15 research outputs found

    Digital technologies in the tax sphere as a factor in the sustainability of economic activity

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    In the future, digital technologies will make it possible to increase the transparency of the economic activities of tax organizations, the transparency of the economy of all economic entities in Russian Federation, which guarantees the stability of receipts to the country's budget, an improvement in the quality of budget planning and economic stability. The purpose of this study is to substantiate the optimization of the economic activities of tax organizations based on the introduction of digital technologies. The object of the research is the economic activity of tax organizations. The subject of the research is digital technologies as a factor in optimizing economic activity and the sustainability of tax organizations. The analysis of the efficiency of tax organizations is presented. The author's vision of the influence of digital technologies on the optimization of economic activity is given on the example of the branch of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation in terms of tax control and the provision of public services. It is concluded that the optimization of the economic activities of tax organizations based on the introduction of digital technologies will reduce the costs of current activities, tax administration, time costs for tax transactions

    Pathfinder elements of uranium mineralization from albitite formation of the ukrainian shield and their impact on the environment

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    1. Генетические типы и закономерности размещения урановых месторождений Украины. Отв. редакторы Я.Н. Белевцев, В.Б. Коваль. Киев: Наук. думка, 1995. – 396 с. 2. Верховцев В.Г. та ін. (2014). Перспективи розвитку уранової сировинної бази ядерної енергетики України / В. Г. Верховцев [та ін.]. – Київ : Наук. думка, 2014. – 355 с. 3. Dudar T.V., Zaktytnyi Ye.Ye., and Bugera M.A. (2015). Uranium Mining and Associated Environmental Challenges for Ukraine. – Science-Based Technologies, No 1(25), 2015. – P. 68–73. 4. Michel Cuney et al. (2012) Uranium deposits associated with Na-metasomatism from central Ukraine: A review of some of the major deposits and genetic constraints. – Ore Geology Reviews. 44. – P. 82–106. 5. Сущук К.Г., Верховцев В.Г. (2019). Металогенія урану в фанерозої платформної частини України // Геохімія техногенезу (Зб. наук. праць ІГНС НАН України). – К. Вип. 2 (30). – С. 56–69. (in Ukrainian). 6. Закономерности образования и размещения урановых месторождений Украины. Отв. редактор Я.Н. Белевцев. Киев: 1968. – 763 с. 7. Войткевич Г.В., Кокин А.В., Мирошников А.Е., Прохоров В.Г. Справочник по геохимии. Москва: Недра, 1990. – 480 с. 8. Токарев А.Н., Купель Е.Н., Попова Т.П. и др. Радиогидрогеологический метод поисков месторождений урана. – Москва: Недра, 1975. – 255 с. 9. Белевцев Я.Н., Егоров Ю.П., Титов В.К. и др. Средние содержания урана и тория в главнейших типах горных пород Украинского щита // Геол. журн. – 1975. – 35, вып. 4. – С. 96–117. 10.Есипчук К.Е., Шеремет Е.М., Зинченко О.В. и др. Петрология, геохимия и рудоносность интрузивных гранитоидов Украинского щита. – Киев: Наук. думка, 1990. – 236 с. 11. Щербаков И.Б. Петрология Украинского щита. Львов: ЗУКЦ, 2005. – 366 с. 12.Тугаринов А.И., Балашов Ю.Н., Гаврилова П.К. Распределение редкоземельных элементов в криворожской серии нижнего протерозоя // Геохимия. – 1973. – No 1. – С. 28–34. 13. Минеев Д.А. Лантаноиды в рудах редкоземельных и комплексных месторождений. – Москва: Наука, 1974. – 237 с. 14.Балашов Ю.Н., Горяинов П.М. Редкоземельные элементы в докембрийской железорудной формации Приимандровского района // Геохимия. – 1966. – No 3. – С. 312–322. 15.Геохимия, минералогия и генетические типы месторождений редких элементов, т. 1. – Москва: Наука, 1964. – 686 с. 16. Коржнев М.Н., Фомин Ю.А. Эволюция условий накопления пород криворожской серии по геохимическим и изотопным данным // Геол. журн. – 1992. – No 3. – С. 93–99. 17.Усенко И.С., Рокачук Т.А., Крамаренко Н.К. и др. Щелочные полевые шпаты гранитоидов Украинского щита. – Киев: Наук. думка, 1980. – 196 с.