710 research outputs found


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    U ovom istraživanju obuhvaćeno je 68 četverolinijskih križanaca (Pietren x HempÅ”ir s očeve te Veliki jorkÅ”ir x Njemački landras s majčinske strane). Svinje su raspoređene u dvije skupine s obzirom na režim hranidbe: ā€žad libitumā€œ i ā€žrestriktivnuā€œ. ā€žAd libitumā€œ skupina hranjena je smjesom s energetskim sastavom od 13,8 MJ ME/kg i 17,5 % sirovih proteina u početnoj fazi tova te 13,8 MJ ME/ kg i 15% sirovih proteina u zavrÅ”noj fazi tova. Tovljenici restriktivne skupine hranjeni su u skladu s njemačkim hranidbenim preporukama za tovljenike. Unos energije smanjen je na 34,0 MJ ME dnevno. Rezultati pokazuju kako razina hranidbe značajno utječe na sva istraživana klaonička svojstva, dok je po pitanju svojstava kvalitete mesa taj učinak slabije izražen. Statistički značajne razlike utvrđene su jedino u električnoj provodljivosti izmjerenoj u m.longissimus dorsi i butu 24 sata post mortem (EC24), stupnju crvene i žute boje (CIE - a*; CIE - b*) te sadržaju intramuskularne masti (IMF).The research on pig growth characteristics was conducted on 68 barrows, 4-way-crosses with a Pietrain x Hampshire sire and Large White x German White Landrace dam. Pigs were divided into two equal groups according to the feeding regime: ā€žad libitumā€œ and ā€žrestrictiveā€œ. The ā€žad libitumā€œ group of pigs were fed diets with energy content of 13.8 MJ ME per kg and 17.5% of crude protein in growth phase and 13.8 MJ ME per kg and 15.0% of crude protein in the finishing phase, respectively. Pigs from the restrictive group were fed according to German feeding recommendation for barrows. The energy intake was restricted to 34.0 MJ ME per day. The results showed that feeding level had significant influence on all investigated carcass traits but regarding the meat quality traits this effect was less pronounced. Significant differences in meat quality were found only for electrical conductivity measured in musculus longissimus dorsi and ham 24 hours post mortem (EC24), degree of redness (CIE - a*), yellowness (CIE - b*) and the intramuscular fat content (IMF)

    The importance of clinical examination in comparison with the CT findings in patients with cerebral hemorrhage

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    Provedeno je ispitivanje 75 bolesnika liječenih na Klinici za neurologiju i Odjelu za neurokirurgiju Kliničke bolnice Osijek kod kojih je CT pregledom potvrđena sumnja na cerebralnu hemoragiju. U kliničkoj slici 42 bolesnika imala su pri prijamu očevidan blaži neuroloÅ”ki ispad (parezu), a 31 bolesnik teÅ”ki ispad (plegiju). Stanje poremećene svijesti bilo je kod 41 bolesnika. CT pregled učinjen je prosječno nakon 3,1 dana liječenja. Prosječno liječenje na Klinici za neurologiju trajalo je 19 dana. Ishod liječenja u 40 (53%) bolesnika bio je pozitivan u smislu preživljavanja, a u 22 (30%) letalan. Od 13 (17,3%) bolesnika liječenih na Odjelu neurokirurgiju 8 (10,6%) je preživjelo, a 5 (6,6%) je preminulo.There were 75 patients with the CT finding of cerebral hemorrhage, treated at the Clinic of Neurology and at the Department of Neurosurgery, Osijek Clinical Hospital. The clinical examination upon their admittance to the Hospital showed that 42 patients had a minor neurological disorder (paresis) whereas 31 patients had a major disorder (plegia). In 41 patients the state of consciousness was altered. CT evaluation of the patients was performed on the third day upon admission to the hospital. The average duration of hospitalization of those patients at the Clinic of Neurology was 19 days. Out of 62 patients treated at the Clinic of Neurology, 40 (53.3%) survived, and 22 (29.3%) died. Out of 13 patients treated at the Department of Neurosurgery, 8 (10.7%) survived and 5 (6.7%) died

