8 research outputs found
High energy density physics with intense ion beams
We review the development of High Energy Density Physics (HEDP) with intense heavy ion beams as a tool to induce extreme states of matter. The development of this field connects intimately to the advances in accelerator physics and technology. We will cover the generation of intense heavy ion beams starting from the ion source and follow the acceleration process and transport to the target. Intensity limitations and potential solutions to overcome these limitations are discussed. This is exemplified by citing examples from existing machines at the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI-Darmstadt), the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics in Moscow (ITEP-Moscow), and the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP-Lanzhou). Facilities under construction like the FAIR facility in Darmstadt and the High Intensity Accelerator Facility (HIAF), proposed for China will be included. Developments elsewhere are covered where it seems appropriate along with a report of recent results and achievements. PACS codes: 52.25.Os, 52,38.Mf, 52,38.Ph, 52.40.Db, 52.50.Gj, 52.58.Hm, 52.59.-f, Keywords: High energy density physics, Ion driven fusion, Warm dense matte
DERICA Project and Strategies of the Development of Low-Energy Nuclear Physics
Possible strategies of the development of low-energy nuclear physics in Russian Federation on the basis of the DERICA (Dubna Electron–Rare Isotope Collider fAcility ) project is examined. DERICA is a multiuser multipurpose facility for the production and study of radioactive isotopes (RI). In the research program of DERICA, emphasis is placed on studying RI in collector rings, but a stage-by-stage implementation of the program of DERICA would make it possible to address a wide range of fundamental problems at each stage of its development at the cutting-edge level. The ambitious goal of creating an electron–radioactive ion collider for studying basic properties of RI in electron–ion scattering is proposed for the final stage of development of DERICA
Scientific program of DERICA — prospective accelerator and storage ring facility for radioactive ion beam research
Studies of radioactive ions (RIs) are the most thriving field of low-energy nuclear physics. In this paper, the concept and the scientific agenda of the prospective accelerator and storage ring facility for RI beam (RIB) research are proposed for a large-scale international project based at the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The motivation for the new facility is discussed and its characteristics are briefly presented and shown to be comparable to those of advanced world centers, the so-called "RIB factories". In the project, the emphasis is made on studies with short-lived RIBs in storage rings. Aunique feature of the project is the possibility of studying electron-RI interactions in a collider experiment to determine the fundamental properties of nuclear matter, in particular, electromagnetic form factors of exotic nuclei