30 research outputs found


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    Ablacija ventrikularne tahikardije kod bolesnika s ishemijskom kardiomiopatijom kompliciranija je i mnogo teža od ablacije većine supraventrikularnih tahikardija. Aritmogeni supstrat je kompleksniji, a lokalizacija mu je često nejasna. Zbog karakteristika tahikardije preciznije metode mapiranja često se ne mogu rabiti. Uz to se obično radi o bolesnicima sa slabijom sistoličkom funkcijom, zatajivanjem srca, ishemijom i brojnim komorbiditetima gdje izazivanje tahikardije i postupak ablacije mogu dovesti do naglog hemodinamskog uruÅ”avanja. Neinducibilnost kliničke aritmije postiže se kod 65ā€“95% bolesnika, ali se recidiv javlja kod 20ā€“44% bolesnika. Teže komplikacije bilježe se kod 8% bolesnika uz smrtni ishod kod 2,7% bolesnika. Odluku o strategiji liječenja treba stoga donositi individualno procjenjujući potencijalnu korist i rizik od intervencije. Ovaj članak prikazuje prvi slučaj uspjeÅ”ne ablacije ventrikularne tahikardije kod bolesnika s ishemijskom kardiomiopatijom koja je učinjena u naÅ”oj zemljAblation of ventricular tachycardia in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy is more complicated and more difficult than ablation of most supraventricular tachycardias. Arrhythmogenic substrate is complex and its localisation is often unclear. Because of the tachycardia characteristics, more precise mapping methods often canā€™t be utilised. Also, patients are usually seriously ill with decreased systolic function, heart failure, ischemia and various comorbidities where tachycardia induction and ablation procedure may facilitate abrupt hemodynamic disturbance. Uninducibility of the clinical tachycardia can be achieved in 65ā€“95% of patients, but tachycardia recurs in 20ā€“44% of patients. Serious complications were noted in 8% of patients with lethal outcome in 2.7% of patients. Decision about therapeutic strategy should be made individually according to potential risk and procedure benefit. This paper presents the first case of the successful ablation of ventricular tachycardia in a patient with ischemic cardiomyopathy in our country


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    Tahikardija je aritmija karakterizirana srčanom frekvencijom > 100/minuti. Prema Å”irini QRS-kompleksa može se podijeliti na tahikardije uskih ( 120 ms). Tahikardija uskih QRS-kompleksa uvijek je supraventrikularna, Å”to znači da joj je izvoriÅ”te proksimalno od Hisova snopa, dok tahikardija Å”irokih QRS-kompleksa može biti ventrikularna (izvoriÅ”te u ventrikulu distalno od Hisova snopa), ali i supraventrikularna. Strategija liječenja ovih dvaju poremećaja različita je pa je točna dijagnoza preduvjet optimalne terapije. Prikazujemo ovaj slučaj jer su diferencijalna dijagnoza tahikardije Å”irokih QRS-kompleksa, a time i planiranje terapije bili posebno otežani zbog istodobno prisutne fibrilacije atrija te hemodinamske kompromitacije i akutnog ugrožavanja života bolesnice.Tachycardia is an arrhythmia characterized by heart rate > 100 / minute. According to the width of the QRS complex it can be divided into narrow QRS ( 120 ms). Narrow QRS tachycardia is always supraventricular which means that its source is proximal to the bundle of His, while wide QRS tachycardia can be ventricular (source is in the ventricle, distal to the bundle of His) or supraventricular. The strategies for treating these two conditions are different so the correct diagnosis is prerequisite for optimal therapy. We present this case because the differential diagnosis of wide QRS tachycardia and therefore the treatment planning was particularly difficult due to concurrently present atrial fibrillation with hemodynamic compromise and an acute threat to the life of the patient

    The first case of epicardial ablation of ventricular tachycardia in a patient with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy in our country

