7 research outputs found

    A Patient-specific Knee Joint Computer Model Using MRI Data and \u27in vivo\u27 Compressive Load from the Optical Force Measuring System

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    Modelling of patient knee joint from the MRI data and simulating its kinematics is presented. A flexion of the femur with respect to the tibia from rm0o\\rm{0^o} to around rm40o\\rm{40^o} is simulated. The finite element knee model is driven by compressive load measured \\u27in vivo\\u27 during MRI process by using specially developed optical force measurement system. Predicted kinematics is evaluated against the high-quality model obtained by registration from experimentally gathered low-quality MRI at fixed flexions. Validation pointed out that the mean square error (MSE) for the Euler rotation angles are bellow rm1.73o\\rm{1.73^o}, while the MSE for Euler translation is smaller than 5.93 mm

    Directional 3D Wavelet Transform Based on Gaussian Mixtures for the Analysis of 3D Ultrasound Ovarian Volumes

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    Nemoteče spremljanje delovanja srca z optičnim senzorjem v postelji

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    Demographic trends suggest that by 2050 approximately 11 % of the world population will be 80 or older. If a fast increase of chronic diseases is also considered, it becomes clear the present healthcare capacities won\u27t be enough. The elderly and people with limited abilities must be assisted in their home environment and, thus, reduce needs for hospitalization and institutionalization. Today\u27s computer and communication technologies provide different smart devices, which is a core of emerging intensification of homecare services, in particular remote and unobtrusive monitoring of human functional- health parameters.Demografski trendi kažejo, da bo do leta 2050 približno 11 % svetovnega prebivalstva starejših od 80 let. Če dodamo še hitro naraščajoči obseg kroničnih bolezni, postane jasno, da sedanje zdravstvene zmogljivosti obremenitev ne bodo zdržale. Starejšim in ljudem z omejenimi sposobnostmi bo treba pomagati, da bodo čim dlje ostali samostojni v svojem domačem okolju, in tako omejiti hospitalizacije ter nujnost oskrbe v zdravstvenih zavodih. Današnje računalniške in komunikacijske tehnologije ponujajo pametne naprave, ki bodo kmalu omogočile bistveno intenziviranje zdravstvenih storitev na domu, predvsem kot nemoteče nadziranje parametrov funkcionalnega zdravja na daljavo

    Unobtrusive monitoring of human vital functions based on speckle interferometry with plastic optical fiber

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    In this paper, a speckle interferometer with a plastic optical fiber system is reported for unobtrusive monitoring of heartbeat and respiration. The sensor consists of a laser diode butt-coupled to the plastic optical fiber, whose exit face projects speckle patterns onto a linear optical sensor array, which leads to a simple and cost-effective construction. Speckle images are acquired in a sequence and transformed into a 1D signal by using a phase-shifting method. Band-pass filtering and Morlet-wavelet-based multiresolutional approaches were used to analyze signals for the detection of cardiac and respiratory activities, respectively. Ten young, healthy persons participated in system testing, by lying supine on a mattress with embedded plastic optical fiber. Experimental results show the proposed system and detection algorithms are highly efficient. Sensitivities of 99.4 0.6% and 95.3 3%, precisions of 98.8 1.5% and 97.9 2.3%, and mean delays between interferometric detections and corresponding referential signals of 116.6 55.5ms and 1299.2 437.3 ms were computed for heartbeat and respiration, respectively

    Construction of Patient Specific Virtual Models of Medical Phenomena

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    this paper. After a survey of related work in Section 2, major construction steps are outlined on an example of human knee joint in Section 3. Section 4 presents simulation results and quantitative assessment of quality for constructed models, followed by a discussion section which emphasises current modelling approaches and potential difficulties with the process of construction. Our conclusions also stress the applicative value of such models in the clinical practice. The present work summarizes a part of the SimBio project results [15