

    Cancer as a tool for preclinical psychoneuroimmunology

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    Cancer represents a novel homeostatic challenge to the host system. How the brain senses and responds to changes in peripheral physiology elicited by tumor growth is a largely untapped area of research. This is especially relevant given the widespread prevalence of systemic problems that people with various types of cancer experience. These include disruptions in sleep/wake cycles, cognitive function, depression, and changes in appetite/food intake, among others. Critically, many of these problems are evident prior to diagnosis, indicating that their etiology is potentially distinct from the effects of cancer treatment or the stress of a cancer diagnosis. Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is well equipped to tackle these types of problems, as it uses approaches from multiple disciplines to understand how specific stimuli (endogenous and environmental) are transduced into neural, endocrine, and immune signals that ultimately regulate health and behavior. In this article, I first provide a brief historical perspective of cancer and PNI, introduce the idea of cancer as a systemic homeostatic challenge, and provide examples from preclinical literature supporting this hypothesis. Given the rise of advanced tools in neuroscience (e.g., calcium imaging), we can now monitor and manipulate genetically defined neural circuits over the extended time scales necessary to disentangle distal communication between peripheral tumors and the brai

    Peripheral Lipopolyssacharide Rapidly Silences REM-Active LHGABA Neurons.

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    Immune factors (e.g., cytokines, chemokines) can alter the activity of neuronal circuits to promote "sickness behavior," a suite of adaptive actions that organisms exhibit in response to infection/injury in order to maximize their chances of recovery (i.e., return to homeostasis). This includes drastic alterations in sleep/wake states, locomotor activity, and food intake, among other behaviors. Despite the ample evidence highlighting interactions between the brain and systemic immunity, studies on how immune challenges alter the activity of genetically defined cell populations controlling arousal states are scarce. As the lateral hypothalamus (LH) serves a major integrative function in behavioral arousal, food intake, and monitoring and responding to changes in systemic physiology, we investigated how GABAergic neurons within this brain region alter their activity across normal sleep/wake states and in response to a peripheral immune challenge with bacterial endotoxin [lipopolysaccharides (LPS)]. Using fiber photometry (GCaMP6s Ca2+ signal) in tandem with electroencephalogram (EEG)/EMG recordings to determine arousal states, we observed that population activity of GABAergic neurons in the lateral hypothalamus (LHGABA) is highest during rapid-eye-movement sleep (REM), and this activity changes drastically across spontaneous arousal state transitions, with the lowest activity observed during non-REM sleep. Upon intraperitoneal LPS challenge, LHGABA neurons rapidly decrease their activity in tandem with elimination of REM sleep behavior (characteristic of cytokine-induced sickness). Together, these data suggest that peripheral immune challenges can rapidly (in < 40 min) alter subcortical neuronal circuits controlling arousal states. Additionally, we demonstrate that fiber photometry offers a sensitive and cell-type specific tool that can be applied to study the neuronal substrates of sickness behavior

    Hypothalamic circuitry underlying stress-induced insomnia and peripheral immunosuppression.

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    The neural substrates of insomnia/hyperarousal induced by stress remain unknown. Here, we show that restraint stress leads to hyperarousal associated with strong activation of corticotropin-releasing hormone neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus (CRHPVN) and hypocretin neurons in the lateral hypothalamus (HcrtLH). CRHPVN neurons directly innervate HcrtLH neurons, and optogenetic stimulation of LH-projecting CRHPVN neurons elicits hyperarousal. CRISPR-Cas9-mediated knockdown of the crh gene in CRHPVN neurons abolishes hyperarousal induced by stimulating LH-projecting CRHPVN neurons. Genetic ablation of Hcrt neurons or crh gene knockdown significantly counteracts restraint stress-induced hyperarousal. Single-cell mass cytometry by time of flight (CyTOF) revealed extensive changes to immune cell distribution and functional responses in peripheral blood during hyperarousal upon optogenetic stimulation of CRHPVN neurons simulating stress-induced insomnia. Our findings suggest both central and peripheral systems are synergistically engaged in the response to stress via CRHPVN circuitry

    Arousal State-Dependent Alterations in VTA-GABAergic Neuronal Activity.

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    Decades of research have implicated the ventral tegmental area (VTA) in motivation, learning and reward processing. We and others recently demonstrated that it also serves as an important node in sleep/wake regulation. Specifically, VTA-dopaminergic neuron activation is sufficient to drive wakefulness and necessary for the maintenance of wakefulness. However, the role of VTA-GABAergic neurons in arousal regulation is not fully understood. It is still unclear whether VTA-GABAergic neurons predictably alter their activity across arousal states, what is the nature of interactions between VTA-GABAergic activity and cortical oscillations, and how activity in VTA-GABAergic neurons relates to VTA-dopaminergic neurons in the context of sleep/wake regulation. To address these, we simultaneously recorded population activity from VTA subpopulations and electroencephalography/electromyography (EEG/EMG) signals during spontaneous sleep/wake states and in the presence of salient stimuli in freely-behaving mice. We found that VTA-GABAergic neurons exhibit robust arousal-state-dependent alterations in population activity, with high activity and transients during wakefulness and REM sleep. During wakefulness, population activity of VTA-GABAergic neurons, but not VTA-dopaminergic neurons, was positively correlated with EEG γ power and negatively correlated with θ power. During NREM sleep, population activity in both VTA-GABAergic and VTA-dopaminergic neurons negatively correlated with δ, θ, and σ power bands. Salient stimuli, with both positive and negative valence, activated VTA-GABAergic neurons. Together, our data indicate that VTA-GABAergic neurons, like their dopaminergic counterparts, drastically alter their activity across sleep-wake states. Changes in their activity predicts cortical oscillatory patterns reflected in the EEG, which are distinct from EEG spectra associated with dopaminergic neural activity

