42 research outputs found

    Prisutnost bakterija u zraku nastambi za svinje i neposrednom okolišu

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    This paper describes a bacteriological analysis of air samples taken from swine housing facilities and the immediate environment. The air volume of the samples was pre-programmed by a standard air sampler (MAS-100, Merck) and was directly impacted onto the bacteriologic agar surface (Petri dishes, standard diameter of 90 mm). The bacterial contamination in forty-eight samples was 2.59x105 CFU/m3 (ranging from 8.46x104 to 5.30x105 CFU/m3). Potentially pathogenic bacterial agents predominated in all samples (100%), while primarily pathogenic bacteria were isolated in a minor proportion of samples (33%–66%). Airborne bacterial contamination in samples (N=16) obtained from emptied facilities ranged from 1.8x103 CFU/m3 (that is, after coarse mechanical washing) to 0.8x102 CFU/m3 (upon completion of disinfection). Control measurements at different locations and distance from the farm (N=32) pointed to the presence of non-pathogenic airborne bacteria, ranging from 1.55x102 to 3.70x102 CFU/m3. The results of this preliminary study showed that the emission of potentially pathogenic bacteria from animal housing facilities to the immediate farm environment via aerosol was very low.Pored kontrole emisija štetnih plinova, vlage i čestica prašine u nastambama za životinje, važna je i detekcija ukupne bakterijske kontaminacije zraka. Od posebnog su značenja i moguće emisije u okoliš, osobito potencijalno ili primarno patogenih bakterija. U raspravi su prikazani rezultati prvih istraživanja bakterijske kontaminacije zraka u nastambama, kao i u neposrednom okolišu provedenih na jednoj farmi svinja. Programirani volumen zraka standardnim je skupljačem zraka (MAS-100-Merck) direktno naslojen na površine bakterioloških podloga (Petrijeve ploče promjera 90 mm). U pretraženih 48 uzoraka u nastambama ustanovljena je prosječna bakterijska kontaminacija zraka za farmu od 2,595 CFU/m3 (od 8,464 do 5,305). U svim su uzorcima dominantno bili prisutni Streptococcus spp., Micrococcus spp., Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus i Streptococcus suis. U manjem broju uzoraka izdvojeni su potencijalno patogeni uzročnici Pasteurella multocida (66%), Actinobacillus suis (50%), hemolitični sojevi E. coli (41%) te Pasteurella haemolytica, Bordetella bronchiseptica i Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (33%). Mjerenjima u praznim objektima, prije useljenja životinja (16 uzoraka), ustanovljena je srednja kontaminacija zraka od 9,01 do 0,41 CFU/m3 s bakterijskim uzročnicima Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp. i E. coli. Kontrolna mjerenja izvan objekata (32 uzorka) upozorila su na prosječnu kontaminaciju zraka od 0,261 CFU/m3 (od 0,151 do 0,371) i uz zastupljenost apatogenih uzročnika Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus, E. coli, Streptococcus spp., Micrococcus spp. i Staphylococcus spp. Rezultati pokazuju da su neznatne emisije potencijalno patogenih bakterijskih uzročnika putem aerosola iz nastambi za svinje u neposredni okoliš. Unatoč sve sofisticiranijim uređajima za monitoring, ni danas još, u okviru programa animalne higijene, nisu određene granične vrijednosti za bakteriološku kontaminaciju zraka kao što je to slučaj s emisijom štetnih plinova NH3 i CO2

    Učinak dodavanja živih stanica kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisiae u obroku tovne janjadi na proizvodne rezultate i broj bakterija u buragu