    High-dose ifosfamide and mitoxantrone (HDIM) in patients with relapsed or refractory Hodgkin's lymphoma

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    Relapsed/refractory Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) is treated with salvage chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT). Optimal chemotherapy is unknown. We retrospectively analyzed outcomes of 58 patients treated with 2 cycles of high-dose ifosfamide and mitoxantrone (HDIM). HDIM consisted of ifosfamide 5 g/m(2)/day and MESNA 5 g/m(2)/day in continuous 24-h infusion (days 1 and 2), MESNA 2.5 g/m(2) over 12 h (day 3), and mitoxantrone 20 mg/m(2) (day 1) administered every 2 weeks. Stem cells were collected after the first cycle. Responding patients proceeded to ASCT. Toxicity was acceptable. Stem cell mobilization was successful in 96 % of patients. Overall response rate was 74 % (89 % in relapsing and 45 % in refractory patients) with 31 % complete remissions. After a median follow-up of 54 months, 5-year event-free survival was 56 % (69 % for relapsing and 35 % for refractory patients), and 5-year overall survival was 67 % (73 % for relapsing and 55 % for refractory patients). Significant adverse prognostic factors were refractoriness to previous therapy and HDIM failure. No differences in outcomes were noted between patients with early and late relapses or between complete and partial responders. HDIM is a well-tolerated and effective regimen for relapsed and refractory HL with excellent stem cell mobilizing properties. Patients failing HDIM may still benefit from other salvage options


