19 research outputs found

    Mass occurrence of polyploid green frogs (Rana esculenta complex) in Eastern Ukraine

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    A case of natural triploidy in European diploid green toad (Bufo viridis), with some distributional records of diploid and tetraploid toads

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    A triploid female (3n = 33) was found in diploid species Bufo viridis from the Crimea Peninsula, Ukraine. The case is recognized as an occasional autotriploidy. No morphological differences were found between this triploid female and other diploid specimens of the sample. Three categories of triploids in the Bufo viridis group are classified. Based on six green toad samples identified by chromosome number, the distribution of diploid and polyploid toads in Kazakhstan is discussed

    Gamete production patterns and mating systems in water frogs of the hybridogenetic Pelophylax esculentus complex in northeastern Ukraine

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    Hybridization and polyploidy play an important role in animal speciation. European water frogs of the Pelophylax esculentus complex demonstrate unusual genetic phenomena associated with hybridization, clonality and polyploidy which presumably indicate an initial stage of reticulate speciation. The Seversky Donets River drainage in north-eastern Ukraine is inhabited by both sexes of the diploid and triploid hybrid P. esculentus and only one parental species Pelophylax ridibundus. Based on the presence of various types of hybrids, all populations studied can be divided into three geographical groups: I) P. ridibundus—P. esculentus without triploids; II) P. ridibundus—P. esculentus without diploid hybrids; and III) P. ridibundus—P. esculentus with a mixture of diploids and triploids. A study of gametogenesis revealed that diploid P. esculentus in populations of the first type usually produced haploid gametes of P. ridibundus and a mixture of haploid gametes that carried one or another parental genome (hybrid amphispermy). In populations of the second type, hybrids are derived from crosses of P. ridibundus males with triploid hybrid females producing haploid eggs with a genome of P. lessonae. Therefore, we suggest that clonal genome duplication in these eggs might be the result of suppression of second polar body formation or extra precleavage endoreduplication. In populations of the third type, some diploid females can produce diploid gametes. Fertilization of these eggs with haploid sperm can result in triploid hybrids. Other hybrids here produce haploid gametes with one or another parental genome or their mixture giving rise to new diploid hybrids

    Alai! Alai! - a new species of the Gloydius halys (Pallas, 1776) complex (Viperidae, Crotalinae), including a brief review of the complex

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    During a scientific field expedition to the Alai-Pamir range five specimens of the genus Gloydius have been collected in the larger Alai. A morphological and genetical examination of the specimens has shown that they are part of the G. halys complex, but represent a new taxon which is characterized by the following unique character combination: It is a slender and moderately stout small snake, up to 479 mm total length. The head has nine symmetrical plates on the upper head, 7 supralabial and 8-9 infralabial scales. Body scales in 20-22 rows around midbody, 143-156 ventral and 35-45 usually paired subcaudal scales. The cloacal plate not divided. The general coloration consists of various different tones of olive, tan and brown, having a distinct head, but an indistinct body pattern with, excluding the tail, 26-29 transverse crossbands, which are not extending to the sides of the body. The haplotype network shows the new species within the G. halys complex and close related to both, G. h. halys and G. h. caraganus. So far the new described species is only known from the Alai range. However, various Gloydius specimens are found in Kyrgyzstan and because of the complicated taxonomy those specimens have to re-identified to clarify their status and the status of the new species

    Fossorial but widespread: the phylogeography of the common spadefoot toad (Pelobates fuscus), and the role of the Po Valley as a major source of genetic variability

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    International audiencePelobates fuscus is a fossorial amphibian that inhabits much of the European plain areas. To unveil traces of expansion and contraction events of the species' range, we sequenced 702 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. To infer the population history we applied phylogeographical methods, such as nested clade phylogeographical analysis (NCPA), and used summary statistics to analyse population structure under a neutral model of evolution. Populations were assigned to different drainage systems and we tested hypotheses of explicit refugial models using information from analysis of molecular variance, nucleotide diversity, effective population size estimation, NCPA, mismatch distribution and Bayesian dating. Coalescent simulations were used as post hoc tests for plausibility of derived or a priori assumed biogeographical hypotheses. Our combination of all approaches enabled the reconstruction of the colonization history and phylogeography of P. fuscus and confirmed a previous assumption of the existence of two major genetic lineages within P. fuscus. Using the Afro-European vicariance of Pelobates cultripes and Pelobates varaldii and applying Bayesian dating we estimated the divergence of these phylogeographical lineages to the Pliocene. We suggest the existence of three different glacial refugia: (i) the area between the Caspian and Black Seas as the origin for the expansion of the 'eastern lineage'; (ii) the Danube system as a centre of diversity for part of the 'western lineage'; (iii) the Po Valley, the largest centre of genetic variability. This fits the hypothesis that climatic fluctuation was a key event for differentiation processes in P. fuscus