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    A feeding trial was conducted in order to evaluate the effect of live yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) on the growth performance of lambs. The experiment was performed on thirty-six East - Friesian lambs divided into a control group without live yeast cells (CD = control diet), an experimental group with 1g/day of live yeast cells in the diet (YC1) and an experimental group with 0.5 g/day of live yeast cells in the diet (YC0.5). Diet was based on hay and concentrate containing: corn (66.3%), soybean meal (18.7%), bran (6%) and alfalfa meal (4%). No effects were recorded on weight, weight gain and feed conversion ratio. The number of anaerobic and aerobic rumen bacteria was not affected by the treatment. Results demonstrated that 0.5 g/day and 1 g/day of live yeast cells supplementation to finishing lambs fed hay and high energy concentrate does not improve growth performance.Proveden je pokus da bi se utvrdio učinak živih stanica kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisiae na proizvodne rezultate janjadi. Pokus je proveden na trideset i šest janjaca istočnofrizijske pasmine podijeljenih u kontrolnu skupinu koja u hrani nije dobivala žive stanice kvasca (CD = kontrolna hrana), pokusnu skupinu s 1 g živih stanica kvasca u obroku (YC1) i pokusnu skupinu s 0,5 g živih stanica kvasca u obroku (YC0,5). Obrok se sastojao od sijena i dodatka koncentrata koji je sadržavao kukuruz (66,3%), sojinu sačmu (18,7%), pšenične posije (6%) i brašno lucerne (4%). Nije utvrđen učinak na težinu, prirast i konverziju hrane. Postupak nije utjecao na broj anaerobnih i aerobnih bakterija. Zaključili smo da žive stanice kvasca nisu poboljšale rast u janjadi hranjene sijenom i koncentratom

    Kliničke i epizootske značajke mastitisa krava uzrokovanih bakterijom Staphylococcus aureus s osvrtom na meticilin-rezistentne sojeve

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    Mastitis represents one of the most important problems in modern dairy production from the economic, diagnostic and public-health related point of view. Economic significance of the mastitis is related to the decreased milk production, lower quality of the milk, veterinary expenses and withdrawing of the milk due to the antibiotic treatment. Detection of mastitis is often complicated due to the subclinical nature of the mammary infection in which the increase of the somatic cells is only sign of the infection. Public health importance rises from the possibility of the transmission of zoonoses as well as due to the residue of the antibiotics secreted by milk. Staphylococcus aureus is the most commonly isolated udder pathogen around the world. Since it is contagious, critical time for spreading among the cows in a herd is the milking time. Observed prevalence of S. aureus mammary gland infection varies from 2% to 50% even above and depends on the milking hygiene. Clinical manifestations of the S. aureus mastitis may vary from mild cases with elevated somatic cells only to the gangrenous cases with lethal exit. Methicillin-resistant staphylococci as mastitis pathogens were first identified in the 1972. During the last decade methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was identified as a mastitis pathogen in few occasions in Belgium, Poland, Hungary and Germany. Spreading of the MRSA between animals and humans is documented. Although the prevalence of mammary gland infection caused by MRSA is low, there is thread of spreading of the MRSA among herds by animal trade. Spreading within the herd is enabled with large number of possible contacts between cows by milkers and milking equipment.U suvremenom mliječnom govedarstvu mastitis je jedan od najvažnijih problema u ekonomskom, dijagnostičkom i javnozdravstvenom smislu. Ekonomsko značenje mastitisa ogleda se u smanjenoj proizvodnji mlijeka, lošijoj kakvoći, troškovima liječenja i bacanju mlijeka. Otkrivanje mastitisa često je otežano zbog supkliničke naravi procesa, pri čemu je povećanje broja somatskih stanica jedini znak upale. Mlijekom se mogu prenositi i uzročnici bolesti ljudi, a opasnost za ljudsko zdravlje predstavljaju i rezidue antibiotika i lijekova koji se izlučuju mlijekom. Bakterija S. aureus najčešći je uzročnik mastitisa krava kod nas i u svijetu. Uzročnik je svrstan u skupinu kontagioznih uzročnika koji se u stadu širi uglavnom za vrijeme mužnje. Prevalencija infekcije uzrokovane tom bakterijom kreće se od 2 do više od 50% i u izravnoj je vezi s razinom higijene pri mužnji. Kliničko očitovanje u širokom je rasponu od sasvim blagih, s povećanim brojem somatskih stanica kao jedinim pokazateljem infekcije, do gangrenoznih oblika sa smrtnim ishodom. Jednom inficirana životinja može izlučivati uzročnika tijekom više laktacija ako infekcija prijeđe u kronični oblik, pri čemu povremeno mogu nastupiti i kliničke epizode praćene lokalnim znacima upale. Meticilin-rezistentni stafilokoki kao uzročnici mastitisa krava prvi su put potvrđeni 1972. godine. U stadima mliječnih krava potvrđeni su tijekom nekoliko posljednjih godina u više navrata u Belgiji, Poljskoj, Mađarskoj i Njemačkoj, a dokazan je i slučaj prijenosa na ljude. Premda se radi o niskoj prevalenciji među stadima, postoji bojazan da bi se trgovinom životinjama mogao proširiti. Širenje unutar stada omogućeno je velikim brojem kontakata između krava preko muzača i opreme za mužnju