    Cancer as a homeostatic challenge: the role of the hypothalamus

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    The initiation, progression, and metastatic spread of cancer elicits diverse changes in systemic physiology. In this way, cancer represents a novel homeostatic challenge to the host system. Here, we discuss how the hypothalamus, a critical brain region involved in homeostasis senses, integrates, and responds to cancer-induced changes in physiology. Through this lens, cancer-associated changes in behavior (e.g., sleep disruption) and physiology (e.g., glucocorticoid dysregulation) can be viewed as the result of an inability to re-establish homeostasis. We provide examples at each level (receptor sensing, integration of systemic signals, and efferent regulatory pathways) of how homeostatic organization becomes disrupted across different cancers. Finally, we lay out predictions of this hypothesis, and highlight outstanding questions that aim to guide further work in this area

    Neuropeptides in Cancer: Friend and Foe?

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    Neuropeptides are small regulatory molecules found throughout the body, most notably in the nervous, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal systems. They serve as neurotransmitters or hormones in the regulation of diverse physiological processes. Cancer cells escape normal growth control mechanisms by altering their expression of growth factors, receptors, or intracellular signals, and neuropeptides have recently been recognized as mitogens in cancer growth and development. Many neuropeptides and their receptors exist in multiple subtypes, coupling with different downstream signaling pathways and playing distinct roles in cancer progression. The consideration of neuropeptide/receptor systems as anticancer targets is already leading to new biological and diagnostic knowledge that has the potential to enhance the understanding and treatment of cancer. In this review, recent discoveries regarding neuropeptides in a wide range of cancers, emphasizing their mechanisms of action, signaling cascades, regulation, and therapeutic potential, are discussed. Current technologies used to manipulate and analyze neuropeptides/receptors are described. Applications of neuropeptide analogs and their receptor inhibitors in translational studies and radio-oncology are rapidly increasing, and the possibility for their integration into therapeutic trials and clinical treatment appears promising

    Sleep Disruption and Cancer: Chicken or the Egg?

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    Sleep is a nearly ubiquitous phenomenon across the phylogenetic tree, highlighting its essential role in ensuring fitness across evolutionary time. Consequently, chronic disruption of the duration, timing, or structure of sleep can cause widespread problems in multiple physiological systems, including those that regulate energy balance, immune function, and cognitive capacity, among others. Many, if not all these systems, become altered throughout the course of cancer initiation, growth, metastatic spread, treatment, and recurrence. Recent work has demonstrated how changes in sleep influence the development of chronic diseases, including cancer, in both humans and animal models. A common finding is that for some cancers (e.g., breast), chronic disruption of sleep/wake states prior to disease onset is associated with an increased risk for cancer development. Additionally, sleep disruption after cancer initiation is often associated with worse outcomes. Recently, evidence suggesting that cancer itself can affect neuronal circuits controlling sleep and wakefulness has accumulated. Patients with cancer often report difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, and severe fatigue, during and even years after treatment. In addition to the psychological stress associated with cancer, cancer itself may alter sleep homeostasis through changes to host physiology and via currently undefined mechanisms. Moreover, cancer treatments (e.g., chemotherapy, radiation, hormonal, and surgical) may further worsen sleep problems through complex biological processes yet to be fully understood. This results in a "chicken or the egg" phenomenon, where it is unclear whether sleep disruption promotes cancer or cancer reciprocally disrupts sleep. This review will discuss existing evidence for both hypotheses and present a framework through which the interactions between sleep and cancer can be dissociated and causally investigated

    Hormones, Circadian Rhythms, and Mental Health

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    Circadian rhythms permit adaptations to predictable temporal environmental changes. Daily 24-hour rhythms are controlled by molecular clockworks within the brain that are set by the daily light–dark cycle. Downstream endocrine signaling conveys temporal information throughout the body. Mood disorders often present with disruptions in circadian clock-controlled responses, such as sleep and cortisol secretion, whereas circadian rhythm disruptions via jet lag, night-shift work, or light at night increase disordered affective symptoms. Evidence suggests strong associations between circadian rhythms and mental health, but only recently have studies begun to discover the direct interactions between the circadian system and mood regulation. This chapter provides an overview of circadian rhythms and the circadian regulation of the endocrine system. It discusses how the circadian and endocrine systems interact to affect depressive, anxious, and addictive responses. Finally, it discusses the potential detrimental effects the widespread use of nighttime light has for mood and cognition

    Reciprocal Regulation of Circadian Rhythms and Immune Function

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    Although several papers have described circadian regulation of the immune function, our goal is to address the reciprocal interactions between the circadian and immune systems. Timekeeping mechanisms have evolved to regulate energy balance in the face of predictable environmental changes. Mounting an immune response is energetically expensive; thus, it is beneficial to allocate resources to immunity when potential exposure to pathogens is highest. Temporally gated activities such as social interactions and eating coincide with increased pathogen exposure. Therefore, many components of immunity are regulated by the circadian system to maximize energy efficiencies. Reciprocally, it is beneficial for immune status to inform the circadian system to ensure adequate rest and recovery from infection and injury. Although the mechanisms controlling these processes remain unspecified, it is a critical relationship important for health and disease. We highlight several examples of circadian gating of immune function. We further discuss the bidirectional pathways through which circadian disruption via light at night, jet lag, shift work, and sleep disruption contribute to reduced immune capacity, and how immune challenge can, in turn, alter circadian function