
U ovom istraživanju obuhvaćeno je 68 četverolinijskih križanaca (Pietren x Hempšir s očeve te Veliki jorkšir x Njemački landras s majčinske strane). Svinje su raspoređene u dvije skupine s obzirom na režim hranidbe: „ad libitum“ i „restriktivnu“. „Ad libitum“ skupina hranjena je smjesom s energetskim sastavom od 13,8 MJ ME/kg i 17,5 % sirovih proteina u početnoj fazi tova te 13,8 MJ ME/ kg i 15% sirovih proteina u završnoj fazi tova. Tovljenici restriktivne skupine hranjeni su u skladu s njemačkim hranidbenim preporukama za tovljenike. Unos energije smanjen je na 34,0 MJ ME dnevno. Rezultati pokazuju kako razina hranidbe značajno utječe na sva istraživana klaonička svojstva, dok je po pitanju svojstava kvalitete mesa taj učinak slabije izražen. Statistički značajne razlike utvrđene su jedino u električnoj provodljivosti izmjerenoj u m.longissimus dorsi i butu 24 sata post mortem (EC24), stupnju crvene i žute boje (CIE - a*; CIE - b*) te sadržaju intramuskularne masti (IMF).The research on pig growth characteristics was conducted on 68 barrows, 4-way-crosses with a Pietrain x Hampshire sire and Large White x German White Landrace dam. Pigs were divided into two equal groups according to the feeding regime: „ad libitum“ and „restrictive“. The „ad libitum“ group of pigs were fed diets with energy content of 13.8 MJ ME per kg and 17.5% of crude protein in growth phase and 13.8 MJ ME per kg and 15.0% of crude protein in the finishing phase, respectively. Pigs from the restrictive group were fed according to German feeding recommendation for barrows. The energy intake was restricted to 34.0 MJ ME per day. The results showed that feeding level had significant influence on all investigated carcass traits but regarding the meat quality traits this effect was less pronounced. Significant differences in meat quality were found only for electrical conductivity measured in musculus longissimus dorsi and ham 24 hours post mortem (EC24), degree of redness (CIE - a*), yellowness (CIE - b*) and the intramuscular fat content (IMF)

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