142 research outputs found

    Cilicia and the Roman Empire: reflections on Provincia Cilicia and its romanisation

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    This paper aims at the study of the Roman province of Cilicia, whose formation process was quite long (from the 1st century BC to 72 AD) and complicated by various events. Firstly, it will focus on a more precise determination of the geographic limits of the region, which are not clear and quite ambiguous in the ancient sources. Secondly, the author will thoroughly analyze the formation of the province itself and its progressive Romanization. Finally, political organization of Cilicia within the Roman empire in its different forms throughout time will be taken into account.This paper aims at the study of the Roman province of Cilicia, whose formation process was quite long (from the 1st century BC to 72 AD) and complicated by various events. Firstly, it will focus on a more precise determination of the geographic limits of the region, which are not clear and quite ambiguous in the ancient sources. Secondly, the author will thoroughly analyze the formation of the province itself and its progressive Romanization. Finally, political organization of Cilicia within the Roman empire in its different forms throughout time will be taken into account

    Density separation of petrous bone powders for optimized ancient DNA yields

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    Density separation is a process routinely used to segregate minerals, organic matter, and even microplastics, from soils and sediments. Here we apply density separation to archaeological bone powders before DNA extraction to increase endoge-nous DNA recovery relative to a standard control extraction of the same powders. Using nontoxic heavy liquid solutions, we separated powders from the petrous bones of 10 individuals of similar archaeological preservation into eight density inter-vals (2.15 to 2.45 g/cm3 , in 0.05 increments). We found that the 2.30 to 2.35 g/cm 3 and 2.35 to 2.40 g/cm3 intervals yield-ed up to 5.28-fold more endogenous unique DNA than the corresponding standard extraction (and up to 8.53-fold before duplicate read removal), while maintaining signals of ancient DNA authenticity and not reducing library complexity. Although small 0.05 g/cm 3 intervals may maximally optimize yields, a single separation to remove materials with a density above 2.40 g/cm3 yielded up to 2.57-fold more endogenous DNA on average, which enables the simultaneous separation of samples that vary in preservation or in the type of material analyzed. While requiring no new ancient DNA laboratory equipment and fewer than 30 min of extra laboratory work, the implementation of density separation before DNA extraction can substantially boost endogenous DNA yields without decreasing library complexity. Although subsequent studies are required, we present theoretical and practical foundations that may prove useful when applied to other ancient DNA substrates such as teeth, other bones, and sediments

    Vitamin D deficiency is a risk factor for infections in patients affected by HCV-related liver cirrhosis

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    Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and its impact on infections in HCV-related liver cirrhosis. Methods: We enrolled 291 patients affected by HCV-related liver cirrhosis. Serum vitamin D levels were dosed at enrolment. The presence of infection was assessed at baseline and during follow-up based on physical examination and laboratory analyses. Results: Vitamin D deficiency (15 (p = 0.003), Child-Pugh class B/C vs A (p < 0.001), and active hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) (p < 0.001). At multivariate analysis, vitamin D deficiency (p < 0.01), HCC (p < 0.05), hospitalization (p < 0.001) and exposure to immunosuppressant agents (p < 0.05) were independent risk factors for infection at baseline. Conclusions: Vitamin D may play a role in the development of infections in patients affected by liver cirrhosis, and preventive strategies with vitamin D supplementation are to be evaluated in randomized controlled trials

    Research on Onomastics in the Areas of Korykos and Elaiussa Sebaste

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    Elaiussa Sebaste: note su un'iscrizione funeraria dalla basilica bizantina delle Grandi Terme

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    The funerary inscription taken into account in this paper has been found in 2012 inside a tomb in the north aisle of the Byzantine basilica built inside the Great Baths at Elaiussa Sebaste. The text, even if fragmentary in the first lines, offers new insights on funerary rituals within this church in the 6th century AD. It states in fact that the multiple grave (called somatotheke) was reserved to the nephews (anepsioi) of the metropolites of Tarsos. Such a privilege suggests that the bishop of Tarsos, whose name is not men‑ tioned in the inscription, may have had some particular links with Sebaste and with this church, perhaps being one of the euergetes involved in the (re)construction of the building. This large basilica was much probably part of a wider complex – including also the nearby church built in the agora – situated along the pilgrim route connecting Tarsos with Aghia Thekla

    La necropoli di Castel Sozzio, Civitella D’Agliano (Viterbo): note preliminari

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    Il contributo presenta i risultati preliminari delle indagini archeologiche condotte nel 2020 nella necropoli tardo romana e altro medievale di Castel Sozzio (Civitella D'Agliano, VT)

    Foreign Communities in Roman and Late Roman Asia Minor: Some Case Studies (Caria and Cilicia)

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    Ancient Anatolia was a land of transition of peoples and presented a great cultural diversity all over its history. This is due mainly to its particular geographic position, connecting East and West, which made it a territory of dialogue between cultures since its far origins. This region is an interesting case study for the topic of migration and migrant experience in Antiquity, as it was a multicultural region opened to political, commercial and cultural exchanges. Some case studies from the ancient regions of Caria and Cilicia will be presented


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    This article analyses an elaborated bronze earring found at Antinoupolis in 2019, unfortunately in a superficial layer. The earring consists of a circular hoop with a bulla on the front and a glass bead on the other extremity; it was also provided of a hanging pendant. Through the examination of its characteristics and morphology we can date it in the Early Byzantine age, more precisely in the 5th-7th century. This object attests that the art of goldsmiths was still in vogue in this period and testifies for the economic status of medium and high classes at Antinoupolis
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