    Antimikrobna osjetljivost bakterija Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Pasteurella multocida, Streptococcus suis i Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae izdvojenih iz dijagnostičkih uzoraka iz velikih svinjogojskih farmi u Hrvatskoj

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    The disk diffusion method was employed to assess the sensitivity of 256 Escherichia (E.) coli, 42 Salmonella spp. and 62 Streptococcus (S.) suis isolates to 13 antimicrobials, and of 108 Pasteurella (P.) multocida and 44 Actinobacillus (A.) pleuropneumoniae isolates to 14 antimicrobials. All study isolates were obtained from diagnostic material collected at 8 large pig breeding farms in Croatia. E. coli isolates showed the highest rate of resistance to oxytetracycline, streptomycin and ampicillin (98%, 91% and 85% of isolates, respectively), whereas 87% of the isolates were resistant to 4 or more antimicrobials. Salmonella spp. isolates were most sensitive to enrofloxacin and colistin (all isolates), whereas highest rate of resistance was recorded to oxytetracycline and streptomycin (86% and 67% of isolates, respectively). More than 90% of P. multocida isolates were sensitive to ampicillin, amoxicillin with clavulanic acid, cefotaxime, colistin, florfenicol and enrofloxacin, whereas the highest rate of resistance was observed to streptomycin and nalidixic acid (59% and 43%, respectively). S. suis isolates were most sensitive to cefotaxime and florfenicol (94% of isolates both), whereas the highest resistance was recorded to streptomycin (100%). All A. pleuropneumoniae isolates showed sensitivity to amoxicillin with clavulanic acid, cefotaxime, florfenicol and enrofloxacin, and more than 90% of these isolates were sensitive to penicillin G, ampicillin, colistin, gentamicin and spectinomycin, whereas the highest rate of resistance was recorded to nalidixic acid and streptomycin (59% and 36%, respectively). Sensitivity to all antimicrobials tested was recorded in 27% of A. pleuropneumoniae isolates, whereas 41% of these isolates were resistant to one, and 27% to 2-4 of the antimicrobials tested. Of the bacterial species included in the study, the highest rate of antimicrobial resistance included in the study, the highest rate of antimicrobial resistance was recorded in E. coli, and lowest rate in A. pleuropneumoniae isolates.Disk difuzijskom metodom istražena je osjetljivost 256 izolata Escherichia (E.) coli, 42 izolata Salmonella spp. i 62 izolata Streptococcus (S.) suis na 13 antimikrobnih lijekova, te 108 izolata Pasteurella (P.) multocida, i 44 izolata Actinobacillus (A.) pleuropneumoniae na 14 antimikrobnih lijekova. Svi su izolati bili izdvojeni iz dijagnostičkoga materijala s 8 velikih svinjogojskih farmi u Hrvatskoj. U E. coli najveći stupanj rezistencije utvrđen je na oksitetraciklin (98% izolata), streptomicin (91% izolata) i ampicilin (85% izolata), te je 87% izolata bilo rezistentno na 4 i više antimikrobnih lijekova. Izolati Salmonella spp. bili su najosjetljiviji na enrofloksacin i kolistin (svi izolati), a najveći postotak otpornosti utvrđen je na oksiteraciklin (86%) i streptomicin (67%). Više od 90% izolata P. multocida bilo je osjetljivo na ampicilin, amoksicilin s klavulanskom kiselinom, cefotaksim, kolistin, florfenikol i enrofloksacin. Najveća rezistencija bakterije P. multocida utvrđena je na streptomicin (59%) i nalidiksičnu kiselinu (43%). Izolati vrste Streptococcus suis bili su najosjeljiviji na cefotaksim i florfenikol (94% osjetljivih izolata), a najveća rezistencija utvrđena je na streptomicin (100%). Svi testirani testirani izolati vrste A. pleuropneumoniae bili su osjetljivi amoksicilin s klavulanskom kiselinom, cefotaksim, florfenikol i enrofloksacin, a više od 90% izolata bilo je osjetljivo na penicilin G, ampicilin, kolistin, gentamicin i spektinomicin. Najveća rezistencija utvrđena je na nalidiksičnu kiselinu (59%) i streptomicin (36%). Na sve testirane antimikrobne lijekove bilo je osjetljivo 27% izolata A. pleuropneumoniae, a 41% izolata bilo je rezistentno na jedan testirani antimikrobni lijek, dok je 27% izolata bilo otporno na 2 do 4 antimikrobna lijeka. Od testiranih bakterijskih vrsta najveći stupanj rezistencije imali su izolati E. coli, dok su izolati A. pleuropneumoniae imali najmanji stupanj rezistencije

