2 research outputs found

    Zooming on the region on chromosome 11 that showed the strongest signals in the Northeastern Siberian populations.

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    <p>The |iHS|, XP-EHH and PBS scores that showed strong signals (amongst top 10 ranking windows) in the Northeastern Siberian populations are shown in the upper panels for the different Siberian populations. The pink highlights mark the windows present in the top 10 ranking windows in the Northeastern Siberian populations. The rankings are marked on the respective windows in the respective test panels. Protein-coding genes present in the 4 Mb region are shown under the test plots with the genes present in our predefined cold adaptation list marked in bold font (<i>CPT1A</i> and <i>LRP5</i>). The position on the chromosome is given in Mb. The paintings of the phased chromosomes for the region in the Northeastern and Central Siberian individuals are shown underneath the <i>Position</i> legend. The aggregated ancestral probabilities from ChromoPainter for the Northeastern Siberian individuals are displayed below the paintings. The dotted red line shows the threshold for the upper 5% tail (0.75) and the black dotted line shows the mean of the genome-wide probabilities distribution of the Northeastern Siberian ancestor (red).</p

    Population structure analyses in Siberian populations.

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    <p>(A) Averaged sampling locations of the Siberian populations genotyped in this study. (B) Principal component analysis of Siberian populations and reference populations from West Asia (European) and Southeast Asia (Vietnamese). Each dot in the plot represents an individual. The PC axes were rotated 180 degrees anti-clockwise to emphasize the similarity to the geographic map of Eurasia. (C) ADMIXTURE analysis at <i>K</i> = 4. (D) Coancestry heatmap for the Siberian individuals and reference populations (Europe, Vietnamese) output by ChromoPainter/fineSTRUCTURE. The heatmap shows the number of shared genetic chunks between the individuals. The raw data is shown on the bottom left and the aggregated data is shown on the upper right of the heatmap. Adjacent to the heatmap is also the ADMIXTURE plot of the respective individuals. To the left is the maximum a posteriori (MAP) tree generated by fineSTRUCTURE which shows the groupings of the different populations. The following abbreviations are used in the Figure: ALT, Altai-Kizhi; BUR, Buryats; CEU, European; CHB, Han Chinese; CHK, Chukchi; E/SE Asia, East/Southeast Asia; ESK, Eskimo; EVN, Evens; EVK, Evenks; KRK, Koryaks; SHR, Shors; TEL, Teleuts; VTN, Vietnamese; X1, Northeastern Siberian admixed individuals; X2, Southern and Central Siberian admixed individuals; YKT, Yakuts. Reference populations are labelled in italics. Outliers removed in downstream analysis are blacked out in the tree.</p