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    Od 2012. u nas se uspjeÅ”no provode procedure endokardijalne ablacije u bolesnika sa strukturnom bolesti srca i ventrikularnim aritmijama. Riječ je o kompleksnim elektrofizioloÅ”kim procedurama kojima se koristimo u liječenju električne oluje ili pri repetitivnim uključivanjima kardioverterskog defibrilatora. Međutim, kod dijela bolesnika endokardijalna ablacija nije uspjeÅ”na budući da se ključni supstrat aritmije nalazi subepikardijalno. Prikazujemo 20-godiÅ”njeg bolesnika koji je preživio izvanbolnički arest, uzrokovan ventrikularnom fibrilacijom (VF) u sklopu preboljenog miokarditisa. Å irokom kardioloÅ”kom obradom isključen je drugi uzrok aritmije, a magnetskom rezonancijom utvrđen je supstrat u obliku subepikardijalnih ožiljnih zona u lijevom ventrikulu. Bolesniku je ugrađen kardioverterski defibrilator, no usprkos većem broju linija antiaritmičke terapije i dalje su bili učestali recidivi VF-a. Stoga je učinjena kombinirana perkutana endokardijalna/epikardijalna procedura, nakon koje bolesnik viÅ”e nije imao recidiva aritmije. Zbog velike kompleksnosti epikardijalne ablacije dosad smo ovakve bolesnike morali referirati kolegama u inozemnim centrima, Å”to odsad viÅ”e nije nužno.Since 2012 we have successfully implemented endocardial ablation procedures in patients with structural heart disease and ventricular arrhythmias. These are complex electrophysiological procedures that are used to treat electric storms or repetitive discharges of cardioverter-defibrillators. However, in one part of the patients endocardial ablation is unsuccessful, since the key substrate of arrhythmia is subepicardial. We report a 20-year-old patient who has survived out-of-hospital arrest, caused by ventricular fibrillation (VF) in the setting of myocarditis. Extensive cardiac work-up did not show any pathology, however cardiac magnetic resonance found subepicardial scarring zones in the left ventricle as the primary cause of arrhythmia. The patient was implanted with a cardioverter-defibrillator, but in spite of several lines of antiarrhythmic therapy there were still frequent recurrent VFs. Therefore, a combined percutaneous endo/epi procedure was performed, after which the patient had no recurrence of arrhythmia. Due to the great complexity of epicardial ablation, so far these patients have been refered to colleagues in foreign centers, which is no longer the case

    Initial weight loss after restrictive bariatric procedures may predict mid-term weight maintenance: results from a 12-month pilot trial

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    Background: Bariatric procedures are effective options for weight loss (WL) in the morbidly obese. However, some patients fail to lose any weight after bariatric surgery, and mid-term weight maintenance is variable. The aim of this study was to investigate whether initial WL could predict mid-term weight maintenance. ----- Methods: Eighty patients were enrolled, of whom 44 were treated with the BioEnterics Intragastric Balloon (BIB), 21 with laparoscopic adjustable gastric lap-banding (LAGB), and 15 with laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG). Percentage of body WL and percentage of excess weight loss (EWL) were calculated at baseline and after 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. Successful WL was defined as EWL >20% for patients treated with BIB and >50% for patients treated with LAGB and SG. ----- Results: Success in the 6th and 12th month was achieved in 80% and 58% of patients in the BIB group, 33% and 40% in the LAGB group, and 60% and 73% in the LSG group. In the BIB group, WL in the 1st month correlated positively with WL at the 6th and 12th month, and an initial WL >6.5% best predicted success (sensitivity 50%, specificity 80%). A similar association was observed in the LAGB group at the 6th and 12th month and an initial WL >9.4% best predicted success (sensitivity 90.0%, specificity 81.2%). In patients treated with LSG, WL in the 3rd month correlated positively with EWL at the 6th and 12th month, with a cutoff value of 17% (sensitivity 66.7%, specificity 100%). ----- Conclusions: WL in the 1st month in patients treated with BIB and LAGB and WL in the 3rd month in patients treated with LSG could be used as a prognostic factor to predict mid-term weight maintenance

    Cardiac Arrest in a Patient with Ebsteinā€™s Anomaly without Accessory Pathways

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    We describe a case report of a patient with cardiac arrest and Ebsteinā€™s anomaly. This case report shows us necessity for arrhythmia evaluation and sudden death risk stratification even in asymptomatic patients. Prophylactic ICD im- plantation in this patient population is limited to observational studies and the selection of patients is impeded by the absence of randomized trials and weak predictors