    Antimikrobna osjetljivost bakterija Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Pasteurella multocida, Streptococcus suis i Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae izdvojenih iz dijagnostičkih uzoraka iz velikih svinjogojskih farmi u Hrvatskoj

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    The disk diffusion method was employed to assess the sensitivity of 256 Escherichia (E.) coli, 42 Salmonella spp. and 62 Streptococcus (S.) suis isolates to 13 antimicrobials, and of 108 Pasteurella (P.) multocida and 44 Actinobacillus (A.) pleuropneumoniae isolates to 14 antimicrobials. All study isolates were obtained from diagnostic material collected at 8 large pig breeding farms in Croatia. E. coli isolates showed the highest rate of resistance to oxytetracycline, streptomycin and ampicillin (98%, 91% and 85% of isolates, respectively), whereas 87% of the isolates were resistant to 4 or more antimicrobials. Salmonella spp. isolates were most sensitive to enrofloxacin and colistin (all isolates), whereas highest rate of resistance was recorded to oxytetracycline and streptomycin (86% and 67% of isolates, respectively). More than 90% of P. multocida isolates were sensitive to ampicillin, amoxicillin with clavulanic acid, cefotaxime, colistin, florfenicol and enrofloxacin, whereas the highest rate of resistance was observed to streptomycin and nalidixic acid (59% and 43%, respectively). S. suis isolates were most sensitive to cefotaxime and florfenicol (94% of isolates both), whereas the highest resistance was recorded to streptomycin (100%). All A. pleuropneumoniae isolates showed sensitivity to amoxicillin with clavulanic acid, cefotaxime, florfenicol and enrofloxacin, and more than 90% of these isolates were sensitive to penicillin G, ampicillin, colistin, gentamicin and spectinomycin, whereas the highest rate of resistance was recorded to nalidixic acid and streptomycin (59% and 36%, respectively). Sensitivity to all antimicrobials tested was recorded in 27% of A. pleuropneumoniae isolates, whereas 41% of these isolates were resistant to one, and 27% to 2-4 of the antimicrobials tested. Of the bacterial species included in the study, the highest rate of antimicrobial resistance included in the study, the highest rate of antimicrobial resistance was recorded in E. coli, and lowest rate in A. pleuropneumoniae isolates.Disk difuzijskom metodom istražena je osjetljivost 256 izolata Escherichia (E.) coli, 42 izolata Salmonella spp. i 62 izolata Streptococcus (S.) suis na 13 antimikrobnih lijekova, te 108 izolata Pasteurella (P.) multocida, i 44 izolata Actinobacillus (A.) pleuropneumoniae na 14 antimikrobnih lijekova. Svi su izolati bili izdvojeni iz dijagnostičkoga materijala s 8 velikih svinjogojskih farmi u Hrvatskoj. U E. coli najveći stupanj rezistencije utvrđen je na oksitetraciklin (98% izolata), streptomicin (91% izolata) i ampicilin (85% izolata), te je 87% izolata bilo rezistentno na 4 i više antimikrobnih lijekova. Izolati Salmonella spp. bili su najosjetljiviji na enrofloksacin i kolistin (svi izolati), a najveći postotak otpornosti utvrđen je na oksiteraciklin (86%) i streptomicin (67%). Više od 90% izolata P. multocida bilo je osjetljivo na ampicilin, amoksicilin s klavulanskom kiselinom, cefotaksim, kolistin, florfenikol i enrofloksacin. Najveća rezistencija bakterije P. multocida utvrđena je na streptomicin (59%) i nalidiksičnu kiselinu (43%). Izolati vrste Streptococcus suis bili su najosjeljiviji na cefotaksim i florfenikol (94% osjetljivih izolata), a najveća rezistencija utvrđena je na streptomicin (100%). Svi testirani testirani izolati vrste A. pleuropneumoniae bili su osjetljivi amoksicilin s klavulanskom kiselinom, cefotaksim, florfenikol i enrofloksacin, a više od 90% izolata bilo je osjetljivo na penicilin G, ampicilin, kolistin, gentamicin i spektinomicin. Najveća rezistencija utvrđena je na nalidiksičnu kiselinu (59%) i streptomicin (36%). Na sve testirane antimikrobne lijekove bilo je osjetljivo 27% izolata A. pleuropneumoniae, a 41% izolata bilo je rezistentno na jedan testirani antimikrobni lijek, dok je 27% izolata bilo otporno na 2 do 4 antimikrobna lijeka. Od testiranih bakterijskih vrsta najveći stupanj rezistencije imali su izolati E. coli, dok su izolati A. pleuropneumoniae imali najmanji stupanj rezistencije