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    Pojam ā€žteroristā€œ označava osobu koja provodi nasilne radnje s ciljem zastraÅ”ivanja ili nanoÅ”enja Å”tete, odnosno unoÅ”enja kaosa u sustav. Jedna od često potencijalnih meta terorista jest i hrana zbog mogućnosti usmjeravanja akcija na Å”iroku populaciju i lakog izazivanja panike. U novije vrijeme takvi incidenti viÅ”e nisu rijetkost, scenariji o teoretskoj mogućnosti terorističkog napada na neki lanac proizvodnje hrane viÅ”e ne djeluju samo kao teorija, a zabrinutost da bi se neÅ”to takvo moglo uistinu i dogoditi poprima sve veće dimenzije. Namjerno onečiŔćenje hrane može imati velike ekonomske posljedice, čak i kada je incident relativno malih razmjera, jer upravo je ruÅ”enje ekonomske stabilnosti najčeŔće glavni motiv nekog namjernog napada koji može biti usmjeren na neki proizvod, pojedinog proizvođača, granu industrije ili cijelu državu. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (WHO) u GodiÅ”njem izvjeŔću o zdravlju iz 2007. godine proglasila je slučajna i namjerna onečiŔćenja hrane kao najveću prijetnju zdravlju u 21. stoljeću. Iz tog razloga, WHO apelira na vlade zemalja članica, a i na ostale, da pomognu prehrambenoj industriji jer ona snosi primarnu odgovornost za hranu koju proizvodi, dok je namjerno onečiŔćenje hrane opasnim agensima za njih često potpuno nova opcija o kojoj bi trebalo razmisliti. Mjere prevencije, zajedno s pojačanim nadzorom i sredstvima za adekvatan odgovor u slučaju namjernog ili slučajnog incidenta, bolje praćenje hrane i mogućnost njezina brzog povlačenja s tržiÅ”ta, dvosmjerna komunikacija državnih službi i prehrambene industrije, unaprijed predviđeni scenariji koji će olakÅ”ati raspodjelu resursa i jednostavnije postavljanje prioriteta u slučaju incidenta, te koordinacija između industrije i vlade u komunikaciji s javnoŔću trebali bi biti najmanje Å”to bi svaka vlada trebala učiniti. U tu svrhu posljednjih se godina počelo pridavati puno viÅ”e pažnje sigurnosti proizvodnih pogona, povećanju higijenskih standarda i uvođenju preventivnog pristupa u vidu uvođenja HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) sustava, čime se razvijaju i implementiraju preventivne mjere kojima se želi spriječiti moguće nenamjerno onečiŔćenje hrane prilikom njezine proizvodnje, prerade i distribucije. Iako je HACCP najčeŔće učinkovit sustav, on često zahtijeva nadogradnju u smislu zaÅ”tite od namjernih onečiŔćenja hrane u vidu terorističkih napada. Sprječavanje takvih incidenata ne podrazumijeva obavezno visoku tehnologiju i velike troÅ”kove. Pogodna opcija je svima dostupan besplatni računalni program CARVER+Shock koji je razvila Vlada SAD-a a služi kao alat Å”to pomaže pri postavljanju prioriteta i otkrivanju ranjivih točaka unutar nekog proizvodnog sustava ili druge infrastrukture. Program analizira Å”est karakteristika Å”to se koriste za procjenu privlačnosti cilja za napad: kritičnost, pristupačnost, oporavak, ranjivost, učinak i prepoznatljivost, a provodi se u pet koraka: postavljanje parametara, okupljanje stručnjaka, opis lanca opskrbe hranom, dodjeljivanje ocjena, primjena naučenoga. Navedene mogućnosti čine ovaj program idealnim alatom za identifikaciju potencijalno slabih točaka u lancu proizvodnje hrane s obzirom na napadača i agense koje prepoznajemo kao potencijalne prijetnje.The term ā€œterroristā€ is related to a person that is performing violent acts with the aim of frightening or causing damage and producing chaos within the system. Because of the possibilities to direct such actions on wide population and easiness of producing panic, food is often one of the most potential targets for terrorist attacks. In recent years, such incidents are not rare any more, scenarios of theoretical possibilities of terrorist attacks on food chains are not only theoretical, while worry that such scenarios could become real is gaining higher dimension. Intentional spoilage of food can result in significant economic consequences, even when incidents are of relatively low range, because of the ruining of economic stability that is often the main motivation of an intentional attack targeted at a certain food product, producer, industry branch or even whole country. World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared unintentional and intentional food spoilages in its Annual Health Report published in 2007 as the biggest threat to health in 21st century. Because of that, WHO is appealing to the member countriesā€™ governments, as well as the other countries, to help food industry as it carries on now primary responsibility for food safety, while the intentional food spoilage often presents completely new option for them that should be revised. Measures for prevention, together with increased surveillance and facilities for adequate response in cases of intentional or unintentional food spoilage, better tracing and possibilities for food withdrawal, interactive communication between governmental institutions and food producers, predicted scenarios that should rationalise usage of budget, simplification of defining of priorities in the cases of incidents, as well as coordination between the industry and governments in public communication should be considered as a minimum that each government should be doing. With this aim, more care has been directed at the safety of producing units, increase of hygiene standards and introduction of preventive approach through the implementation of the HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) principles, which is developing preventive measures aimed at prevention of unintentional food spoilage while producing, processing and distribution of food. Despite the fact that HACCP is most often an efficient system, it frequently demands upgrading in the meaning of protection from intentional food spoilages through the terrorist attacks. Prevention from such incidents does not necessarily require high technology and financial resources. Good opportunity could be found in CARVER+Shock computer program that is accessible and free to use and has been developed by the USA Government. It serves as a tool for determination of priorities and detection of vulnerable points within certain producing unit or other infrastructure. The program can analyse six characteristics that can be used for assessment of attractiveness of a target for attack: criticality, accessibility, recuperability, vulnerability, effect and recognisability, while it is being performed in five steps: establishing parameters, assembling experts, detailing food supply chain, assigning scores and applying what has been learned. The listed possibilities make this program an ideal tool for the identifi cation of potentially weak points in a food producing chain related to attackers and agents recognised as potential threats