Вивчено урановорудні альбітити з висвітленням закономірностей концентрації і розсіювання різних елементів в процесі формування і руйнації родовищ цієї формації, проведено типізацію цих елементів з виділенням наступних груп: радіоактивні, сидерофільні, халькофільні, рідкісні, рідкоземельні та елементи-мінералізатори, а також розглянуто їх вплив на забруднення довкілля. Практично всі відомі поклади урану альбітитової формації Інгульського мегаблоку Українського щита завжди розглядались як моноелементні, виключно уранові об'єкти. Проте в зонах альбітитів нерідко концентруються в близьких до промислових кількостях: золото, вісмутова мінералізація, а також пов'язаний з монацитом торій. Вказані компоненти могли б мати супутнє промислове значення. Із інших систематично підвищених домішок можна назвати ванадій, стронцій, свинець та інші. Всі перераховані елементи, включно уран, йдуть у відвали та хвостосховища. З урахуванням геолого-геохімічних характеристик альбітитових родовищ, регіон здається перспективним для формування молодих поверхневих концентрацій урану і елементів-супутників. Відходи промислової розробки уранових родовищ альбітитової формації, які були (і будуть) складовані, являють собою подрібнений мінеральний концентрат, збагачений ураном та важкими металами, який в умовах гіпергенних процесів сприятливий для окислювання і розкладання. Враховуючи особливості складу пухких відкладень, кліматичні зміни і коливання рівня ґрунтових вод регіону, можливе розтягнення вказаних процесів на невизначений час. І якщо природні вторинні концентрації урану і його супутників можуть розглядатись як корисні копалини, то розсіювання цих же металів у водах, ґрунтах і біологічних об'єктах скоріш за все слід віднести до дуже шкідливих процесів. При цьому абсолютно прогнозованим є винос атмосферними водами важких металів, з їх подальшою міграцією у систему підземних вод, поступовим проникненням у ґрунти і біологічні об'єкти, що, без сумніву, несе потенційну загрозу забруднення навколишнього середовища.The uranium ore albitites were studied emphasizing the regularities of concentration and dissemination of various elements in the process of formation and destruction of deposits for this formation. The elements typification was made with the following groups identified: radioactive, siderophilic, chalcophilic, rare elements, rare earth elements, and elements-mineralizes. Their impact on the environment was considered. Almost all known uranium deposits of the albitite formation of the Ingulskyi megablock of the Ukrainian Shield have always been considered as mono-elemental, exclusively uranium associations. However, gold, bismuth mineralization, as well as associated with monazite thorium, are found in commercial quantities within albitites deposits. These components could have been of a related commercial value. Enhancing amount of vanadium, strontium, lead and some other elements are also often met. In the process of uranium mining all mentioned elements, including uranium, are followed into refuse heaps and tailings. Taking into account geological and geochemical conditions, the region of albitites deposits development is seemed to be favorable for formation of near surface uranium and pathfinder elements concentrations. The uranium mining tailings enriched in uranium and heavy metals are being stored within the sanitary zones of operating mines and considered as to be favorable for oxidation and decomposition under the conditions of hypergenesis. The mentioned processes can last for an indefinite time taking into account mineral composition of loose deposits, climate changes, and fluctuations in the level of groundwater in the region. And, if natural secondary concentrations of uranium and its pathfinder elements can be considered as mineral resources, then dissemination of these elements in waters, soils and biological objects is likely to be attributed to very harmful processes. At the same time, the removal of heavy metals by atmospheric waters is absolutely predictable, with their subsequent migration into the groundwater system, gradual penetration into soils and biological objects, which undoubtedly carries a potential threat to the environment