    Antiseptic efficacy of chlorhexidine and povidone iodine rinsing lingual mucous membrane in dogs

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    Problemi u usnoj šupljini pasa koji se trebaju kirurški tretirati su mnogobrojni. Poštivanje pravila i procedura dobre antisepse osobito je važno ako se uzme u obzir činjenica da u usnoj šupljini psa ima veliki broj bakterija koje čine sluznicu usta zagađenijom nego površinu kože. Zbog toga je jako važno odabrati antiseptik koji će biti doista učinkovit i koji će u velikom postotku smanjiti broj patogenih mikroorganizama, čime bi se smanjila učestalost postoperacijskih komplikacija, osobito postoperacijskih infekcija. Cilj našeg ispitivanja bio je istražiti osnovnu aerobnu bakterijsku mikrofloru u ustima pasa i istražiti antiseptičku učinkovitost 0,4% klorheksidin glukonata i 1% povidon-joda na sluznici jezika u pasa. U ispitivanje su bila uključena 45 pasa, podijeljena u tri skupine. Skupina KG je tretirana s 0,4% klorheksidin glukonatom, skupina PJ s 1% povidon-jodom i kontrolna skupina FO s 0,9% fiziološkom otopinom. Brisevi su uzimani s dorzalne strane jezika, prije i nakon tretmana s antisepticima ili s fiziološkom otopinom za kontrolnu skupinu. Broj bakterija smo određivali semikvantitativnom metodom, a identifikacija izraslih bakterijskih kolonija je vršena nakon precjepljivanja pojedinačnih kolonija na krvne agare. Od ukupno 90 uzetih briseva izolirali smo i identificirali 29 vrsta aerobnih bakterija. U pogledu antiseptičke učinkovitosti, i klorheksidin glukonat i povidon-jod su pokazali statistički značajnu redukciju rasta bakterijskih kolonija u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom. Nije bilo statistički značajne razlike između ova dva antiseptika u pogledu njihove učinkovitosti na redukciju rasta bakterijskih kolonija, a broj pozitivnih briseva koje smo dobili nakon ispiranja i s klorheksidin glukonatom i s povidon-jodom bio je identičan. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je dvominutno ispiranje sluznice jezika s 0,4% klorheksidin glukonatom ili s 1% povidon-jodom preporučljivo za pripremu usta za kiruršku intervenciju.Oral disease in dogs occurs as frequently as in humans. There are many different oral diseases in dogs requiring surgical treatment. The hypothesis of this study was that the antiseptics chlorhexidine gluconate and povidone iodine inhibit bacterial growth and division on the surface of the lingual mucosa. The goal of the study was to examine the basic aerobic bacterial microflora in the mouths of dogs, and to test the antiseptic efficacy of 0.4% chlorhexidine gluconate (CG) and 1% povidone iodine on the lingual mucous membrane. A total of 45 dogs were included in the study, and divided into three groups. The CG group was treated with 0.4% chlorhexidine gluconate, the PI group was treated with 1% povidone iodine, and the control group S was treated with 0.9% saline. Samples were taken by swabbing the dorsal side of the tongue before and after treatment with the antiseptic or saline solution (n= 90 swabs). The number of bacteria was determined using the semi-quantitative method and identification of grown bacteria was performed following inoculation of separate colonies in blood agar. A total of 29 types of aerobic bacteria were isolated and identified from 90 swabs. In terms of efficacy, both chlorhexidine gluconate and povidone iodine showed a statistically significant reduction of the growth of bacterial colonies compared to the control group. There were no statistically significant differences between the two antiseptics in terms of their efficacy to reduce bacterial colonies, i.e. the same number of positive samples was obtained after rinsing with chlorhexidine gluconate and povidone iodine. It can be concluded that a 2-minute rinse of the lingual mucosa with 0.4% chlorhexidine gluconate or 1% povidone iodine is recommended as preparation of this part of the mouth for surgical intervention