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    Cilj rada: Usporediti uspjeÅ”nost primjene probirnih testova aneuploidija u prvom i drugom tromjesečju trudnoće. Ispitanice i metode: Istraživanu skupinu činilo je 374 trudnica s kombiniranim ultrazvučno-biokemijskim testom u prvom, odnosno dvostrukim biokemijskim testom u drugom tromjesečju. Sve su trudnoće bile jednoplodne i urednog ishoda. U probiru prvog tromjesečja koriÅ”teni su biokemijski biljezi u serumu trudnica: plazmatski protein pridružen trudnoći (PAPP-A) i slobodna B-podjedinica humanog korionskog gonadotropina (slobodni B-hCG), uz ultrazvukom izmjerenu debljinu nuhalnog nabora (NT) i dužinu tjeme-trtica (CRL) u ploda. U dvostrukom biokemijskom probiru drugog tromjesečja koriÅ”teni su biokemijski biljezi: alfa-fetoprotein (AFP) i slobodni B-hCG, a gestacija je procijenjena prema ultrazvučnoj biometriji. Rezultati: Povećani ultrazvučno-biokemijski rizik trisomije 21 u 1. tromjesečju trudnoće ustanovili smo u 30 trudnica (8.0%). Od ukupnog broja, 70 ispitanica (18.7%) imalo je povećani rizik obzirom na biokemijske biljege u Ā¬prvom, odnosno njih 56 (15.0%) obzirom na biokemijske biljege u drugom tromjesečju trudnoće. IzvrÅ”eno je ukupno 30 postupaka amniocenteze. Od toga je u 19 trudnica (63.3%) indikacija postavljena na osnovi kombiniranog probirnog testa. Nadalje, amniocenteza je izvrÅ”ena u 11 trudnica (28.2%) zbog povećanog rizika u dvostrukom biokemijskom probiru drugog tromjesečja. Udjel lažno-pozitivnih razultata u kombiniranom probiru prvog tromjesečja bio je statistički značajno niži, nego u biokemijskom probiru drugog tromjesečja (B2=12.02, p=0.0005). Ustanovili smo značajnu poziĀ¬tivnu povezanost log10 MoM slobodnog B-hCG između prvog i drugog tromjesečja (r2=0.403, p<0.0001). Nismo ustanovili značajnu povezanost između ostalih biokemijskih biljega u prvom, odnosno, drugom tromjesečju. Zaključak: Rezultati naÅ”eg istraživanja su pokazali značajno veću specifičnost ranog kombiniranog probirnog testa aneuploidija u odnosu na biokemijski probirni test u prvom, kao i u drugom tromjesečju. Mogućnosti izbora pojedinih probirnih testova trebale bi biti usklađene sa stavovima i potrebama samih trudnica, kao i sa smjernicama koje su preporučile nadležne institucije za fetalnu medicinuObjective: To evaluate the performance of screening tests for aneuploidy in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy in Croatian pregnant women. Study Design and Methods: Study population comprised 374 pregnant women who underwent the combined ultrasound-biochemical in the first and double-test in the second trimester of pregnancy, respectively. All were singleton pregnancies with normal outcomes. The first-trimester screening was performed combining serum markers, pregnancy associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) and free B-subunit of human chorionic gonadoĀ¬tropin (free B-hCG) with fetal nuchal translucency thickness (NT) and crown-rump length (CRL), measured by ultrasound. For the second-trimester screening, maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein and free B-hCG were used as biochemical markers in relation to fetal biometry diagnosed by ultrasound. Results: In 30 pregnant women (8.0%) elevated risk for trisomy 21 was found after combined ultrasound-biochemical screening. Out of total, 70 pregnant women (18.7%) were classified ā€™at riskā€™ on the basis of biochemical markers in the first and 56 (15.0%) in the second trimester. In 30 pregnant women amniocentesis was performed. In 19 cases (63.3%) the indication was elevated risk in the first-trimester combined test. In 11 women (28.2%) amniocentesis is recommended because of the elevated second-trimester biochemical risk. The proportion of false-positive results in combined first-trimester screening test was significantly lower than with second-trimester biochemical markers (B2=12.02, p=0.0005). We found the significant positive relationship between log10 MoM F B-hCG in the first and second trimester (r2=0.403, p<0.0001). There was no significant relationship between PAPP-A and second-trimester biochemical markers. Conclusion: Results of this preliminary study confirmed better specificity of the combined first-trimester screening in relation to biochemical screening in the second trimester of pregnancy. The decision and choice of the most appropriate screening test should consider womanā€™s personal attitude and preferences, as well as follow the guidelines recommended by the competent associations for the fetal medicine
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