    Approaches to Analysis of Interstate Cooperation

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    At the present day cultural diplomacy plays a rather important role in the development of international relations and world politics. This concept is receiving increasing attention from various countries, international and non-governmental organizations and other actors. This trend exists due to a number of reasons, such as the desire of states to create a positive image of their country, the expansion of international cooperation, changes in the global and domestic political situation, the protection of national interests, the prevention of conflicts between states, etc. Cultural diplomacy, beyond historical precedents, consists of a relatively new practice of a country’s foreign policy, which has traditionally focused on trade and security and defense issues. It is true that in European countries there are institutions of cultural foreign relations since the beginning of the century, but in the last decade the issues, related to the projection of the international image of countries, have become more important

    Sustainable Development of Logistic Infrastructure of the Region

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    In recent decades, the speed of transformation of logistics infrastructure facilities has radically changed in Russia and its regions. The transformation of the logistics infrastructure led to the widespread use of artificial material means and resource-intensive production, the depletion of non-renewable natural resources, which led to the deterioration of the ecological state of the environment. Such development of systems is characterized by specialists as a technogenic type of ecological and economic management. Human activity in the context of the development of an economic system of a technogenic type leads to the destruction of the biosphere, environmental pollution and the destruction of the ecology of territories. The data of the state report “On the state and protection of the environment of the Russian Federation in 2019”, formed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, indicate a high degree of environmental pollution in the Russian Federation with a positive trend towards reduction. A possible solution to the problem of environmental pollution in the development of the logistics infrastructure of the region is to refer to world practices, namely to the concept of sustainable development. The basis of this concept lies in the sustainable development of all spheres of human life by maintaining a balance between the ecological, economic, social, cultural development of the region and the needs of people, in terms of efficient use of natural resources, energy-saving and environmental technologies, support of society, development of human resources, support of features cultural potential, preserving the integrity of the environment and biosphere for future generations

    Интеграция сервисной деятельности библиотеки в контексте формирования информационной среды образовательного учреждения. (Опыт библиотеки Приокского государственного университета)

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    The service-oriented approach of the university academic library is highlighted: The social institution of services is to increase quality of living, to be a tool of socializing and adaptation. The authors conclude that in the context of the education new paradigm the services make the focus of Prioksky State University Library to foster efficient library operation and coordination within the university divisions.Раскрыт сервисный подход в деятельности библиотеки образовательного учреждения: институт сервиса призван заботиться об улучшении качества жизнедеятельности человека, выступать инструментом его социализации, адаптации. Сделан вывод о том, что в контексте новой парадигмы образования на первый план в библиотеке Приокского госуниверситета выходит сервисная деятельность, направленная на повышение эффективности и качества обслуживания пользователей, координацию работы всех структурных подразделений вуза

    Метод определения массового расхода по замерам давления при образовании газовых гидратов в скважине

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    The work focuses on the inverse problem of determining differential equation coefficients for additional information on the behavior of solution. Furthermore, the algorithm for determining parameters of systems of ordinary differential equations on the basis of stomatal pressure measurements is generalized for the model of hydrate formation when the internal well section of changes with time and also has to be determined during the solution of the general problem. The computational experiment has been conducted for wells of Otradninsky gas condensate deposits of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia), the exploitation of which indicates that the complications are most likely caused by formation of gas hydrates both in the bottom-hole and in the well and its plumes. It has been established that the most important influence on the dynamics of hydrate plugs formation in wells is the gas production mode, its equation of state, reservoir and geocryological conditions. Time dependency of mass flow has been determined, which knowledge will make it possible to control the change of flow area of the entire well and, if necessary, to prevent and remove formation of natural gas hydratesРабота посвящена обратной задаче определения коэффициентов дифференциальных уравнений по дополнительной информации о поведении решения. При этом алгоритм определения параметров систем обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений по замерам устьевого давления обобщается для модели гидратообразования, когда внутреннее сечение скважины изменяется во времени и также подлежит определению в ходе решения общей задачи. Вычислительный эксперимент проведен для скважин Отраднинского газоконденсатного месторождения Республики Саха (Якутия), эксплуатация которых свидетельствует о том, что наиболее вероятной причиной осложнений является образование газовых гидратов как в призабойной зоне, так и в стволе скважин и их шлейфах. Установлено, что наибольшее влияние на динамику образования гидратных пробок в скважинах оказывают режим отбора газа, его уравнение состояния, пластовые и геокриологические условия. Определена зависимость массового расхода по времени, знание которой позволит контролировать изменение проходного сечения по всей скважине и в случае необходимости проводить мероприятия по предотвращению образования и удалению гидратов природного газ