    Sumnjivi i pozitivni slučajevi tuberkuloze goveda u Republici Hrvatskoj od 2017. do 2020. godine

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    During regular implementation of the bovine tuberculosis-free cattle herd certification programme in the period from 2017 to 2020, the Laboratory for Bacterial Zoonoses and Molecular Diagnostics of Bacterial Diseases of Croatian veterinary institute Zagreb, Croatia tested material from 161 cattle from 27 holdings in 11 counties. The material was submitted following findings of pathoanatomical changes detected in the slaughter line suggesting tuberculosis, or after a positive reaction of cows to the tuberculin comparative methods. Species from the M. tuberculosis complex (M. bovis and M. caprae) were isolated from samples of 58 bovines (36%) from 16 holdings in eight counties. M. caprae was confirmed in 55 bovines (34%) originating from 13 holdings in seven counties, and M. bovis in three bovines (2%), each from a different holding in a different county. Saprophytic mycobacteria were isolated from four bovine samples (2.5%) from three holdings in two counties, i.e., M. gordonae (1), M. celatum (1) and two unidentified species (M. sp.). Based on the obtained results, we can conclude that the main causative agent of bovine tuberculosis in the Republic of Croatia is M. caprae, which confirmed previous findings. Control of bovine tuberculosis in the Republic of Croatia is still needed and, in the future, should be further suppressed using tuberculinisation, controls on slaughter lines, depopulation of infected herds, and etiological determination of the causative agents.U razdoblju od 2017. do 2020. godine tijekom redovitog provođenja programa certifikacije stada goveda slobodnih od tuberkuloze goveda bakteriološki je u Laboratoriju za bakterijske zoonoze i molekularnu dijagnostiku bakterijskih bolesti Hrvatskog veterinarskog instituta u Zagrebu, Hrvatska bio pretražen materijal 161 goveda iz 27 različitih uzgoja u 11 županija. Materijal je dostavljen nakon nalaza patoanatomskih promjena na liniji klanja koje upućuju na tuberkulozu ili komparativnom metodom nakon pozitivne reakcije goveda na tuberkulin. Vrste iz M. tuberculosis kompleksa (M. bovis i M. caprae) su izdvojene iz materijala 58 goveda (36 %) iz 16 uzgoja u osam županija. M. caprae je ustvrđen u 55 goveda (34 %) podrijetlom iz 13 uzgoja u sedam županija, a M. bovis u tri goveda (2 %) iz dva uzgoja u dvije županije. Saprofitske mikobakterije izdvojene su iz četiri uzorka goveda (2,5 %) dostavljenih iz tri uzgoja (21 %) u dvije županije i to M. gordonae (1), M. celatum (1) i dvije neidentificirane vrste (M. sp.). Na temelju dobivenih rezultata možemo zaključiti da je glavni uzročnik tuberkuloze goveda u Republici Hrvatskoj M. caprae, a koji je bio uzročnik i u prijašnjim istraživanjima. Kontrola tuberkuloze goveda u Republici Hrvatskoj i dalje je potrebna te bi se i u budućnosti trebala suzbijati na temelju tuberkulinizacije, kontrolama na liniji klanja te depopulacijom inficiranih stada i etiološkim dokazom vrste uzročnika

    Izdvajanje meticilin-rezistentnih sojeva bakterije Staphylococcus aureus u objektima s rasplodnim svinjama u Hrvatskoj

