12,219 research outputs found

    The Hausdorff moments in statistical mechanics

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    A new method for solving the Hausdorff moment problem is presented which makes use of Pollaczek polynomials. This problem is severely ill posed; a regularized solution is obtained without any use of prior knowledge. When the problem is treated in the L 2 space and the moments are finite in number and affected by noise or round‐off errors, the approximation converges asymptotically in the L 2 norm. The method is applied to various questions of statistical mechanics and in particular to the determination of the density of states. Concerning this latter problem the method is extended to include distribution valued densities. Computing the Laplace transform of the expansion a new series representation of the partition function Z(ÎČ) (ÎČ=1/k BT ) is obtained which coincides with a Watson resummation of the high‐temperature series for Z(ÎČ)

    Radiating black hole solutions in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity

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    In this paper, we find some new exact solutions to the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet equations. First, we prove a theorem which allows us to find a large family of solutions to the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity in nn-dimensions. This family of solutions represents dynamic black holes and contains, as particular cases, not only the recently found Vaidya-Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet black hole, but also other physical solutions that we think are new, such as, the Gauss-Bonnet versions of the Bonnor-Vaidya(de Sitter/anti-de Sitter) solution, a global monopole and the Husain black holes. We also present a more general version of this theorem in which less restrictive conditions on the energy-momentum tensor are imposed. As an application of this theorem, we present the exact solution describing a black hole radiating a charged null fluid in a Born-Infeld nonlinear electrodynamics

    Self-Interacting Electromagnetic Fields and a Classical Discussion on the Stability of the Electric Charge

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    The present work proposes a discussion on the self-energy of charged particles in the framework of nonlinear electrodynamics. We seek magnet- ically stable solutions generated by purely electric charges whose electric and magnetic fields are computed as solutions to the Born-Infeld equa- tions. The approach yields rich internal structures that can be described in terms of the physical fields with explicit analytic solutions. This suggests that the anomalous field probably originates from a magnetic excitation in the vacuum due to the presence of the very intense electric field. In addition, the magnetic contribution has been found to exert a negative pressure on the charge. This, in turn, balances the electric repulsion, in such a way that the self-interaction of the field appears as a simple and natural classical mechanism that is able to account for the stability of the electron charge.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Reciprocal relativity of noninertial frames and the quaplectic group

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    Newtonian mechanics has the concept of an absolute inertial rest frame. Special relativity eliminates the absolute rest frame but continues to require the absolute inertial frame. General relativity solves this for gravity by requiring particles to have locally inertial frames on a curved position-time manifold. The problem of the absolute inertial frame for other forces remains. We look again at the transformations of frames on an extended phase space with position, time, energy and momentum degrees of freedom. Under nonrelativistic assumptions, there is an invariant symplectic metric and a line element dt^2. Under special relativistic assumptions the symplectic metric continues to be invariant but the line elements are now -dt^2+dq^2/c^2 and dp^2-de^2/c^2. Max Born conjectured that the line element should be generalized to the pseudo- orthogonal metric -dt^2+dq^2/c^2+ (1/b^2)(dp^2-de^2/c^2). The group leaving these two metrics invariant is the pseudo-unitary group of transformations between noninertial frames. We show that these transformations eliminate the need for an absolute inertial frame by making forces relative and bounded by b and so embodies a relativity that is 'reciprocal' in the sense of Born. The inhomogeneous version of this group is naturally the semidirect product of the pseudo-unitary group with the nonabelian Heisenberg group. This is the quaplectic group. The Heisenberg group itself is the semidirect product of two translation groups. This provides the noncommutative properties of position and momentum and also time and energy that are required for the quantum mechanics that results from considering the unitary representations of the quaplectic group.Comment: Substantial revision, Publicon LaTe

    Selfduality of non-linear electrodynamics with derivative corrections

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    In this paper we investigate how electromagnetic duality survives derivative corrections to classical non-linear electrodynamics. In particular, we establish that electromagnetic selfduality is satisfied to all orders in αâ€Č\alpha' for the four-point function sector of the four dimensional open string effective action.Comment: 8 page

    Nonlinear Maxwell Equations

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    A new relativistic invariant version of nonlinear Maxwell equations is offerred. Some properties of these equations are considered.Comment: 6 pages, LaTe

    Casimir effect across a layered medium

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    Using nonstandard recursion relations for Fresnel coefficients involving successive stacks of layers, we extend the Lifshitz formula to configurations with an inhomogeneous, n-layered, medium separating two planar objects. The force on each object is the sum of a Lifshitz like force and a force arising from the inhomogeneity of the medium. The theory correctly reproduces very recently obtained results for the Casimir force/energy in some simple systems of this kind. As a by product, we obtain a formula for the force on an (unspecified) stack of layers between two planar objects which generalizes our previous result for the force on a slab in a planar cavity.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, presented at QFEXT1

    Quasinormal modes, quantized black holes, and correspondence principle

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    Contrary to the wide-spread belief, the correspondence principle does not dictate any relation between the asymptotics of quasinormal modes and the spectrum of quantized black holes. Moreover, this belief is in conflict with simple physical arguments.Comment: 2 pages; a new argument adde

    Comment on `On the Quantum Theory of Molecules' [J. Chem.Phys. {\bf 137}, 22A544 (2012)]

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    In our previous paper [J. Chem.Phys. {\bf 137}, 22A544 (2012)] we argued that the Born-Oppenheimer approximation could not be based on an exact transformation of the molecular Schr\"{o}dinger equation. In this Comment we suggest that the fundamental reason for the approximate nature of the Born-Oppenheimer model is the lack of a complete set of functions for the electronic space, and the need to describe the continuous spectrum using spectral projection.Comment: 2 page

    Cosmology with a Nonlinear Born-Infeld type Scalar Field

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    Recent many physicists suggest that the dark energy in the universe might result from the Born-Infeld(B-I) type scalar field of string theory. The universe of B-I type scalar field with potential can undergo a phase of accelerating expansion. The corresponding equation of state parameter lies in the range of −1<ω<−1/3\displaystyle -1<\omega<-{1/3}. The equation of state parameter of B-I type scalar field without potential lies in the range of 0≀ω≀10\leq\omega\leq1. We find that weak energy condition and strong energy condition are violated for phantom B-I type scalar field. The equation of state parameter lies in the range of ω<−1\omega<-1.Comment: 10 pages without figure