    Investigation of NH<sub>3</sub> Desorption Kinetics on the LTA and SOD Zeolite Membranes

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    The acidity characteristics of zeolite are highly significant, and understanding the acidic properties is essential for developing new types of zeolite catalysts. Zeolite membranes were synthesized using metakaolin, sodium hydroxide, and alumina with a molar ratio of 6Al2Si2O7:12NaOH:2Al2O3 as the starting ingredients. X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and infrared spectroscopy were used for this study. N2 adsorption measurements determined the surface areas of the SOD zeolite membrane (115 m2/g) and the LTA membrane (150 m2/g). The units of absorbed water vapor were 40 and 60 wt% for the SOD membrane and the LTA membrane, respectively. The strength and number of acid sites of the synthesized LTA and SOD zeolite membranes were determined by temperature-programmed desorption of ammonia. As a result, the value of the total acidity of the LTA zeolite membrane is in the range of 0.08 × 1019 units/m2 while that of the sodalite membrane is an order of magnitude lower and is 0.006 × 1019 units/m2. The apparent activation energy values for desorption of ammonia from LTA and SOD zeolite membranes were calculated using data on the kinetics of desorption of ammonia at different heating rates. It was found that at temperatures below 250 °C, the degree of conversion of the activation energy values is no more than 35 kJ/mol, which corresponds to the desorption of physically bound ammonia. An increase in the activation values up to 70 kJ/mol (for SOD) and up to 80 kJ/mol (for LTA) is associated with the desorption of chemically bound ammonia from the samples

    Inducible expression of (pp)pGpp synthetases in Staphylococcus aureus is associated with activation of stress response genes

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    The stringent response is characterized by the synthesis of the messenger molecules pppGpp, ppGpp or pGpp (here collectively designated (pp)pGpp). The phenotypic consequences resulting from (pp)pGpp accumulation vary among species and can be mediated by different underlying mechanisms. Most genome-wide analyses have been performed under stress conditions, which often mask the immediate effects of (pp)pGpp-mediated regulatory circuits. In Staphylococcus aureus, (pp)pGpp can be synthesized via the RelA-SpoT-homolog, RelSau upon amino acid limitation or via one of the two small (pp)pGpp synthetases RelP or RelQ upon cell wall stress. We used RNA-Seq to compare the global effects in response to induction of the synthetase of rel-Syn (coding for the enzymatic region of RelSau) or relQ without the need to apply additional stress conditions. Induction of rel-Syn resulted in changes in the nucleotide pool similar to induction of the stringent response via the tRNA synthetase inhibitor mupirocin: a reduction in the GTP pool, an increase in the ATP pool and synthesis of pppGpp, ppGpp and pGpp. Induction of all three enzymes resulted in similar changes in the transcriptome. However, RelQ was less active than Rel-Syn and RelP, indicating strong restriction of its (pp)pGpp-synthesis activity in vivo. (pp)pGpp induction resulted in the downregulation of many genes involved in protein and RNA/DNA metabolism. Many of the (pp)pGpp upregulated genes are part of the GTP sensitive CodY regulon and thus likely regulated through lowering of the GTP pool. New CodY independent transcriptional changes were detected including genes involved in the SOS response, iron storage (e.g. ftnA, dps), oxidative stress response (e.g., perR, katA, sodA) and the psmα1-4 and psmß1-2 operons coding for cytotoxic, phenol soluble modulins (PSMs). Analyses of the ftnA, dps and psm genes in different regulatory mutants revealed that their (pp)pGpp-dependent regulation can occur independent of the regulators PerR, Fur, SarA or CodY. Moreover, psm expression is uncoupled from expression of the quorum sensing system Agr, the main known psm activator. The expression of central genes of the oxidative stress response protects the bacteria from anticipated ROS stress derived from PSMs or exogenous sources. Thus, we identified a new link between the stringent response and oxidative stress in S. aureus that is likely crucial for survival upon phagocytosis