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    Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) have emerged worldwide and have became resistant to a variety of antibiotics. MRSA colonisation in pigs was first reported in the Netherlands at 2005, where pigs were implicated as a source of human MRSA infections. Dust samples were collected from six large pig farms in Croatia from breeding pig facilities. On each farm, between 5 and 6 samples were taken by swabs. Of the total 32 swabs, isolates from 8 swabs from four of the six examined farms grew pink colonies on the MRSA select agar. The mecA gene was detected in all 8 isolates growing pink colonies on the MRSA agar. All isolates are resistant to penicillin, ampicilin, oxacillin, oxitetracycline and streptomycin. All isolates were susceptible to vancomycin, ciprofloxacin, florfenicol and sulfametoxazole/trimethoprim.Meticilin-rezistentni sojevi bakterije Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) izdvajaju se u cijelom svijetu i otporni su na različite antimikrobne lijekove. Infekcije svinja sojevima MRSA-e prvi su put opisane u Nizozemskoj 2005. s pretpostavkom da su svinje izvor infekcije MRSA-om za ljude. Uzorke prašine prikupljali smo sa šest velikih svinjogojskih farmi u Hrvatskoj iz objekata u kojima su smještene rasplodne životinje. Na svakoj farmi uzeli smo pet ili šest brisova. Od ukupno uzorkovana 32 brisa, iz osam brisova s četiri farme izdvojili smo ružičaste kolonije na MRSA selektivnom agaru. Kod svih izolata koji su rasli na MRSA selektivnom agaru kao ružičaste kolonije izdvojen je gen mecA. Svi izolati bili su otporni na penicilin, ampicilin, oksacilin, oksitetraciklin i streptomicin, a osjetljivi na vankomicin, ciprofloksacin, florfenikol i sulfametoksazol s trimetoprimom

    Molekularna epidemiologija infekcije vrstom Mycobacterium tuberculosis u goveda i ljudi - prikaz slučaja.

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    We describe a case of transmission of Mycobacterium (M.) tuberculosis infection from a man to cattle. M. tuberculosis was isolated from the bronchial lymph nodes of a heifer that reacted positively to bovine tuberculin but showed no gross pathological changes at slaughter. The cattle owner died of tuberculosis the same year the heifer was diagnosed with M. tuberculosis infection. M. tuberculosis strains isolated from the heifer and its owner were genotyped by mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units - variable number tandem repeat (MIRUVNTR) typing, which revealed identical MIRU profiles for both isolates. This is the first described case of M. tuberculosis infection in cattle and the first case of human-to-animal transmission of M. tuberculosis in Croatia.Opisan je slučaj prijenosa zaraze vrstom Mycobacterium (M.) tuberculosis s čovjeka na govedo. M. tuberculosis je izdvojen iz bronhalnih limfnih čvorova junice koja je pozitivno reagirala na tuberkulin, a prilikom klanja nisu utvrđene patomorfološke promjene karakteristične za tuberkulozu. Iste godine vlasnik goveda je preminuo od posljedica tuberkuloze. Izolati M. tuberculosis iz goveda i čovjeka bili su genotipizirani pomoću metode određivanja promjenjivog broja opetovanih sljedova nukleotida (engl. mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units - variable-number tandem repeat [MIRU-VNTR]) i u oba je slučaja bio utvrđen identičan rezultat genotipizacije. Ovo je prvi opisani slučaj zaraze vrstom M. tuberculosis u goveda i prvi slučaj prijenosa ove bolesti s čovjeka na govedo u Hrvatskoj


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    Background: Melitococcosis is one of the most widespread zoonoses worldwide. In the period from 2009 to 2013, comprehensive melitococcosis testing was conducted in the Republic of Croatia. Methods and results: During the testing, the Rose Bengal test was applied to 344019 blood samples of sheep and goats, and positive reactions were confirmed in 1143 (0.3%) of samples. The complement fixation test (confirmatory test) was conducted on 43428 samples, with positive reactions confirmed in 768 (1.8%) of samples. The organs and tissues of 336 sheep and goats were inspected bacteriologically, and Brucella sp. was isolated in 15 (4.5%) of samples. Positive serological and bacteriological reactions were confirmed in the Karlovac, Lika-Senj and Split-Dalmatia Counties. Bacteriological and molecular techniques (Bru-up/Bru-low and Bruce-Ladder) in isolates proved the presence of Brucella melitensis biovar 3. Conclusion: On the basis of this study, it can be concluded that Croatia has a favourable situation concerning the infection of ruminants with B. melitensis, and that ongoing controls of the disease are necessary